Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any other characters what-so-ever!
AH! I'm so sorry for the long long delay. School started back up here and my schedule has driven me to madness. I promise to get more chapters up sooner!
Thanks for the comments, everyone!
Chapter Five
Kagome let out a very unladylike snort. "Sango, what on Earth made you think that?"
Her cousin gave her a glare. "Kagome, as smart as you appear, you are quite the imbecile. It is so very obvious that Captain Takahasi adores you."
"Even if that is true, Sango, I have to say that the feeling is not mutual. Now, come along, I wish to see what your father has to say about that idiot's idea. I am quite sure that it will be very entertaining." Kagome began to walk out of the alcove when Sango grabbed her arm again and frowned at her young cousin.
"Are you deaf, Kagome? HE LOVES YOU!"
Kagome slapped her hand over Sango's mouth. "Quiet!" She took it away and sighed. "Sango, Takahashi and I are quite opposite. He infuriates me and he finds me quite annoying! Now, please let me have my fun and go see what is going on." She tried once more to go out of the alcove and looked in the hallway to see if anyone had heard their conversation.
Sango sighed and looked at Kagome. "Say what you will, but I have one more question for you."
"If Inuyasha truly hates you, then why does he care so much about you marrying Hojo?"
"He doesn't care."
"You are both blind and deaf, my darling cousin! Inuyasha does care and I believe he is jealous of Hojo." she hissed.
Kagome spun around to face Sango, her cheeks in a light pink blush. "Now, listen to me, Sango. Captain Takahashi is probably prejudiced against Lord Fairfax. He called him a 'scoundrel'!"
"Oh, he didn't!" Sango gasped.
"Oh, but he did. Do you see? I don't know why that stupid hanyou is calling honorable men such names when he himself is one. Now, come along!" This time, Kagome took her cousin's arm and they left the alcove into the halls.
Sango walked beside her, still in disbelief. "I think you're wrong, Kagome. Inuyasha is hardly a scoundrel."
She did not pay attention to Sango, but kept looking down which halls that Inuyasha might have taken. "Believe what you will, my dearest cousin, but we are enemies. That is all there is to say. We completely despise each other. Have you not seen how we bicker?"
Sango nodded. "That is true. You two do go at it like cats and dogs."
"I do recall him saying that he liked women who were quiet and sensitive. You are definitely not that, Kagome."
She smiled and chuckled. "That is very true." She stopped and heard her uncle's 'Humph' in a room. "There! Now, let's see what your father has to say to that hanyou's nonsense." She dragged Sango in the room and noticed Inuyasha's frown.
"Really, Myoga, if you let her do this, her name and honor will be dragged through the mud if she goes through with this." he told the old man.
Kagome let out a bark of laughter. "Do not listen to such nonsense, Uncle. Captain Takahashi and I had come to a complete misunderstanding on the dance floor and he has done something childish."
His ears twitched and turned to her. "Even if your family doesn't do anything to stop you, my lady, I can assure you that I will. There are far more dangerous things here than there are in your precious India."
"Would you be one of them, Captian?" she replied with a sneer.
"Kagome!" Sango hissed at her. She looked back at Inuyasha and gave him an apologetic smile. "I am sure that she appreciates your concern, Captain, and it is so nice of you to take an interest in Kagome's welfare."
Kagome rolled her eyes. "What exactly do you mean, Takahasi?"
He gave her a serious look. "Lord Fairfax is not a man of honor, Lady Higurashi."
She looked up at him with shock and fear. "What? Is there something you know that I do not?"
Inuyasha gazed into her eyes, searching for something, but she couldn't exactly understand what. He sighed. "Let us go into the hallway." He took her upperarm and brought her out into the halls with Sango behind them. "Lord Fairax is-"
"Ah! Captain Takahashi!"
All three looked up to see none other than Lord Miroku. Kagome smiled, Inuyasha frowned, and Sango blushed as the handsome, young lord approached them. He gave them a bow and smiled.
"What do you want?" Inuyasha growled.
Miroku chuckled. "Nothing, my dear friend. Ah, who is this lovely young lady?"
Kagome blushed and nodded her head in greeting. "I am Lady Sango's cousin, Lady Kagome Higurashi."
He smiled and looked at Inuyasha with a grin. "So, this is the lady who was giving you the trouble on your last voyage, was it?"
Sango sighed in admiration and blushed when Miroku looked at her. "My lord."
"My lady. Would you care to dance?"
Her face lit up in happiness and she quickly pushed through Inuyasha and Kagome to go onto the dance floor with the charming young man. She smiled at Kagome and disappeared into the sea of dancers.
Kagome sighed. "I greatly await the day that I dance with my love."
The hanyou captain stared at her in anger and disbelief. "You don't love him. You can't."
She turned to face him and gave him a glare, then her face changed. She gave him a sly smile and walked past. "Can't I?" She quickly ran into Lord Fairfax's waiting arms and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Although her back was facing him, she could feel Inuyasha's heated, angry stare.
There ya go!
Sorry again for the late update guys!
Please comment!