Chapter 6-Confessions

Sakura and Sasuke stood together for quite some time. It had begun to drizzle a bit so they had the beach to themselves. The waves had gotten more violent and the water turned a deeper blue. The water had more foam along the surface.

A scream broke the silence between Sakura and Sasuke, "HELP!" The couple looked into the ocean to find a man struggling to keep his head above the water.

Sasuke's eyes widened, "I'll be right back Sakura." Sasuke went to get his surf board that he uses to save people.

Using her advanced mermaid sight, Sakura honed in on who was in the water. Her eyes lost their pupils as they zoned in. Sakura's eyes widened when she saw who it was. It was the guy who gave her the leg potion. The guy her father wanted her to marry. He was a merman so what was he doing drowning. Using telepathy, she talked to the guy.

Locomaru, what in god's name are you doing? You're a merman, you can swim!

I know, but Sasuke isn't right for you. So I am going to remove him from the picture.

What! you're going to drown him!

You've discovered my master plan.


Your father had your best intrests at heart when he picked me to marry you. I'm simply making it easier.

By drowning the man I love?

How else?

How could you do this? I am so not marrying you if Sasuke doesn't love me.

You havve no say in who you marry remember?

I don't care. I won't go through with it.

You'd better get back to normal because your boyfriend is coming.

Sakura's eyes went back to normal and Sasuke was by her side, "Sasuke please don't go."

"Why there's a man drowning?"

"You could get hurt!"

"I realized that when I took this job."

"But Sasuke..." Sakura's lips were tangled with Sasuke's. When Sasuke's pulled back he said, "I'll be back." Sakura was too shocked to say anything. She watched as Sasuke splashed into the water. In a matter of minutes he was with Locomaru. Sakura closed her eyes for she couldn't bear to watch what was going to happen. She heard a wave crash and when she opened her eyes she couldn't see Sasuke or Locomaru.

"Sakura!" Tenten and Hinata had arrived, "Where's Sasuke?"

"Locomaru is trying to drown him."


"The crab my father wants me to marry."

"Oh. Well go save him."

"It's at least two hundred feet down out there. I can't hold my breath that long."

"What are you talking about? You're a mermaid!"

"The potion Locomaru gave me limited by breath intake. I can only stay underwater with my gills for a limited time."

"Well, no one else can go down that far. Sakura, you have to save him."

"You're right Tenten. Here." Sakura handed Tenten they cover up she was wearing, "I'll be back."

Sakura splashed into the water and swam out to where Sasuke was last seen. She used her mermaid eyes to look into while she was under the water. She saw Sasuke struggle, but he was held down by a broken anchor, which was so coinsidently place there. Locomaru! Sasuke was at least 150 feet down and running out of oxygen. Sakura saw Sasuke's body go limp. She gasped. Taking a huge breath she plunged into the water. Her speed had seemed to have been used up trying to get out to here. She swam about fifty feet down before she could sense herself loosing oxygen. Come on! Damn it! Why can't I be a mermaid again?"

As if someone heard her wish, Sakura's legs were thorbbing in pain now. Her legs were being forced together and it felt as if something were breaking throught her skin. The potion is wearing off. In a matter of seconds, Sakura's bathing suit was gone and was replaced with her tail, and shell bikini top. Her hair however, remained pink for some reason. Once Sakura didn't know. All she did know what that her gills were fully functional and her speed was back. She raced down to Sasuke and, as quick as she could, removed whatever was holding him down. She wrapped one arm around his waist as she used her other arm to help propel her to the surface. She gasped at the new found air and placed Sasuke on a rock, nearby(man, this water is rocky).

Sasuke coughed up water as he felt air in his lungs once more. HIs vision was blurred due to the fact that he had been trying to look through salt water for a while. His head was on something hard and brown. A rock. He looked over and saw Sakura, only she didn't look like herself. Her white top was gone and replaced by two shells with, what looked like rops, tying them together and around her neck(If you can't picture it, think of The Little Mermaid). Sasuke's eyes widened when he saw her uh...extention. Her bottoms were also gone and replaced by a tail. He almost fell back into the water but Sakura grabbed his wrist before he could. She pulled him into a sitting position. There was silence between them for a few minutes. Sakura's tail had dried and turned into loegs again. Her orginal bathing suit returned. Before Sasuke could say anything Sakura said, "So now you know."

"What are you?'

"I am mermaid."

"A what?"

"A mer-maid."

"So that's why you love the ocean so much." Sakura nodded, "And how you got that sea turtle to come to you." Sakura nodded again, "But how?"

"Well, where I come from, there is no love. Father choose who their daughters are to marry."

"And that's why you have an arranged marrage."

"Yeah, but since I come to the surface a lot, I know love exists. I had to prove to my father that it does. He said that if I could, then he would give me legs."

"He would make you human?"

"Yeah. Tenten and Hinata said that they would help me. The night after we met the guy my father wanted me to marry, Locomaru, gave me a potion to give me perminate legs for a week and I took it."

"And that explains your speed during the race with me and Itachi."

"Right, I can still use my gills and speed when I'm underwater, but only for a limited time. When I was saving you I was running out of air myself, but the potion wore off and I became a mermaid again."

"And that explains the tail, but why do you have legs again?"

"When my tail is dry, it becomes legs. So, what happened out here?"

"Well, I was trying to save the dude out here, but her disappeared and something pulled me off my board and I fell into the water. It pulled me down and tried me down so I couldn't get up."

"I tried to stop you."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, using my mermaid powers I saw who was out here. It was Locomaru, he was trying ot drown you so I would marry him. I talked to him using telepathy. He told me his 'master plan.' I'm sorry, I put you in danger Sasuke. I guess I'll be going. I have a wedding to get ready for." Sakura slipped back into the water, making her legs become a tail again, "I guess this is goodbye Sasuke. I made a deal with Locomaru. If I couldn't find love then I would never come back to the sufrace again."

Sasuke grabbed her wrist before she left, "So, you didn't find love?"

"No, but I found something better. You." Sakura smiled a sweet one.

"So in a way you did find it."

"What are you saying Sasuke?"

"Well...uh...I'm trying to say...that...I...sort"


"Sakura, I love you ." Sasuke bent down and locked lips with Sakura. The sky immediatly cleared up and the fierce waves vanished. The sun was shining brightly too. When they broke apart, Sasuke noticed the different weather, "What happened?"

"You said the magic words. My father can minupulate water and weather. He was showing his anger at me but making a storm. In a way he was saying it was time to come home, but then you told me that you loved me. That proved to my father that love exists. He cleared the water and sky. He's realeasing me." Sakura sat on the rock again, but she was different, "See, my father gave me my own legs." Sasuke saw she had indeed been given legs and was back in the bathing suit she wore, "I love you too Sasuke. Let's go back to the shore." Together, Sasuke and Sakura swam back to the beach.