
Author: foxmagic

Disclaimer: I don't own.

Italics: thoughts and emphasis.

(A/N) Yes, well…HAPPY KNIVES DAY. Er…this is like and hour late. So…happy belated, etc etc etc, blah blah etc, Knives equals love. This is definitely pointless, written in one sitting, under an hour, at midnight, and does contain some OOCness. Or something. So read it and review only if you love me…or Knives. Either will do.


He hadn't meant to do it. God but he hadn't meant to do it.

Drunk, that's what he was. Drunk off of his brother's insanity, drunk off of a blasé lifestyle that he now found himself surrounded by, but certainly not accustomed to. It was bad enough that he even tolerated them, but to do that one thing…that thing which now must have damned his take-over-the-world scheme, which had been in progress for longer than she was even alive.

There. Knives finally admitted part of the problem. It was a her, sure enough. With a face, and arms, and legs, and…and…

He quickly sought out a hard surface to repeatedly hit his head against. Oh, he really hadn't meant to do it.

There was a knock at his door. Knives looked up, steeling his gaze and his tone, preparing for the living disaster that was Vash. There would be questions…lots of questions. And taunting. Can't forget that. Maybe some gloating too.

"H-Hello? Knives?"

His expression fell. That wasn't a male voice. It was…

It was her.

He didn't answer, hoping upon desperate hope that she would just go away. But no such luck.

"We need to talk. Come on…I know you're in there." Her voice suddenly grew in pitch. "I said OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!"

The door opened, amazingly enough. And Knives began to wonder if she really was human at all. She came in then, trying to pacify him with things like "It was an accident" and "…just forget about it." And wasn't it just easy for her to say such a thing? She wasn't the one getting the short end of the stick.

"As far as I'm concerned, it was your fault in the first place. So why should I have anything to worry about?"

"My fault? You say it's my fault? I wasn't the one who-"

"I was there, I think I might remember better than you what happened."

"You're an ass who twists the truth to make yourself feel better!" She was standing on her tip toes now, glaring at him with all the strength she could muster.

Knives glared back.

She tried her best to keep a smile from slipping out. He saw it, and still looking at her, grew perplexed as she began to laugh.

"And what is so funny?"

"Nothing." She said. "It was my fault completely. Absolutely."

"Of cour-" …eh?

Meryl nodded mischievously, rocking back on her heels and walking past him. "Breakfast will be ready soon. Don't be too long." And the door was shut.

Knives drilled invisible holes in the wood with a fierce look, one that could only be rivaled by the girl, herself.

It was an accident after all.

And accidents are known to happen more than once.




(A/N) Meh…I hope the accident was apparent enough. I just couldn't find a way to write the actual deed in without making it sound even more OOC.

Let's use those things called imaginations.

Upah! ;D
