Disclaimer: I don't own anything Superman/Smallville related. (If I did I would be rich and I wouldn't be writing Fan Fiction. Just kidding :)) Or "Guess Who" as in the game. C'mon you know what game I'm talking about! The "does your person have a beard?" Ok.. I'll shut up now :(

Hey guys, Sorry I couldn't update. My family from Florida came to visit and I had no time and/or privacy. Buttttttttt, I had time to think up some ideas! So, that's good aye? Ok, I'll stop talking...typing.. whatever.

8/5/06: Hey sorry guys this one took so long, I had some crappy ideas and I didn't want to post it. But now that its finally donnneee... here yah go!

Superman zoomed through the sky, to where he had heard Lana scream for help. The flight seemed the longest he had in a while. He kept replaying the conversation he had with Lois in his head.

Clark gently placed Lois down on the bed and changed into his Superman suit in a blink of an eye.

"Lois, Someone needs help. I'll be right back."
He moved over to the window, and began to take off when someone grabbed his cape.

"Let me go with you! Knowing you, this will probably be a front page story."

Clark began to bite his bottom lip, as Lois looked deeply into his eyes, furrowing her brow.

"I can't take you...you might get hurt. She might just want to talk."
Clark bit his tongue, regretting what he just said, as Lois looked at him with confusion.

"She?...It's Lana isn't it! That's why you don't want to take me! It's Lana that needs help!"
Lois stood up directing in front of him, pounding her fists into his chest. He grabbed her wrists lightly, not wanting to break anything.
"Lois, I have to go, she might be in trouble. Besides, she doesn't even know I'm... well, me."
A little relief started to grow in her eyes, as she settled down.

"Ok..." She tiptoed up to kiss his nose, as he held her for a second before he zoomed out of the window.
Clark could hear the faint sound of sobs beginning to start.

The sky was pitch black, as his feet touched the parks hard cement. Clark looked around, he had just been here with Lois. He focused his hearing to soft heels tapping against the ground, a voice caught his attention.

"You know," Clark spun around to see Lana tracing the beam of the bench with her finger, " All this time, I was so blind! But now it all makes sense, how you always had to leave in a hurry. How you kept secrets, how you were always the one to save me."

"I'm not sure what you're talking about, Miss." His voice was deep and heroic, trying his best not to sound like Clark Kent.
Lana made her way towards him, swinging her hips slowly, her hands smoothing down her dress.

"That's a load of bull, Clark," She came in closer to his ear, her hands were rested on his shoulders, pulling herself up, "And I thought Superman couldn't tell lies."
Her breath was warm, as it sent cold shivers down his spine.

"It seems like you are in no need for help Ms. Lang, I must be off now." His feet lifted off the ground, but he was brought back down to earth.

"You thought I forgot didn't you? I remember everything, from when you told me, to where I met Lex, to where I was in the accident. I remember everything Clark Kent."

Guilt clouded his eyes, as hurt filled Lana's.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't face the fact that the man I loved was an alien. But you, you! You didn't even give me a chance and for that you will pay."

"And how is that?"
Lana fumbled with something in her pocket. Moments later a bright green rock was face to face with Clark. His knees buckled, as he fell to the ground. Lana looked down at him with a smirk, as she lowered down to the floor and knelt beside him.

When he awoke, Clarks head was pounding. He rubbed his eyes, as he felt a slight poking at his side. His eyes bursted open, a little kid, the size of Jason, was poking him with a long stick. When their eyes met, the little boy dropped the stick and ran away, screaming his head off. Clark sat up and placed his head in his hands. He was dressed in his normal clothes, almost as if he had just gotten off work. He massaged his temples, as a car pulled up.

"Clark?" Two sets of footsteps scurried towards him, "Clark? Honey, its me?"
A pair of arms wrapped around him, the scent of perfume filled his noise.

"Lois?" He struggled to say, a smaller pair of arms wrapped around him.

"Daddddy! Where have you been? I woke up this morning and you weren't there!"

"Jason honey, Why don't you go inside, Me and Daddy have to talk."
Jason tried to argue, but his mother's facial expression said it all. He scurried into the school, as Lois struggled to pick Clark up. She flung one of Clark's arm around her shoulders and stumbled over to the car.


Lana Lang was sitting in an empty hotel room when she received a knock at the door. She opened the door, as a man in a hooded jacket limped in.

"I heard you were in town, so I decided to drop by."
The voice was too familiar, as he finally removed his hood.


"Long time no see, listen I need a favor."

"You haven't changed one bit." Lana replied, slumping down in the lumpy chair.

"I know, you know who Superman is. I also know that you're not going to tell me. Sooo, I was wondering if you could flag him down for me."

"Why exactly?"

"Just.. for a little fun," Lex reached out his hand, a small rock was placed in the palm of his hand, "You'll know what to do. As for me, I'm going to take a cat nap, wake me when its done." Lex kissed her cheek as he limped over to the bedroom. He removed his shoes, his right foot wrapped in bandage, with a puddle of red at the bottom.

"Clark, What the hell happened to you last night? I waited up for you, and when you never showed up, I got worried! I was about to call the police! But how do you report a missing Superman?"
Clark gulped down another water bottle, as he threw it into the pile of empty bottles.

"Last night, when I went to go 'rescue' Lana, she told me everything. About how she never forgot, and how I was going to 'pay'. Then she pulled out kryptonite... and... I don't remember anything after that."

"Didn't you leave in your Superman suit?"

"Yeah, and when I woke up, I was in this." Clark looked down at his clothes.

"She raped you!"


"That's the only logical explanation!"
Clark shook his head, at how silly a "logical explanation" could be.

"Lois, come here," He stated with a little smile. He pulled Lois into his lap, as he shifted in the leather couch, "Lets finished what we started."
Lois' eyes widened as Clark fiddled with her pants button.

Lois hazily opened her eyes, as she caught a glimpse of her fiancé. She smiled at the sight, as she squirmed up to kiss his cheek. She settled back down, and snuggled up next to his warm body. Lois laced her small hand with his own, as Clark finally awoke. His eyelids opened slowly, as he looked down at Lois. He kissed her forehead to the tip of her nose. Lois rolled over onto him, when she noticed the clock.

"3:45! OH SHIT, JASON!"
Lois hopped out of bed, as she searched around the room for her clothes. Clark opened his mouth to speak when,

Clark shot his attention to the window. Her voice was tiny, almost as if she was still an infant. He quickly changed into his suit and returned to Lois' side in an instant.

Lois was squatting trying to look underneath the bed, when she looked up.

"Duty calls." She replied, as she stood up against the man of steel. Even with the lack of clothes, Lois Lane was as beautiful as ever, and Clark still couldn't believe how in 11 days, she would be his lawfully wedded wife.
Clark wrapped his arms around her, placing his warm hands against her bare back.

"You promise you'll come home tonight?"
Clark gave a small smile.

"I'll do my best."

"And if that Lana shows up, tell her, I need to talk to her, in a deserted alley. With guns! Lots of them!"
He couldn't help but chuckle, as he kissed the top of her head.

Lois barely whispered, "Don't leave me."
It pained Clark to leave, but he had to.

"I'll be right back."
He zoomed out of the window. His stomach was filled with guilt.

Why is Lois acting this way? It's like she'll never see me again! It's like I'm leaving her for another woman! Which would never happ-

Clarks thoughts were interrupted, when he finally became aware of the situation. He seemed to be in the country, old fashion police cars were everywhere. A bright light shined into, what seemed to be, a well. His feet touched the ground, as he walked towards an officer.

"What's the problem officer?"
The man... or... woman, had their hat covering their face. Hiding any trace of facial features. The police jacket was two times their size.

"There's a kid stuck in a well. You know, the typical story."
The voice was in the middle of high and low. Almost as if it wasn't really theirs. Clark had heard the it once before, but couldn't match it with a face.
Clark wasn't about to waste another minute playing "Guess Who." He hovered over to the well. The girl was barely visible over the water.
"She broke her leg from the fall, so its a killer trying to stay above the water."
The cop returned to his side.

"I know what to do." Clark replied calmly. He placed his feet solidly on the ground around the well. Took a deep breath and stomped, like a bratty child, causing the ground to shake. For a minute nothing happened, but in seconds the ground below him fell apart. The well snapped in two, as he zoomed into it. Clarks broad shoulders caught the brick walls of the well every inch down. The walls crumbled at his shoulders. He finally reached the bottom, as the child's head went under water. He grabbed her hand and pulled her up, as he cradled her on the way up. She was a frail child, as he looked down at her leg. Her kneecap was a dark shade of purple, as her ankle dangled loosely.

Clark waited around, until the child was ok. The same officer that Clark had recently talked to was asking the child questions.

"Do you remember how this happened?"

"Yes mister, I was gettin' water from my mommy, just like she asked me too, and then some lady asked me if I wanted candy. I said that I wasn't supposed to talk to strangers. When I didn't take the candy, I turned away to get water, and I think she pushed me in!"

"Do you remember what this 'lady' looked like?"

"Mmmhmm, she was, kind of tall... well taller than me. She had long brown hair, she was very pretty. I remember when I fell, she looked into the well and she was on the phone. She said something like, 'Hey Chloe, No, I'll be there soon.' Or something."


As the crowd dispersed, the police called Clark over.

"Hey, man thanks." They grabbed Clark's hand. The hand was small, soft, familiar like.

"You're welcome."
They watched the last car speed past, as the person grabbed Clark's hand again. Something tingled his hand, as it stabbed into him. The person removed their hat, and large jacket.

"Lana... what... do you plan... on doing?" Clark struggled to say.

"Oh you know, a little of this, a little of that," She banged Clarks head into the police car door, before shoving him into the back seat, "Lois Lane, prepared to have your heart broken." She said with a smile.

Clark woke up with his head on the desk. He was at the Daily Planet, He straighted his back as someone pushed his head forward, causing him to hit him head on the desk.

"Where the hell were you last night?" Lois' voice was a fierce whisper.

"It's not my fault! It was Lana!"
Lois began to speak when the chief's door open.

"Lane! Get back to work!"
Lois shot Clark a "we'll-talk-about-this-later" look, as she returned to her desk.

Clark shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts, when he noticed the small tap tap of heels against the carpet floor. Lois seemed to also notice this, as she made her way to Clarks desk. Clark rotated his seat, to face the stranger.

"Hello Clark."

"What do you want? Haven't you caused enough trouble for... the... week?"
Lois came up behind Lana.

"Clark, I have to tell you something."

"Whatever you have to say, I don't want to hear it."

"Clark, I'm pregnant."

"Well isn't that good for you?"
Lois shifted uneasily.

"Clark... You're the father."
Clark looked at Lana with disbelief, his mouth wide open, as Lois tapped Lana's shoulder. She turned around, as Lois threw a fist into her eye socket. Causing Lana to topple over, and bumped her head against the edge of Clark's desk.

A/N: I know the endings kind of shaky. You're all probably like "Ok, she's only been in town for a couple of days, how can she know shes pregnant already?" Well you'll find out next chapter :)

Thanks for readddinnngggg!

Meg: Exactly! haha

Jacqueline Roget: I'm always worried when you review! Because you don't say much but it means so much! I can't tell if theyre good or bad :( haha

ItalHunni28: Yeah, I actually liked her! Well... until she got with Lex of course. I mean what was running through her mind! HE'S BALD! Bwahha... not that I'm against bald people... or anything hahaha

me: I know! I mean how are they going to bring Jack Sparrow back! I don't want to watch a movie with that ugly guy as captian! I want JACK! hahaha

Returns2006: Ummm, Richard will show up... eventually haha

javaman: Yeah, I'm not very imaginative hahaha.

oxiate: Clois all the wayyyy! I just like Clana in Smallville, just because theyre cute together. But I think its just ridiculous how she ends up with Lex. Thats just stupid!

Supermans II Lover: I'm glad my work here is done.

ANTHROPOLOGi: Hiiii, Sorry I couldn't update again haha. I left right after I posted my other chapter. But well.. here it is!

AniJap: Sorry this took so long haha

The Kiss of Death: You were right! Or... you having the feeling.. or your feeling was right... ok I'll stop :( hahaha

Sango-Miroku-4ever: Beth is for lovers! Bitcccchheess hahahaha :)

Jokerisdaking: "I never left him at all! Secretly of course. I killed that Kitty of his!." Said Lana after giving an evil laugh.

xorie5: you right :)

ashsilver4: Indeed! She is a buttface! hahaha

Angel452: Hi! hahaha. I hope this answered your questions!

PS. I was wondering.. what happened to those two people who left hysterical comments? I miss them :( hahahaha.

Thanks for reading! Please reviewww!

- Starahel