Disclaimer: Hello! I am back! I own nothing Superman related! I would sure love to have Brandon Routh in my closet though :). There is a slight Smallville reference. These are OOC characters! So don't be surprised if they do things that you think they wouldn't do. Did that make sense? Well... anyways, This is the sequel for Love and Some Verses. If you haven't read that, go read it, It'll make a lot more sense. I'm picking up where I left off soo... here it goes!

Clark sat next to Lois' body, her grip now cold. The doctors filed in, as they checked all of her vital signs.

"What do we do doctor?" One nurse asked the main physician.

"ABC, Airway, Breathing, Circulation."
The other doctors stood back as he started performing the tests. He put a hand close to Lois' nose. He gave a nod, informing there was no air coming out. He then became eye level to her chest. There was no rise or fall, she wasn't intaking air. He gave another dreadful nod. The doctor picked up Lois' hand, The engagement ring shimmering in the light. Her hand was pale compared to the doctors. He gently placed it back on the bed and gave another negative nod. She was gone. The nurse nodded her head and unplugged the monitors.

Clark screamed in his mind. Two hands grasped onto his shoulders, he didn't bother to turn around.

"I'm sorry for your lost, Mr...Superman."

Clark paid no attention to the doctor. His eyes were set on Lois' pale face. As Clark sat motionless, still seizing Lois' lifeless hand in his own, Richard walked in. Clark didn't bother to hide the tears streaming down his face.

"Hey... I'm sorry...Clark."
Clark didn't even care if Richard knew anymore. All he wanted to do was bash Richard's head into a brick wall.



"THEN... why? Why did you put her life in danger?... To get back at me?"

Richard stood inarticulately. After all, Clark was right. He struggled for words. Before he could even think of the right words to say, Clark spoke up.

"You know what I don't want to hear it. I just... I kind of want to be alone right now. Would you mind taking Jason?"
Richard shook his head, as he picked up the child and began to leave the room. He stood in the doorway as Clark stood up. He watched Clark move over to the bed and place a hand on Lois' cheek. He stroked it gently with his thumb, as he bent down and kissed her, one last time.
Clark zoomed out of the window, flying to no where, with tears flowing down his cheeks.

Even though you've been raised by human beings. You are not one of them, they can be great people Kal-El if they wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way.

Jor-El's speech came to mind. Suddenly, Clark had a place to go.

The Fortress.

His feet landed firmly on the ground as he trudged forward. The last time he was here, he realized that the crystals had been stolen. Clark entered, it was cold and quiet.

"Is something troubling you Kal-El?"

"Yes... The woman I loved just... died."

"I see, Remember that you are not one-"

"Not one of them, Yes, I know. But," Clark swallowed roughly, "She was...the only person, who made me feel...vulnerable. I just want her back. Please bring her back to me."

"Are you willing to risk an innocent life for one?"

Clark was puzzled, but then it struck him.
"Last time I confided in you, I needed help. Lana was dead, and you brought her back. Only to take my father!"

"There is a balance, Kal-El. If one should come back from the absolute, someone must take their place."

Was Clark really going to take this chance again?
"What... what happened to the crystal? You said it could only be used once."

"I said that, so when someone else passed, you wouldn't come back wanting to return their life."

He had been tricked. Was he prepared to take someone else's life? Someone he cared about deeply? What if he took Jason? How could he live with himself for risking his son?

"What is your choice?"

In front of Clark, where the crystals once were, Another crystal appeared. He moved forward, walking slowly over to the crystal. His hand reached out to take it, but he quickly pulled it back.

I chose to risk a innocent life, for Lana's. But he took my father, Do I really want to risk a innocent life of someone I care about? Clark thought to himself, as Lois' face flashed in his mind. The only woman he could ever love, was lying dead in a hospital bed. Clark reached his hand out in front of him, inch by inch. Still deciding whether or not to take the chance.His mind was still deciding, as his body knew exactly what he wanted. His fingertips touched the crystal, then he grasped it in his hands. A bright light appeared, Clark walked towards it. He swallowed roughly, whatever followed this, was he ready for it? Clark entered the light, his cape waving slightly in the wind. He took adeep breath and entered.

Clark found himself back at the hospital. Lois' monitors were off, had he not gone back in time far enough? He hung his head, for a moment but then looked back up at Lois.

"Lois, I'm sorry... for...everything. I'm sorry for.. not being able to save you.. I'm sorry for- for putting you and Jason in danger. I'm sorry for... leaving you. If I hadn't left, we might have a chance at normal life. You wouldn't of been engaged to Richard, he wouldn't have put you in danger... What am I talking about? I can't blame Richard for this whole thing... It was my fault."
Clark glanced at Lois, as a tear ran down his cheek. Suddenly, Lois shot up in bed, gasping for air.
Through tough breaths she was able to say,

"Lois? Lois! You're alive! You're alive!" Clark wrapped his arms around Lois' frail body, practically crushing her.


"Lois!" Clark crashed his lips into Lois', at first Lois was confused at how Clark was acting, but returned the kiss nonetheless.
Clark finally broke the kiss, having Lois gasp for air.

"What has gotten into you Kent? Well... not that I can complain or anything but, It's like you haven't seen me in years!"
Clark just shook his head, having a big goofy grin plastered on his face.

Lois continued, "I had the weirdest dream! It was like... I was in some white palace or something. Everyone had wings, and there were these big golden gates. And-... I probably sound silly." Lois ended with a smile.

She had been in heaven. Clark thought up the right words to say, to tell Lois that everything she dreamt, wasn't actually a dream.

"Lois... 5 minutes ago... you were dead."
Way to put it lightly, Clark. He thought to himself.


"You were gone, I talked to Jor-El, asking him to bring you back. He did! You're alive! But the thing is, he might take a innocent life."

"Jor-El? Who? What? Clark you're speaking in riddles."

"Jor-El, Is my father, Well biological father that is. I went to him after you died, and I asked him to bring you back, But there's a balance, If someone is brought back from the dead, someone has to take their place."

Lois still looked puzzled.
"So... So... You're telling me... I was... dead?"
Clark shook his head, Lois cocked her head to the side, and fainted. Falling back onto the bed.

Meanwhile, back in Smallville, Kansas.

The sun had already set as Martha Kent placed a kettle on the stove, she sat down on the couch and flipped on TV, searching through the channels. She finally found one that caught her attention. Its was a news broadcast, it showed Superman putting out a burning house in one puff. He waved at the camera, and smiled his signature smile, then zoomed off.
She continued to flip through the channels when she heard a slight thud, from upstairs. She glanced up for a moment, deciding whether or not she should find out what it was. The kettle began to whistle, so she decided not to. She walked over to turn off the stove when she heard it again. This time she wasn't going to just blow it off. There was someone in her house.
Maybe it's Clark. She thought to herself. But how wrong she was. She climbed up the stairs, one by one, grabbing onto the railing. Her fuzzy slippers not even making the slightest sound. She finally reached the top. Clarks room was dark, Clark couldn't be there. Then her gaze turned to her room, a small light was on.

She walked over slowly, thinking to herself, I probably just left a light on. She peeked through the crack in the door. Her drawers were wide open, clothes everywhere. She opened it slightly, stepping in, she rounded the corner as she spotted a man. He was rummaging through her jewelry box, when he turned around. He was wearing a black ski mask, hiding his face. Martha ran over to the phone, picking it up and began dialing 911.

"Put down the phone old lady."
Martha turned her head as the barrel of the gun greeted her forehead. She placed the phone on the desk, but it slipped off. Martha raised her hands up as the man dug the gun deeper into her forehead.
The man stepped away, as he walked back to her jewelry. Martha kept glancing over at him, as she pressed the buttons on the receiver. The phone was ringing as the man looked back.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"
At that time someone on the other line of the phone answered.

"9-1-1, how may I help you?"


"Who has a gun? Ma'am?"
A gunshot was heard as Martha's body hit the floor with a soft thud.
"Ma'am? Are you there? Are you ok?"

Blood began to stain the nice, white carpet as the burglar began to leave. A shiny ring on Martha's finger caught his attention. The man picked up her left hand and slipped off her wedding ring. He allowed her arm to drop.
"Hey, Thanks!" He said, as he turned around, leaving Martha to die. The man exited the house when she finally spoke.

"Clark... hellpp..." Her eyelids started to droop, as her face became pale.

Clark entered the bedroom with a tray. Jason was sitting next to his mommy on the bed, coloring a picture. Clark sat down next to Lois, placing the tray on the table next to him. He took a spoonful of tomato soup and made a airplane sound.

"Opeenn upp!"

"Clark, I'm not three, I can feed myself!"

Clark pouted his bottom lip.

"Fine fine!" Lois opened her mouth, as he placed the spoon on her tongue. He tried pulling it out, but Lois was biting onto it. He tugged softly, not wanting to pull her teeth out. He tugged again, Lois didn't give up. Finally Clark let go.

"Quitter." Lois joked, climbing over Clark to put the spoon on the tray. She gave Clark a light kiss, lifting her left hand to admire the ring. She settled back down before she spoke again.

"Soo... When are we going to have this shin-dig?"

Clark chuckled, "How about... innnn... October? That's about 3 months away."

"3 months? How about next week?"

"Next week? What's the rush?"

"There could be a young, attractive girl, with the hots for you, waiting to steal you away from me!"

Clark let out a low laugh, "Even if there was, The only woman I could ever love is you."
A smile came to Lois' face as the phone ring. He kissed Lois' forehead, as he turned to leave.


"Hello, Is this Clark Kent?"

"Yes it is."

"Clark, I have some bad news for you. I'm Dr. Lara Brown, your mothers doctor. I'm sad to say, your mother has passed."

Clark tried to speak, but nothing came out.

"Are you there?"

"Yeah... I'm here... Wha-What do you mean she passed? What happened?"

"The police received a call this evening, Your mother was begging for help when they heard a gunshot, and a soft thud. They rushed over there to see what happened. It looked like a burglary took place. The suspect must of been long gone before the police arrived. She had lost a lot of blood when she arrived, the bullet struck a nerve, causing her to bleed. Even if she had made it, she would be paralyzed. There's a note, its made out to you, If you would like to get it. There's a man named Ben? I believe that's his name, he said he will plan...everything.. you know for the funeral. I'll give it to him, he's here right now. Would you like to talk to him?"

"Um... Uh.. sure, yes please."
Lois exited the bedroom to see what was taking Clark so long. His expression said it all. She wrapped an armaround his shoulders as he began to speak again.


"Ben, how are you holding up?"

"I've been better. I saw all of the police cars at the house. When I walked in, they had me a gunpoint. I told them all about me, they let me ride in the ambulance with your mother. "
Clark still couldn't say anything, "Clark, don't worry about anything, I'll... plan the...everything."

A small tear slide slowing down his cheek, Lois wiped it away with her sleeve.
Once Clark hung up, he turned to speak.

"My moms gone, Lois."
Lois didn't know what to say, instead she took Clark in her arms, as he cried into the crook of her neck.

The sky was a dark shade of gray, as mourners huddled around the casket. Lois grabbed tightly onto Clarks hand, nonverbally saying, "I'm here." As Clark, Lois and Jason stepped up, everyone stepped back, allowing them their time. Clark picked Jason up.

"Mom, I'd like you too meet your grandson and your soon to be daughter in law." A small smile came to his face.
He knew when he asked Jor-El to bring Lois back, he was risking someone else he cared deeply about.
They all watched as the casket was lowered. It all brought back memories to Clark. Last time this was happening his mother was crying hysterically, as his father was being lowered.

As the crowd dispersed, a hand grasped onto Clark's shoulder. It was Ben, his eyes red from tears. He didn't have anything to say, he just handed Clark the letter and walked away, wiping tears from his eyes. Clark grabbed onto Lois' hand firmly as he held onto Jason, they walked away slowly. At the corner of his eye, Clark could of sworn he saw his mom and dad. When he turned to look, no one was there.

Clark sat on the roof of his apartment building. He didn't want to wake Jason and Lois. The letter was folded, nothing fancy, just creases on lined paper. With "Clark" sprawled across the front. Even in her dying moments, she had managed to think of Clark. It stated:

Dear Clark,

If you're reading this, I'm probably gone by now. You would think my last moments
on earth would be terrifying, But its safe to say they're not. I believe its my time to go,
and just because I'm gone does not mean you have to mourn. Live your life as if I was
still here, I am still here, I am just watching over you now. I love you, Clark.

Love, Mom.

His eyes swelled up with tears, as a small smile came to his face. She knew that it was hertime to go, and she wasn't afraid. At least she was with Jonathan now. Clark returned to his apartment, locking everything up. He made his way to the bedroom, Jason was snuggled up against his mom. He tried his best not to wake them up as he climbed into bed. He kissed Lois and Jason goodnight. Soon enough he fell asleep, next to his fiancé and son.

Yay for sequels!

Thanks for reading!
Please Reviewww! I would love to see all the people who reviewed Love and Some Verses!

- Starahel