Posted on 24/12/2006 (dd/mm/yyyy). I do not own the Teen Titans, but this story is my original work.

Working on Christmas Eve huh? Yes I am indeed. Merry Christmas to you. Also, it's been nineteen days since my last post. Getting sloppy huh. Well, I know none of you mind, so I'll try not to worry about it. Well hey, it is Christmas, after all.

I did promise a shout this chapter. So Tilly6284, thanks for the continued support, plus the great reviews. I doubt anyone else knows (or really cares), but Tilly6284 does a little beta reading for me. I swore I'd never use a beta reader, but sometimes they can help to just pick up little mistakes you miss and what not.

Well then, on with chapter thirteen. The critics are calling this one the new chapter twelve, but I don't listen to them. Teen Titans, Go!


Chapter 13

Raven stared at her reflection. She had long since passed the stage where the face that looked back at her seemed to be her own. The more she had observed it, the less familiar it seemed to become.

She broke off her eye contact and looked down at the running tap. It may have been a waste of water, but the noisy gushing which tore through the silence provided needed mental refreshment. Raven was definitely one who appreciated the quiet times, but days on end with barely more than her own thoughts were trying.

Watching the water drain away, she contemplated how little she really had to do. Sure, she could meditate, but she had traditionally used that to escape the bustling environment she was subjected to. Was it even possible to meditate too much?

Just as she started to address the seemingly paradoxical problem of her need for solitude versus her need for the affection of her friends, the clank of the door cut off her chain of thought.

In stepped the doctor, looking slightly flustered. On noticing Raven at the sink, she breathed a visible sigh of relief. "Raven, there you are. Are you okay?"

"Umm…sure," shrugged Raven, turning off the tap.

"Oh right," said the doctor, looking a little confused. "Well, the soldier said that you had collapsed…"

"I did not collapse," Raven informed with her usual lack of expression.

"I see. Well I'll go and check with the guard…"

"No… wait," called Raven, holding up her hand.


Raven took a moment to consider how best to phrase what she wanted to say. "Do you know anything about meditation?"

"I know about some alternative therapies…"

"Well I use meditation for relaxation. Sometimes," she continued, "you can reach such a level that it can take a short while to rouse you…"

"Oh I see," nodded the doctor. "So… shall I take it that was the situation in this case?"

"That's right."

"Ah. Well that's a relief," she smiled. Raven raised an eyebrow, unsure of whether it was appropriate for this so called doctor to be so free with her feelings. Was that really professional?

"Not really," mumbled Raven.

"Well, as long as you're alright…" she said, giving a look that clearly prompted an answer.

"I'm fine."

"Well then, I'll get out of your hair." She briefly surveyed the room before nodding to Raven and making her exit.


"So, what's the news?" asked Robin, pacing back and forth.

"I wish I could say I had good news," explained Atticus, "but I don't."

"So then it's bad news?"

"Not really. I talked with Hamilton, but I didn't get a chance to put all my questions to him."

"Why, what happened?"

"Oh, nothing in particular. He just had other things to do."

Robin's face showed telltale signs of annoyance, but his voice remained even. "Other things?"

"Don't worry, I've already scheduled another meeting through his secretary."

"Okay. So what did you learn?"

"Well," replied Atticus, taking some notes from his briefcase, "first off, you're all in the frame for murder."

Robin stopped pacing and took a seat next to Atticus. "I guess that figures. Did they examine the body yet?"

"They're still working on that."


"I also asked him about the newspaper."

"Oh?" Robin perked his head.

"He says he doesn't know anything about a leak."

"I'm sure he doesn't," responded Robin with an edge of sarcasm. "Anything else?"

"That was it for that session."

Robin raised an eyebrow. "That was it?"

"I'm afraid so." Before Robin could verbalise his frustration, he continued. "He was quite a tricky customer, but we'll get him."

"Get him how?" grumbled Robin, lowering his head. "For god's sake, we're trapped in here, and for what…"

"You're doing the right thing," reassured Atticus. "If you guys are seen to be above the law, it kind of discredits you as crime fighters."

Robin sighed. "I know. It's just so frustrating being held here. Who knows what could be going on outside."

"Well, on the bright side, we still have one good piece of evidence on our sides."

"I know…"


"…the body!" announced Ramsey enthusiastically, clicking his fingers and looking very pleased with himself.

"Body?" questioned Jameson, looking up from his soup.

"Yeah. I just realised, it's the key."

Jameson shook his head and continued eating.

"Seriously, think about it. There are no witnesses, and all other evidence is pretty much circumstantial. That is the key piece of evidence, surely."

Jameson watched Ramsey's excited expression and rubbed his chin. He had to admit, he had a point. "When did you start thinking like a lawyer?"

"If I was a lawyer, I might have figured it out more quickly. Damn, it just never hit me before. I mean, that's the concrete evidence right there. If there was going to be a cover up, that would have to be the first port of call."

"Yeah, I guess. But if it was the first port of call, they would probably already have done their thing. Taken care of it, I mean."

"I guess…" said Ramsey, mulling it over. "But there would still need to be a body."


"And it would still have to have been killed by damage which would clearly implicate the Titans."

"So, you're saying they would have swapped it with a body which would class as evidence for their case?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

"But what if it was already…"

"First priority is getting a look at the body. Will you help me?"

Jameson took a deep breath and reviewed his options. Help Ramsey and possibly get demoted or receive a court martial, or stick within the rules and keep his job. Even if he wanted to choose the last option, he knew it would be the harder to live with. Some innocent kids might go to jail if he did not act. Ramsey had put forward a good case. Still, if there was a third way, which meant both investigating the body as well as keeping his job safe, that would be ideal. "If we just looked at the body," he suggested, "that's not against any rules that I know of."

Ramsey smiled and nodded. "Me neither."


Raven folded her legs on the bed, taking a deep breath. She tried to shake the irritating thoughts that plagued her mind. Why was that woman taking such an interest? Where were the others being held? What was the meaning of that premonition? How their case progressing? Why had she not seen the light of day in days? Why was she not given a cup? Why did her cloak have to go missing at the worst possible time?

She took another deep breath and allowed those questions to wash away. They were no closer to being answered, but being able to let go of them was key to a relaxing meditation.

She relaxed her elbows atop her knees and closed her eyes. As she concentrated on her breathing, she pictured herself in a peaceful environment. The waves lazily lapped against the evening shore, and the moon cast its enchanting influence over the city. The air was warm and seductive, and everyone else lay resting in their beds. Raven had several recesses in her mind into which she could retreat, and this one was most adequate.

She released a breath and allowed the setting to stimulate her senses. This was a good place to be.

Beast boy strode over with exaggerated movements and plopped himself at her side, groaning loudly as he shifted himself into a less painful position. She suppressed the beginnings of a smile, as she felt his comforting presence. It was nice to know there was someone friendly nearby.

He gazed across the water, his eyes chasing the glints of the moon that rose and fell with the waves.

"It's good to see you again," he said softly. Yes, he could be annoying at times, but he could also be one of the most understanding and comforting people Raven knew, even if she was at odds to admit it.

"…and you," whispered Raven.

"Nice night. So quiet."

"It's good to be outside again."

"Sure is," he replied, smiling warmly.

Reaching his arms above his head to stretch, he yawned, rocking slightly to and fro. "You know I'm not really here, right?"

Raven nodded. "I know."

He shrugged. "Alright then. Just so long as you know."

They sat there for an extended moment of comfortable silence, letting the night wash over them.

"So… why did you imagine me?"

She shook her head slowly. "I guess thinking about the tower wouldn't be the same if nobody was there."

"You mean you prefer it with your friends?" he probed, leaning a little closer.

She cast a raised eyebrow in his direction, before lowering it and revealing a warmer expression. "Sometimes," she admitted. "But don't tell anyone."

"Hey, I'm you. Who am I gonna tell? The only person you hide it from is yourself."

"I don't hide it. You guys can just be very annoying."

"Whatever," he smiled wryly "But you know you're only trying to convince yourself."

She sighed, offering no reply. He was right of course. Or was it she who was right? Even though he was her, her mind made him as accurate a representation as it could manage.

"Stop thinking about whether I'm me or not."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

He smiled and shook his head, looking out over the city. "You remember the entire skyline?"

She considered briefly the point of answering a question that she herself had asked, but figured it was all part of the same fantasy. "I come up here quite a lot."

"Tut tut," he said, waving a finger. "We both know that…"

"… it could be just how I picture the city to be." Although asking questions of oneself was a recommended path to self understanding, did the one asking really have to be Beast boy?

"Yes, it does," he answered frankly. "You lash out at people. That's your way of showing affection. But you lash out at me the most of all…"

"I'm really not going there."

"You already did," he explained.

"Fine," she admitted grudgingly. "You are tolerable sometimes. Happy now?"

"Depends. Are you?"

She sighed, pushing her hair behind her ears. He was awkward enough to argue with at the best of times, but when he had access to her thoughts, she was never going to be able to win. Even so, there was comfort to be had in the act of arguing with him itself. That was something she had not expected to miss.

"Sure would be good to be out of here," he mused.


"Not here here. The prison."

"Oh right. Well, we just have to sit tight for now."

"Well, I'm going to sit tight, but you're supposed to be exploring the other rooms, remember?"

Raven eyed him curiously. Now that he mentioned it, she had intended on continuing her ethereal wandering, but how could he be able to remind her if she and he were one and the same.

"I don't know how it works either," he shrugged.

"Well then," she said, coming to her feet and dusting herself off. "I guess I have to go."

"Later," he waved.

Her awareness of the tower drifted, and the real world trickled back into her mind. The tower was definitely more appealing, but she had work to do.


Beast boy yawned and looked up at the ceiling. It was not the evening, although he could not be sure exactly when it was. With so little to do, sleeping was starting to become a way of passing the time.

Resting his hands behind his head, he tried to fight off the pang of stress that came from worrying about Starfire or Raven. Still, he thought, even if they were hurt, they would surely be in good hands. After all, they had a doctor on call, and probably some decent medical facilities.

He rolled over on to one side. Somehow, he could take little comfort. But then he could do nothing about it either. He would just have to deal with it. He would also have to deal with the fact that he really did not have much of an idea of what was going on here. Sure, they had been arrested, but what was being done about it? How long would he be in here? When would he see his friends again?

Sighing, he rolled over on to his other side. Thinking worrying thoughts always made it more difficult to sleep. He made a conscious decision to try and think about something else. But what could he think about to push away those thoughts? It would definitely have to be something interesting. Besides, he had heard that taking a break from a problem can help to solve it. Not that here was anything to solve here, but not thinking about it for a while might do him good.

His own room. That would do it. His own comfy bed. Not that this bed was uncomfortable, but his own… now there was a bed. Comfortable, warm, welcoming and nice smelling. Well, to him at least. The others probably would not appreciate it, but maybe that was part of the appeal. It was a private place for him alone.

"Think about what you're missing," he muttered sarcastically, "yeah, that'll make you feel better." Maybe he could think about Clara. Yes, there was something good to think about. Plus, she was owed some Beast boy thinking time. She must be starting to wonder where he had gotten to. Hopefully she would not be thinking he had just stopped calling her. Then again, it had only been a couple of days; she had probably not given it too much thought.

As he drifted off, he went over their date after the mayor's ceremony. The sharing of the pizza, the debate over the best type of milkshake and the walk back to her place. Her dad was still a concern, but at least he was welcoming. Then there was the video game session. She was definitely well practised at games, since she was almost as good as him. Although she did resort to cheating to win.

"Come on Beast boy," she yelled.


"I've got it in the bag!"

He focused on the TV screen before him. Even though he had not made any effort, he seemed to be just about catching up to her.

"Clara for the win," she boasted. He pushed several buttons on the pad, trying to get the hang of the controls, but there seemed to be little correlation between his actions and what was going on in the game.

"Come on man, you can beat her," said Cyborg, who was now sat to Beast boy's left.

As they both watched, the pressure seemed to grow on him to win the race, but the stress also grew as his frantic button presses seemed to amount to nothing. "I think it's broken," he complained.

"Aw now there's a sore loser," smiled Cyborg, shaking his head in mock disappointment.

"Yeah, c'mon Beast boy."

"I don't… get it," he said in confusion, still trying to figure out the controls.

He opened his eyes, taking a sharp breath. He slowly realised where he was, and relaxed again, patting his pillow and settling himself under the duvet. It was so good to be in his own bed.

Even though he thought about getting back to sleep, he was awake now. He lay facing his door, his eyes open yet resting. "Aaah," he breathed. Waking up early had many advantages, such as being able to enjoy a relaxing, peaceful moment without having to worry about where he had to be or whether he was late for something.

Glancing at his bedside clock, he figured the only other person who would be up at this hour would be Raven. Maybe he should go and see if I could find her. Then again, his bed was just so warm. She could wait.

A steady rapping on his door interrupted his efforts to completely wrap himself in his duvet. Perhaps if he waited, they would just go away.

"Go away," he grumbled into his pillow before pushing the duvet off him. "Alright," he called, "I'm coming."

He slid out of bed and trudged over to the door, avoiding an old pizza box. Even if this was Raven, he was definitely going to give the person at the door a stern talking to.

The door slid open. It was Raven. It did not seem to him like she was about to tell him off for something, nor did she appear to be in a bad mood generally. Could her expression be hinting that she was glad to see him? This was a thought he dismissed quickly.

"Beast boy, are you alright?" Even her voice bore traces of concern.

He eyed her suspiciously. "I guess… at least I was until you got me out of bed."

"You do know this is a dream, right?"

"Actually no, I just woke up," he said, pointing over to this bed. "You just interrupted me."

She shook her head for a moment, and reconsidered her approach. "We are in your dream right now. You're currently asleep in a prison cell," she explained.

He scratched his head, further messing up his post sleep hair. "Then… aren't you part of my dream too?"

"Yes and no."

"Err… okay…"

"Yes in the way that I am in your mind and in your dream, and therefore a part of it, but no in the way that I am not an entity of your mind."

"So… you're saying you're actually Raven?"

"That is what I'm trying to say."

"Hmm…" He continued to look bewildered. "Wait a minute. How do I know you're not just in my mind, but acting as I think you normally would?"

"That is a good question," she admitted, sounding somewhat impressed.

"I don't think the real Raven would ever compliment me like that," he pointed out.

"She might."

"Well, I don't think she would."

"This is getting us nowhere," she protested.

Beast boy rubbed his chin, thinking over the situation. "This may be a stupid question," she raised an eyebrow, "but do you have any ideas?"

"I do," she said, clicking her fingers. Before he knew what was going on, they were stood in what seemed to be some kind of prison cell.

After several moments, a look of realisation came over Beast boy's face. "Ohh…" he said, nodding slowly as his brain caught up.

"So you're with me now?"

"I think so… so I'm having a dream that I'm trapped in a cell while, in reality, I'm actually asleep, trapped in a cell." That may be the last time he ever had use for that sentence.

"That's about it."

He looked over toward the bed. "Then why isn't my body laid there?"

"Because it's a dream and you didn't dream that," she replied, with a strong intonation that Beast boy had been robbed of any chance at an education.

"Oh, right," he grinned sheepishly. "But then, assuming you're not a dream, why are you here? More to the point, how are you here?"

"I can…" she considered for a moment explaining it in full detail, but concluded it would most likely be a big waste of time.


"I projected my mind into yours."

He clasped his head in his hands mockingly. "You totally invaded my mind without permission."

She sighed. "Well, at least you believe I'm not a figment of your imagination."

"I never said that."

"Well… I don't think it's possible for me to prove I am who I say I am. At least, not in our current circumstances."

"Hmm…" he said, rubbing his chin. "How would you prove it ordinarily?"

"Well, I'd just say something particular and unusual now, then repeat that thing next time I saw you when we were awake."

"Aah," he nodded. "But since we're locked up, you can't do that now."


"And there's no other way?"

She considered the problem for a moment. "As far as I know, there isn't."

"What about if you told me something that only you know?" he suggested.

"Hard as this may be to believe, I have already considered that option."

"Then why wouldn't that work?"

She eyed him up, wondering whether he would understand the answer if she told him. Still, maybe confusing him would shut him up. "Well, anything I tell you that you supposedly don't know could be true or not."

"Umm… how so?"

"If this were a dream, and you asked me to tell you something that you didn't know, your mind would just come up with a likely answer. You'd have no idea if it was the truth or not."

"So… you're saying the only way to prove it is outside the dream?"


"Hmm," he replied, thinking deeply, pressing his chin into his hand. "So… you can't think of any way? Oh wait… did the doctor visit you? Oh! Did you collapse?"

Raven shifted around on her feet uncomfortably. "I did not collapse."

"Then what?"

"I was just meditating. One of the guards thought I had passed out or something."

"Aha!" he declared, snapping his fingers. "I can ask her next time I see her. If it's true, then this was you."

She rubbed her nose and closed her eyes. "Yes Beast boy," she replied calmly with a mildly patronising tone, "but that doesn't solve our current situation."

"Oh… right. Well, there's no harm in me just assuming it's you for now, is there?"

"Well, no, but it might give you false hope if you think I'm alright when I'm not."

"Don't even joke about that," he responded sternly. "Besides," he waved his hand, "I can check with the doctor next time I see her."


He grinned, clearly having yet another brilliant idea. "You know, since you can take us to different places…"


"Well, you could take us somewhere nicer," he proposed with big, pleading eyes.

Raven shrugged. "I suppose. Anywhere in particular?"

"Hmm…" he scratched his chin, wearing something of a mischievous grin.

"Okay," he decided finally. "Jump City ice rink in the middle of winter." He waved his hands, attempting to represent the falling snow as Raven watched. She was not impressed. "C'mon Ray, please?"

"Fine." She clicked her fingers, and before he had time to blink, they were stood in the middle of a vast field of ice.

"Wow," he grinned excitedly, turning around and taking it all in. A snowstorm blew in from the east, obscuring all but the nearest objects with thick, white flakes. Shielding his eyes with his hands, he could just about make out the high rise buildings of Jump City which surrounded them on all sides. A strong wind whistled by his ears, chilling his extremities. He was far from caring though. This was great.

"Are you sure this was the best idea?" came a raised voice from behind him.

He grinned at Raven, raising two thumbs up. Having the ability to control where he went in his dream was extraordinarily cool. He could go anywhere, bound only by his imagination.

"Okay," he yelled. "How about somewhere warmer?"

She would have been annoyed at his short attention span, but she was also eager to find some place a little more hospitable. Clicking her fingers, she changed their location once again.

"What the… I didn't mean here," he complained, shaking the snow from his head.

She shrugged and took a seat on the couch. "I didn't come here to take you on a tour of the world, you know."

"But the tower? Come on, there are far better places. And anyway, why can't I change locations? It's my dream after all," he griped. "Also, what's with the finger clicking? Shouldn't it be like 'Azarath Metrion Beast boy' or whatever?"

"You can change locations," she explained. "As for the clicking, that's more about focusing your mind."

He took a seat beside her and closed his eyes. If anyone could have been said to be thinking hard, it would be Beast boy now. His eyes were scrunched shut, and his face creased with determination. "Nnngh," he gurgled.

Raven folded her arms and watched him struggle. He slowly cracked open one eye, before opening the other and looking somewhat perplexed. "This isn't my own personal castle filled with women."

Raven groaned.

"I don't get it then. How do I change location?"

"It takes a certain amount of practise and discipline, you know..."

"Yeah yeah, but how do I do it?"

"Fine," she growled. "It's all about realising this is a dream."

"But I already know this is a dream. See? It's a dream," he said, clicking his fingers several times.

"I can tell you it and you can tell yourself it, but until you fully accept it you can't really manipulate it. To you," she gestured around with her hand, "all this might as well be reality."

"Hmm… so then how can you change it?"

"I don't really; you do."

He rubbed his entire face with both of his hands, before shaking his head. "Alright, I officially don't get it."

"It's just a matter of practise. So anyway, to the reason I'm here…"

"Yeah, let's talk about that."

"Well, I just wanted to see if you were okay,"

"Which I am," he declared, patting his chest.

"Right, and I wanted to know if you knew anything about the case, or maybe where the others are being held."

"Well, some guy in the prison van said we were all going to the same place, so I guess the others are around here someplace," he said. Upon noticing her slightly pained expression, he continued, "but I'm guessing since you already found me, you already figured that out huh?"

"Beast boy, the genius," she announced with a trademark lack of humour.

"I don't know anything about the case either. Maybe you should have looked for Robin first," he suggested.

"I didn't know where people were, otherwise I would have."

"Oh right…"

They sat there in a moment of silence. Beast boy kicked his feet uncomfortably, while Raven made her best efforts to ignore him. "Um," he started, "so… you want anything else?"

"I think that's about it." She stood up and brushed herself down.

"Wait… are you just going to leave me here?" he asked, sounding somewhat anxious.

"That was the plan."

"But… so… do I just have to wait here until I wake up? I mean… it's going to get pretty boring."

She shrugged. "It's your dream."

"Well… how long until I wake up?"

"I have no idea. When did you go to sleep?"

"That's...umm…" he counted his fingers, "I dunno. Can't you just click me off to somewhere nice?"

Raven looked at Beast boy's desperate expression for a moment and felt a twinge of pity. "I suppose."

"Great! Alright, I've been thinking of where I want to go… and oh, can you put people there?"

"This is your dream…"

"But can you?"

She sighed. "Yes."

"Alright then. I want to be at the Royal Casino, at the poker tables," he said, making grand gestures with his hands. "The night is young and the stakes are high. The game is Texas Hold 'Em and there are six players. Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Elvis Presley, JFK, the queen of England and myself. In this round, there is the ace of spades, the jack of clubs and the five of hearts on the table. Now the queen has lots of money, so she doesn't mind betting, but Einstein is smarter than that, so…"



"Yes, mister Beast boy?" came a sharp female voice from ahead of him. He realised quickly what was going on. She was a teacher, and this was a classroom. Additionally, Raven did not appear to be with him.

"Oh… umm… nothing, Mrs… err…" he squirmed.

A few faceless students behind him laughed and pointed, before being shushed by the teacher. "Perhaps you could solve the problem on the black board?"

"I…err," he said nervously, becoming quickly aware of his profuse sweating. "I don't think I know this one…"

"Oh come one," she exhaled. "You've just written it down in your notes."

He noticed the note book on his desk and started to leaf through. It did not take him long to find it was entirely empty. "This is not funny, Raven," he grumbled.

"I'm sorry, if you have something to say, perhaps you could share it with the whole class?"


"I don't see your names down," said the pale balding man behind the glass screen as he adjusted his round spectacles.

"Uh…" Ramsey rubbed the back of his head, offering a nervous smile.

"We need an appointment now?" asked Jameson.

"Sorry," shrugged the man. "Orders."

Jameson shot Ramsey a look and gestured him over, out of ear shot of the man behind the glass.

"That not suspicious enough for you?"

"That doesn't tell us anything, Ramsey," said Jameson as he nodded and smiled at the attendant.

"Yeah, we've got to get in there."

"Are you crazy? Regardless of what we believe, if we start going against orders, we'll be lucky not to get locked up ourselves."

Ramsey rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "What we need is a plan. Actually…" he stepped back to the window. "What happens if we're ill?"

"There's an on call doctor who can come and see you. This is just a temporary measure, private."

"Dr. Charleston?"

"Erm," he checked some papers in front of him. "No, he's away. The doctor is called Emily Harvey."

"I see," he nodded. "Thanks."

Ramsey made his way over to Jameson. "Charleston's not in. It's a woman…"


"Well, that might be better because I could…"


"Yeah, but she could be…"


They both stood there for a moment, trying their best not to look suspicious. "She has access, though," Ramsey pointed out.

"Yeah, maybe."

"So if we can get her on side…"

"You've got to be crazy. You don't know the first thing about her. She could …" The attendant perked his head at the raised voices. They nodded and smiled, lowering their voices once more. "She could go straight to Hamilton if you start asking strange questions."

"Then I've just got to ask the right questions. You've got to romance a lady."

Jameson raised a cynical eyebrow. "On a serious note, how do we get hold of her? If the infirmary's closed, she's gonna be all over the place on call outs."

Ramsey winked. "Don't worry my friend, for I have a plan."

"I don't like the sounds…" Before Jameson could finish airing his complaint, Ramsey was making his way back to the attendant behind the glass. He looked like a man with better things to do that deal with two time wasting soldiers all day.

"Yes?" he asked without any hint of interest.

"Yeah, hi," greeted Ramsey with a low key tone. "I was just discussing something with my friend over there."


"Yeah… well since the infirmary's closed and the doctor's out on call, I was hoping you could help me with something. See, I got together with this girl a few weeks ago."


Ramsey reached for his trouser zip and started to undo it. "I was thinking maybe there's a cream for this…"

The man looked suitably taken aback with a mixture of shock and disgust. "No no, I don't really deal with things like that."

"Well you sure, because I really need someone to take a look at it, and you're the only one around…"

"No, wait," he said nervously. "No, the doctor will be back soon. I'll make sure she comes and sees you straight away."

Ramsey edged his zip back up, much to the relief of the attendant. "Well, just make sure she does. It's getting to be a real pain in the…"

"Yes. Er... what was the name?"

"Ramsey, W."

"Okay, I've made a note of that. I'll send her over as I can."


He stepped back over Jameson, who was using one hand to shield his eyes. "Let's go."

"You're wearing your trousers, right?"

"Of course."

"Okay then." He removed his hand, looking somewhat relieved to see that Ramsey was, indeed, wearing his trousers. "Risky trick."

"I know," he smiled, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Now all you have to do is convince this female doctor that some crazy soldier who lured her to his room with a fake STD is more credible than the chain of command. I don't fancy your chances."

"Well, this way at least I will get time alone with her. It's a start."

"I guess," he shrugged. "By the way, what would you have done if he hadn't stopped you?"

Ramsey shook his head and raised his eyebrows. "I don't want to think about that."

"You and me both."


"Shut up."

"No, you shut up."

"No, you shut up."


Clara and her sister maintained burning glares at each other from either side of the living room.

"Brat," sniped Erica.

"Bitch," she replied.

"Daaad!" yelled Erica toward the door.

"I'm busy girls," he called from another room.

"Now you disturbed him. Well done," jabbed Erica sarcastically.

"You called him too, idiot."

"Yeah, well you called him first."

Clara rolled the television remote between her hands, dangling it in the face of her enemy like a spoil of war. Erica responded by running her fingers along the panel of buttons on the front of the television set. Each easily had the power to ruin any show the other wanted to watch. It was a stalemate.

"Well I guess if you're going to be immature about it, neither of us can watch."

"Well why do we always have to watch what you want to watch?"

"We never watch what I want to watch! We're always watching the crap you put on."

"Well it's better than the rubbish you watch."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."

"Well all my friends think The Misty Ear Files is the stupidest thing on TV. Nobody watches it anymore."

"Please, like your stupid friends know anything."

"Better that your stupid friends. Who was that really ugly one? Jess or something?"

"At least my friends are mature. We watch shows for grown ups, not like the kids' shows you and your friends watch."

"Those shows aren't for kids, you idiot," argued Clara spitefully.

Their heads both turned swiftly as their father entered the room. They instantly assumed a well practised posture of innocence.

"What the heck is going on in here?" he asked sternly. "How am I supposed to talk to someone on the phone with you two screaming at each other in here?"

"But she started…" they both began, raising accusing fingers at each other.

"I don't care who started it," he interrupted. They both fell silent, but exchanged unpleasant looks.

"Now then," he exhaled, taking a seat on the sofa beside Clara. "Can we watch some television?"

"Only if Clara gives up the remote."

"Yeah, and only if Erica turns the TV back on."

Their dad held out his hand toward Clara. "Remote."

She guiltily passed it to him, avoiding eye contact.

"Erica. TV."

"Yes dad," she replied sheepishly, turning on the TV.

"Now come and sit here."

She trudged toward the couch, head down and hands in pockets. She slumped down next to her dad.

"Right then," he said somewhat contentedly to his girls on either side, "what shall we watch?"

There was a momentary silence as the uneasy truce held. Both girls knew that suggesting their own favourite show would risk starting up another argument and get them a stern telling off from their dad.

"The news," the both replied flatly. Since it was what they knew their dad was probably going to watch anyway, it was be the safest option.

"News it is," he said, changing the channel. He shuffled about slightly, making himself comfortable.

"Dad," giggled Clara as he pushed into her.

"Thanks Tom. Next on JCN, we round up the week's political events in Politics Talk, but first a round up of our main headlines…"

Clara blew out some air as a means to express her dissatisfaction with the choice of shows without having to go through the hassle of an argument. She was pretty sure Erica would feel the same way.

"The Teen Titans are being held in a secure facility after having given themselves up…"

"What?!" blurted Clara. Erica shushed her quickly; also clearly eager to know what was happening.

"Earlier today, police commissioner Charles Stokes published a statement, in which he explained how the Teen Titans were currently being held in relation to an alleged murder."

"Murder?" blurted Clara once more.

"I want to listen to this," scolded her sister.

"We have with us Alexander Korby, our press correspondent. Alex, I understand there's some controversy around this statement."

"Well yes Tanya. Of course, we all remember the article which first appeared in the Jump City Gazette. The question on many people's lips is whether the commissioner's statement is a direct response to that article, or whether it was an independent and purely coincidental action. Plus, of course, people are wondering how the city will cope in the absence of the Titans."

"Thanks Alex. Recently, the government published a report assessing how it has coped with key environmental targets…"

The television clicked off.

The family sat in silence for several moments as the news sank in.



Well, there you have it. And you know what? I actually have things to say in this closing statement.

Firstly, I'd like to tell Tilly6284 not to quit her current TT fic writing aims. You can do it!

Secondly, now, I don't like to blow my own trumpet, but I loved both reading and writing those scenes with Raven and BB (her meditation and his dream). They would have made totally excellent one shots. Still, as it is, they made a good change of pace, and a break from the main story.

Thirdly… ah yes, that was it. There was a second shout out in this chapter. I hate doing those shout outs which actually impose on the story, but in this case I needed a name for something, so it was appropriate. I'm sure the person will realise and thank me in their review… or at least they had better.

Merry Christmas. Eat lots and be nice to each other.