Hidden in my Thoughts

Before we begin the story

Different setting. Ritsuka is a boy in London of 1775, and for some reason a blonde vampire has been haunting his dreams. The dreams always seem endless, but he always wakes. When he is thrown into the vampire's relm of Thoughts, will he be able to get out? Rated for lemon/lime in later chaps. Yes, there are cat ears. :3

Le Disclaimer: I don't own Loveless. Nope. Notta chance. Never will. But if Yun Kouga-san feels like loning them out sometime, well, you know where to find me, sugar. ;D

"Ritsuka?" He heard the voice again, and spun around, ears twitching and eyes searching the darkness. The voice was deep and warm, and he recognised it immediatly. It was the voice he had been hearing at night that chilled him and warmed him, at the same time.

"Where are you?" He whispered, putting a hand to his head, the darkness making him feel sick and empty. Through his spread fingers he saw light appear, and raised his head, squinting. A tall figure awaited him in the distance, long hair blowing in the chilly wind that swept over them. Ritsuka went foward, and suddenly, felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned with a jump and saw the pale, handsome face above him smiling down at Ritsuka's wide-eyed expression. "Soubi." He said, and reached up to touch the face of the vampire.

This vampire Soubi had been visiting his dreams for the past three months, and each night, Ritsuka felt more loved than he ever had before. As though he actually mattered to someone, and wasn't just some 16-year-old brat that his mother had to put up with. Though he didn't quite know what to make of Soubi, why he saw him, why the vampire seemed to make him feel cared for, he always felt at peace.

Soubi pulled the boy close to him and kissed the top of his head, long, pale fingers running through Ritsuka's dark hair. The eared boy shivered, unused to fond touches, though Soubi had been acting like this for weeks now. He didn't quite understand it; why did it make him feel this way when Soubi touched him?

Soubi reached down and tipped Ritsuka's head up to look into his eyes. "Why do you still tremble, Ritsuka? What is it that you don't tell me?"

"I don't know, Soubi," Ritsuka said, averting his eyes. "maybe it's my mother."

"She hurts you." Soubi said, putting a finger on a bandage upon the boy's neck. "No one should hurt you."

Ritsuka shook his head and shrugged. "Nothing can be done, right now," He laid his head on Soubi's chest. "but to hope it gets better."

Soubi was silent, rubbing Ritsuka's back. He leaned down and stared into Ritsuka's eyes, then planted a soft kiss on the younger boy's lips. Ritsuka froze and moved away some. "Soubi?" He asked, a little breathless.

"Ah, Ritsuka," Soubi said sadly. "What has your mother kept from you all of these years, making you stay locked up inside?"

Ritsuka tipped his head to the side, not understanding. "Is there something I don't know?" He asked, putting a hand to his mouth.

Soubi watched him, and took the boy's hand in his own, putting another kiss there. Ritsuka shivered again, but not out of fright or displeasure. The vampire put a hand behind the boy's head and drew him close, and kissed him again, light and sweet. Ritsuka didn't know how to respond; he clutched at Soubi's shirt and shut his eyes. Soubi drew away with a small, fanged smile. "Ritsuka...I have much to show you."

Ritsuka reached a hand out and slowly the image of Soubi disappeared, and he sat up, in his bed again. He panted a bit, putting his fingers to his lips that still tingled. Soubi...