Disclaimer: This is a story based on the currnetly existing Harry Potter stories (obviously) somethings WILL be exactly the same however,I own nothing you may recognise except possibly my twist on the already present plot. Enjoy!
Chapter One
When Bartemius Crouch Senior entered Azkaban Wizard Prison, he heard the sound of a baby crying.
What on earth could that be? He thought to himself. As he walked towards the cell where his wife was (although she wore the face of his only son) the crying became louder. He could see the Dementors growing restless, unable to tell what the sound was coming from.
"Barty…" his wife said, the polyjuice potion had no effect on her voice, "Barty look," Cassandra Crouch turned to her husband. The polyjuice potion was wearing off and she had run out of her supply (the reason Barty Sr. was there in the first place) she had begun to look more like herself. Barty looked at the bundle in her arms and realized it was a baby girl.
"Take her Barty, take her somewhere safe," Cassandra pleaded. Barty looked at her, dumbstruck.
"How…who…what…who?" he spluttered. Cassandra looked very guilty and remorseful.
"She's not yours Barty she's… she's You-Know-Who's" she swallowed "take her somewhere safe please." She looked into her husband's eyes and he nodded. Carefully he removed the baby from her grasp and squeezed her between the bars. He didn't think twice about what his wife had told him except for one moment. Well how dare You-Know-Who rape my wife!
"How did you live through that? You were dying when you came here," Barty asked, now cradling the young girl in his arms.
"She's special. She kept me alive. Don't you see? I bore her a year longer than I should have. She is already growing to the size she should be, see?" Cassandra weakly pointed to the bundle in his arms. He looked down and saw that indeed the girl now looked about the size of a healthy 12-month-old child.
"Merlin's beard! How?" Barty never took his eyes off the girl until he heard a small thud within the cell. He looked up to see his wife slumped on the floor.
"Cassandra?" he called softly his face pressed against the bars as if he was trying to get in to reach her.
"Her name is…" Cassandra's voice died away behind loud rasping breaths.
"Her name is what?" Barty pressed,
"Her name is Haylin. Haylin Riddle." Cassandra said softly. Her breaths became slower and softer until they weren't there at all.
Barty placed Haylin on the ground gently. He reached between the bars and dragged Cassandra's body towards him. The Dementors were already coming to see where their prisoner went. He stroked Cassandra's hair as he gently poured the poly juice potion into her mouth.
Bartemius Crouch Senior left Azkaban prison holding young Haylin Riddle tightly in his arms.
Where do I take her? He asked himself desperately surely not home. I could never raise her. I have no choice. She is to go to an orphanage he answered himself. Haylin had stopped crying as soon as Cassandra had died. She now snuggled peacefully in the crook of his arm. With a loud CRACK, that didn't bother her at all, they apparated to the nearest muggle orphanage.
"All right I'm coming I'm coming!" a woman said from behind the door, "do you have any idea how early it is?" she said when she had opened the door to see Barty standing there holding a small wriggling bundle.
"It's noon!" he said in amazement.
"Yes," the woman answered with a sour look on her plump face. "And I was sleeping" she now had her hands on her hips. She had a dressing gown thrown over a rather large body and her black hair was a mess.
"Ah yes. Sorry." Barty apologized. Goodness these muggles sleep late he thought to himself. "well you see, I have this baby…well…she needs a place to live as I couldn't possibly raise her and well…" the woman in front of him stopped glaring and pasted on her face a fake smile of sadness.
"Oh yes I'm sure I could take her. Follow me please." Barty did as he was told and followed the plump woman through the building and into a small room situated at the very end of the hall.
"Does the child have a name?" the woman said all business now.
"Ah yes her name is Haylin. Haylin Riddle." Barty answered quickly. The woman looked up at him thoughtfully.
"Riddle…hmmm…I believe we had a Tom Riddle years ago when I my mother was in charge. Is there any relation?" she asked. Barty was one of the few people left who knew that Lord Voldemort's real name was Tom Riddle. He would of course tell no one in the Wizarding world that there was a relation between the two but to this muggle he could safely be truthful.
"Yes actually he is the father." The woman's eyes opened wide in surprise.
"Then how exactly did you come into possession of this child?" she asked shrilly.
"I'm, um, the husband of the mother…it's a long story could we just get this over with?" Barty said hastily.
"Yes, yes alright," the woman said shortly. "So Haylin Riddle. Will you be keeping contact?" Barty thought about this for a moment. She will of course need to be told about magic eventually so why not?
"Yes I will be visiting her every year on her birthday, which is August the thirteenth by the way, and she will receive Christmas presents. Are we done here?" Barty asked finally.
"Yes, yes let me show you to the door," the woman replied attempting to stand up.
"No, no, that won't be necessary. I'll show my self out." Barty exited the small office and shut the door behind him. With another loud CRACK he was gone and he would not be seeing Haylin for another year.
Ten Years Later
"Haylin, Mr. Crouch is here!" Mrs. Grayson called from behind her closed door. Haylin immediately put the book she was reading (Lord of the Rings) down and opened her door.
"Hello Haylin. Happy Birthday!" Mr. Crouch smiled at her and handed her an envelope.
"Hi Mr. Crouch," Haylin said as she took the envelope out of his hands. "What's this? It's addressed to my room. Are you playing a joke on me?" she asked staring at the envelope.
"no Haylin just read the letter," Haylin hesitantly opened the envelope and read the letter.
Dear Haylin
I am pleased to tell you I have secured you a position at Hogwarts School of
Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Headmaster knows only that a surprise student will
be attending this year. No, this is not the only reason I have given you this letter
and I know perfectly well I could have told you in person but I happen to enjoy
writing letters so just humour this old man. Will you? Below is your list of school
of school supplies and attached is your train ticket.
Feel free to ask me questions if you feel it necessary.
Mr. Crouch
At this Haylin stopped reading.
"A school for witchcraft and wizardry? That is amazing! Are you telling me the truth?" Mr. Crouch looked at Haylin amazed.
"You're not shocked?"
"Shocked? I'm ecstatic! Do I really get to go? Is it real?" Haylin's eyes were bright and happy for the first time I her life as she thought of leaving the orphanage.
"Of course it's real!" Mr. Crouch cried, "but I must tell you something," he said seriously. "your father was not a good person. He had power and he used it in a bad way. He was thought to be ,and still is thought to be, the only living descendant of Salazar Slytherin. No one but myself knows that your father was Lord Voldemort and you would do well to keep it that way. Even now, ten years after he was thwarted, witches and wizards all over the world still cannot speak his name. I'm sure some of the books in the book shop you will be going to will tell you all about the incident." Mr. Crouch straightened up and smiled brightly. "I also have this for you," he said. Diving into his pocket. Half a minute later he produced a small golden key with the numbers 749 engraved in it.
"That is the key to your vault at the bank. Now, you read the rest of your letter and have a think about what I've told you and I will be back in a couple of weeks to take you to buy your supplies. Goodbye Haylin and behave!" Mr. Crouch called happily as he left her room and the orphanage.
Haylin looked back down at her letter and began to read about what she would need to start her new life.
First year students will require:
Three sets of plain work robes (Black)
One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear
One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar
One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings)
Please note that all pupils names should carry name tags
Set Books
All students should have a copy of each of the following:
The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk
A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot
Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling
A Beginners Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore
Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble
Other Equipment:
1 wand
1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set of glass or crystal phials
1 set brass scales
Students may also bring and owl OR a cat OR a toad
Haylin looked at the clock above her bed. The time was half past eight. Time for bed. Haylin carefully folded her letter, placed it on her bedside table and laid her head on her pillow.
Your father was not a good person. Mr. Crouch's words echoed in her head. Well sure a lot of people thought that but he must have had a reason for doing the things he did. Haylin thought to herself. He had power well maybe they just didn't like his methods because he was stronger than them. I do not believe in good and evil. Good and evil are nothing more than bias perception she thought to herself as she drifted off to sleep.
"It's mine!" a squeaky voice said, waking her up.
"No it's not!" another equally squeaky voice said. Haylin sat up and tried to locate the voice.
"You stupid bird that was my twig!" the first squeaky voice squeaked angrily. Haylin jumped out of her bed and ran to the window. She looked at the large Oak tree that stood just out her window where she saw two little birds apparently having a heated argument over a twig.
"Excuse me," Haylin said softly so as not to startle the birds. "is there a reason you are arguing so loudly outside my room?"
The two small birds looked at her with what she thought were astonished expressions on their faces.
"Well…I…you can understand us?" said the second bird.
"Well yeah. I am a witch you know," Haylin said proudly.
"Oh a witch, are you? How amazing!" said the first bird sarcastically, "if you don't mind I would like to get back to building my nest…that is if this moron will get off my twig,"
The second bird gripped harder on the twig under her foot.
"It's mine!" she countered. Haylin thought she looked as if she was glaring at the other bird. Haylin regarded the twig beneath the two birds feet. It was a very long twig.
"Bring me the twig." She said suddenly. The two birds looked at her, seemingly, incredulously.
"And why would we do that!" the first bird said angrily. Haylin sighed.
"Do you want your problem solved or not? Just bring me the darn twig!" the birds did something that looked like they were rolling their eyes then did as they were told. Haylin took the twig and promptly broke it squarely in half. She handed each bird half a twig each. They took it in their beaks trying to observe it. Both birds then fluttered their wings appreciatively and flew off in different directions.
The following couple of weeks went by without anything remotely interesting happening. Although Haylin could have sworn she heard a worm say "Ruddy puddle" as she walked past it drowning. Unfortunately she had no time to rescue it as she was on an errand for Mrs. Grayson.
But at eight o'clock on September first Mr. Crouch again came to visit.
"Come now Haylin. Have you got your ticket? Good let's get going you can't be late for the train," he said smiling as he pushed her gently out the door.
"Train? But I haven't bought my stuff yet!" Haylin cried in dismay.
"Oh we're going to do that first. Now kindly hold tightly to my arm please…there's a good girl. Brace yourself." Haylin had no time to wonder what she was bracing herself for when she was yanked from the ground. For a moment she felt ill then it stopped. Not a second after that her feet were back on the ground. With a cracking sound bouncing off the walls of the empty pub.
"Hello there, Barty!" said the bartender cheerfully, "Who's that there?" Mr. Crouch looked down at Haylin and smiled.
"This is Haylin, she'll be off to Hogwarts this year. I'm taking her through to buy her school supplies. And if we have time we'll have a drink here." Mr. Crouch smiled and Tom nodded.
"Come now Haylin, this way," Mr. Crouch urged, heading towards what seemed to be a back door in the pub.
On the other side of the door was an alley empty of everything save for a dustbin.
"What was that?" Haylin asked intrigued.
"That was the Leaky Cauldron. A wizard pub. Muggles can't see it so wizards and witches are free to talk about magic and such there."
"Cool," Haylin said then remembered the incident with the birds,
"Mr. Crouch?" She said.
"Hmmm?" He replied looking preoccupied by the wall in front of them.
"Is it normal for witches and wizards to talk to animals?" Mr. Crouch looked away from the wall and at Haylin in astonishment.
"You're a Beast Speaker?" Mr. Crouch said finally.
"Is that bad?" Haylin said worriedly.
"No. In fact it is good. Not common but not bad. You have a lot of power Haylin. I hope you use it wisely." He turned back to the wall and started tapping the bricks on it with a short wooden stick. Before Haylin could ask what he was doing, the wall opened up into an archway leading into an alley way littered with shops of all sorts and people in funny clothes like Mr. Crouch.
As Haylin looked on in amazement she Mr. Crouch say happily,
"Welcome, my dear, to Diagon Alley."