Bloody Tears
By: Hitokiri Musei
Rated: T
Summary: It's been two years since Dark disappeared, but Daisuke is beginning to dream of the Phantom Thief; dreams of pain and suffering. Is Dark trying to tell Daisuke something?
Disclaimer: I don't own D.N.Angel, although I really do wish that I had Dark. He is quite… smexy…
This is my first D.N.Angel fic, so do be a little lenient with me. I'm doing my best. Enjoy, and please review!
Yaoi! DarkDaisuke, if you no like, please go away! Thank you!
Chapter 1
Daisuke slowly opened crimson eyes, and then blinked. The room was dark; he could barely see his own hand in front of his face when he held up said appendage. He blinked again, looking around in an attempt to try and decipher something from the darkness.
Daisuke sighed, running a hand through his red bangs. 'Now how in the world did I get here, and where am I?'
Daisuke jumped at the sound of his name, looking sharply around him for the source. There was nothing, not even a hint as to where the voice had come from. Frowning, Daisuke started walking, trying to find a way out of the mysterious place.
Daisuke raised his face, looking upwards. As he did there was a flash of light, and Daisuke gasped as he saw a figure there in the darkness. There were ropes restraining the person, looped around a startlingly thin torso, skinny wrists, and knobby ankles. The light was gone, and Daisuke lost sight of the mysterious person. 'God, who was that?.! They looked so malnourished…'
Daisuke started to run in the direction that the figure had been, trying to get there to help. The crimson-haired boy couldn't just let someone get hurt, no matter who it was.
Daisuke slid to a halt abruptly, shock in his wide vermillion eyes. 'D-Dark?'
'N-No… No! Daisuke! DAISUKE! HELP ME!' The voice ended in a scream of terror and pain.
Daisuke cried out as an image flashed through his head. Dark, covered in bloody wounds, body arching in pain, face contorted in a scream of pain as tears of agony poured freely down his bruised cheeks; Daisuke reeled backwards in shock, and the scream echoed again in his head.
Daisuke shot upright on the bed, breathing heavily. Placing a hand over his eyes, the boy struggled to calm his racing heart. Sure, he had had dreams of Dark before, but most of the dreams had been memories of his time with the thief.
Daisuke opened his eyes to peer through the gaps between his fingers into the dark room, confused. 'I've never had that happen… I've never seen Dark like that…'
Daisuke flopped back down on his bed, allowing his arms to rest against the sheets next to his head. Daisuke truly missed Dark, there was so much about the older that he found himself wishing was still there; the thief's concern, compassion, and even his teasing.
Two years it had been. Two years since he had last changed into the Phantom Thief Dark, two years since he had last heard that voice that he now missed so much. He hadn't realized at the time how much he had really loved Dark, and not just in a brotherly way. Their bond had been deep, and over time, Daisuke had found it changing into something more. Now that the thief was gone, Daisuke didn't know what to do with the feelings that still remained; he felt lost without that piece of his heart and soul that Dark had taken with him.
Daisuke sighed, closing his eyes. Whatever that had been, he just had to push it aside. He had school in a few hours anyway, and he was still tired. It was only a dream after all, nothing more.
Daisuke waved to Takeshi with a grin. "See ya!"
Walking home in the rain wasn't going to be fun, but Daisuke didn't really mind. The high school was a lot closer to his house than the middle school, so he could walk. Besides, Daisuke liked the rain. Looking upwards, the redheaded 16 year old smiled sadly. 'It reminds me so much of Dark…'
By the time Daisuke arrived at his house he was soaked. After entering the house he removed his wet coat and shoes, leaving them by the door. His mother had stopped booby trapping the house after the disappearance of Dark, he had nothing to worry about anymore. It also helped that his mother and father had gone out for a romantic getaway, and his grandfather was out for the night; he had the house to himself.
After changing into dry clothes, Daisuke sat at his desk, staring at the painting easel that was set up in the corner of his bedroom. Throwing the towel he had been using to dry his hair with by the door, Daisuke stood, going forward to look at the painting he was currently working on. It wasn't quite finished, but it made Daisuke smile all the same.
It was Dark, there on the canvas. Daisuke had drawn the thief wearing a cocky smirk, the same that Dark would always have. Dark's violet hair was disturbed by an unseen breeze, the strands waving around the sharp lines of his face. Daisuke slowly picked up a brush, wetting it and then dipping it in the paint.
In a few moments Dark's deep purple eyes stared back at him from the canvas, filled with emotion. Even though it was only a picture, Daisuke felt as though he could sink right into the depths of the thief's expressive eyes. Daisuke could feel tears welling up in his own eyes as he stared at the painting, his hand tightening around the brush.
The brush clattered to the ground as Daisuke's knees gave out, sending him to the ground. Tears flowed freely from his eyes, and Daisuke hid them behind his hands. 'God Dark, I miss you!'
Daisuke looked back up at the canvas, and Dark's sensual eyes looked back at him. "I thought that I would be happy with Riku, but without you Dark… I'm incomplete; I'm only half of who I am!" Daisuke sobbed. Dark was gone, and there was nothing he could do about it.
Daisuke wiped at his tears. "I tried Dark. I tried to keep going as though I had never known you. But it's not working. I need you Dark. I need you."
Sighing, Daisuke lay down on his bed, burying his face in his pillow. He didn't know what to do, and so he decided to retreat to his dreams, where he would always be able to see Dark, whether or not the violet-haired thief was really there.
Daisuke stood silently. Rain washed over his face, wetting his hair and clothes. The crimson-haired boy closed his eyes, smiling gently. The cool water was washing away his cares, and bringing to him the smell of Dark; cool spring rain and wet evergreens.
'Please no!'
Daisuke's eyes snapped open, and he looked around. The forest around him hid where the voice had come from, but Daisuke tried to pinpoint it. He knew that voice; it was the one that he missed so much. The boy ran forward, pushing his way through the trees and stepping into a clearing.
Daisuke had to slap his hands across his mouth to stop the scream of horror from breaking free.
Dark hung from one of the trees, tied there by ropes twisted around his bony wrists. The signs of abuse were gut-wrenching. Blood soaked the thief's entire body, and Daisuke could hardly find an inch of skin that wasn't bruised or broken. His hair was knotted and ragged, thoroughly drenched in blood. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and only a ratty pair of short protected what little dignity the thief had left. Dark was so thin that Daisuke could see every bone in his body, the sharp angles of his hips and ribcage bringing tears to the boy's eyes.
The word was a mere whisper, and yet Dark raised his head. Daisuke saw that the expressive eyes he loved so much were dull and dazed, barely seeing him at all. However, as he saw the boy, Dark's eyes widened and a single word slipped from his cracked and bleeding lips. "D-Daisuke…"
Daisuke watched in shock as Dark twisted against the rope, ending up turning himself around. Daisuke eyes filled with tears as he spotted the thief's back. Whip marks laced his tanned skin, and some of them were red and inflamed. As Dark twisted back around Daisuke saw a dark flush across the other's cheeks.
'Gods, his wounds are infected, he's probably deathly ill!' Daisuke thought in horror. Daisuke's eyes rose to meet Dark's, and he gasped when he saw the thief's endless purple eyes. Tears spilled over onto Dark's bruised cheeks, but they were tears of blood, the crimson staining Dark's flushed skin.
"Please… Don't be here…" Dark murmured. "He will find you… Don't stay here…"
Daisuke's eyes widened in shock. "I can't leave you Dark!"
Dark's own eyes widened. "No, he's coming, you have to go! You shouldn't be here, you have to go!" Dark's voice rose to a hoarse shout, and the thief twisted frantically against the rope. "Leave Daisuke, please!"
Daisuke was about to protest, but then he felt himself being picked up and thrown out of the dream. The sound of a whip cracked through the air, and the last thing Daisuke saw was Dark's screaming face and evil golden eyes.
Well, what do you think? Let me know, please review!