Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight. It is much to cool to be owned by me. The only one who comes close to the coolness factor is Stephenie Meyer. Oh and what a coincidence! She does own it! Funny how life works out like that.

Hey people I'm back! And A Thousand Miles is up! I'm very excited! I really hope you like it! I am severely happy and it is midnight. This is very short but there will be another one in like five minutes.

Oh and by the way incase you didn't read it on the summary this is the sequel to The New Bella.



BPOV (only a few weeks after the wedding)

I was packing.

Moving as fast as I could before Carlisle caught on. I quickly threw the new items of clothing Alice had recently bought me into a suitcase.


Then I rushed into the nearest outfit available. A short black skirt, a long sleeved, white, women's dress shirt and a black vest. I knew I looked gorgeous.


I stopped in my frenzy and looked in a mirror. I gently laid my hand on my stomach. I knew I wouldn't look like this in a matter of months.


My stomach rumbled as I felt an all to familiar feeling.

I was hungry for human food.


Don't worry it will. . .well not be explained in the next chapter but the one after that. Hope you like it.


Carly ;)