Note: Yes, I think I'll ATTEMPT Tricksters books… Eeep.

Oh God, sorrysorrysorry, I was reading through my reviews and realised I never finished this! Well, here it is…

10 things Tricksters characters would never say

Ulasim: I am best friends with my mother. She has a wonderful fashion sense!

Aly: Crows are dumb. Of COURSE they can't talk.

Aly: I'm going to go live in a cave somewhere, on my own, apart from loads of BEARS!

Dove: I'm a fly sista from the hood, yo! Check it out!

The Raka people: (Insert any word here, anything at all…)

Sarai: I think Nawat should be my personal stylist. He has such taste in clothes…better than mine any day!

Nawat: I am a frog. I say "Ribbit"!

Dove: Where did my books go? Oh, I burned them in a big fire this morning and did a ceremonial dance. Booga booga.

Sarai: I am an undead chicken. Hear me squawk!

Aly: Lyk zomg I pwnz u lol omgwtfbbq!!11!