Disclaimer: I never owned Gilmore Girls and never will. Even Amy Sherman Palladino doesn't anymore...how sad is that?

A/N: Okay...so here is the last chapter. Look at end for longer A/N...

Chapter Nineteen: She Looks Better in Blue

"Can I have a Santa burger?" Lorelai asked Luke as he poured her coffee.


"Why not?"

"Is your dad in the hospital?"

"No, but I can arrange that," Lorelai said with a smile, receiving a disgusted look from Luke as he whipped the coffee pot away from her full cup.

"You have serious problems,"

"Nope, just a twisted sense of humor. I'll have a cheeseburger,"

"Coming right up," He walked away as Lorelai yelled out the rest of her order.

"And chill-fries and apple pie!"

"I don't have apple pie," Lorelai gaped at Luke, shocked.

"What? How do you not have apple pie? It's Tuesday!"


"You always have apple pie on Tuesdays. Not having apple pie today is like not having ice cream sundaes of Ice Cream Sundae Sunday,"

"I don't have an Ice Cream Sundae Sunday," Luke said, confused and slightly irritated.

"Well, you should start," Rory walked in, sitting on the seat beside her mom. She looked at Luke and smiled.

"Hi Luke. Apple pie please,"

"I don't have any,"

"But it's Tuesday," Luke groaned, shaking his head. He filled a coffee cup for Rory and then left, mumbling under his breath about the insanity of Stars Hollow's inhabitants.

"Well, he's cheery today," Rory commented.

"Yes, his groan did seem slightly higher pitched. So, how was school today?"


"How's you blondie?" Rory smiled.

"He's fine, still mocking me about last week,"

"I always knew that I liked him," There was a lull in the conversation as both girls watched Luke bring their food.

"You're my hero," Rory said, as she took the burger from Luke. Lorelai did a riveting rendition of Wind Beneath My Wings, making Luke steam.

"Stop singing,"

"You're everything I wish I could be!"


"I can fly higher-"

"Stop or I'm taking your coffee," Lorelai brought the cup to her chest, guarding it with her arm.

"Never threaten a Gilmore's coffee,"

"Never sing in my diner," Luke retorted, moving on to another customer.

"So," Lorelai began, turning to her daughter after her and Luke's altercation, "Are you nervous?"

"About what?"

"College letters should be coming soon right?" Rory nodded, still silent.

"Rory, you alive over there? Make a sound, something to let me know that you aren't completely comotose,"

"I can't believe they're already coming. It all happened so fast,"

"I know babe, but it's exciting. You're going to live out your dream,"

"If I make it,"

"You'll make it. They'd be stupid not to take you," Rory took a large gulp of her coffee and smiled.

"Okay, done worrying,"

"Good, it was getting quite tiresome," Rory stood up, picking up her massive backpack, filled with books and spirals, most not even necessary.

"I'm going to go start my homework,"


"Yeah, I have a lot today,"

"How much is due tomorrow?" Lorelai asked knowingly. Rory smiled at her mother, giving her a quick kiss.

"You know the answer to that question. Bye Mom,"

"Bye hun. Make sure to leave some homework for the rest of the week. You don't want to have all the fun at once!"

"Did you get your acceptance letters yet?" Rory asked Logan as they walked to her locker.

"No, not yet. How about you?"

"No, and it's killing me. I'm so nervous," Logan smiled, taking her hand.

"Don't worry, you'll make Harvard,"

"What about you? Are you nervous?"

"Nah, knowing my dad he's made several phone calls and hefty donations to ensure my acceptance,"


"My father wouldn't have it any other way,"
"Rory!" She turned at the sound of Paris's exuberant voice. She was running to Rory, holding a piece of paper.

"I did it! I made Harvard!" Rory smiled and hugged her friend.

"Congratulations, have you told Jamie yet?"

"Yeah, he made it too. How about you Gilmore?"

"Uh, I haven't gotten any letters yet,"

"I'm sure they're coming. Well, I have to go and find Madeline and Louise. Bye Rory!"

"Bye," She watched Paris practically skip away adn then turned back around, feeling extremely unsettled.

"Don't worry Rory, your acceptance letters are coming," Rory sighed, her nerves not calmed and mounting.

"Let's just go to class,"

"They're here!" Lorelai yelled when she heard her daughter enter the house. Rory ran into the kitchen, adrenaline pumping through her.

"Where are they?"

"Here," Lorelai handed Rory three letter, nearly jumping with excitement.

"Okay, I'm doing Harvard last. I'll start with Princeton," She opened the envelope and read the letter. She smiled at her mom and nodded.

"I got in!"

"Okay, do Yale!" Rory opened the letter and smiled again, her heart pumping even quicker as the last letter neared.

"I got in!" Rory began to open the Harvard letter, her hands shaking with anticipation. She carefully opened the letter, not wanting to crease it or make any small tears. She read the letter, tears immediately coming to her eyes, her body shaking.


"I did it! I made Harvard!" Lorelai shrieked, hugging her daughter tightly.

"Oh babe, I knew you could do it! Let's go celebrate!"

"I have to call Logan,"

"Okay, call your boy toy and then we're partying!" Rory took out her cell phone and dialed the familiar number, her fingers trembling with excitement.


"I made it!" Rory said immediately, not even bothering to say it was her.

"Congratulations! That's great Ace. Did you get your other letters?"

"Yeah, I made them all!"

"I'm so happy for you Ace," She could hear the smile in his voice and it made her even happier, something that she didn't think was possible.

"What about you Logan?"

"I made Yale,"

"That's great!"

"Yeah, I'm pretty happy,"

"Well, I have to go. My mom and I are going to go and celebrate,"

"Okay, I love you," She smiled.

"I love you too,"

"Everyone, we are in the midst of an Ivy League girl," Lorelai said when they entered Luke's.

"You made Harvard?" Luke asked.

"Not only did she make Harvard," Lorelai said with a smile, "She made Yale and Princeton as well," Luke smiled.

"I think that deserves pie and coffee on the house," Rory smiled.

"Thanks Luke,"

"So Rory, are you picking Harvard for sure?" Lorelai asked.

"I'm not sure. They're all such great schools. I think a pro con list is in order," Lorelai grinned at her daughter, happy that she had gotten what she wanted.

"I'm so happy for you babe. You deserve this, you really do,"

"Thanks Mom," Luke brought their pie adn coffee adn Rory could not have been happier with her life, "Let's eat!"

"So, which school is winning?" Logan asked Rory, looking at her pro-con list.

"Right how Harvard and Yale are tied at first place,"

"Interesting," Rory smiled.

"But I'm leaning towards Harvard,"

"What are the pros for Harvard?"

"Well, their journalism program is one of the best in the country," Rory began, reading off of her list, "and I've always wanted to go there. My entire life I've dreamed of going to Harvard,"


"It's far from home, and-" She stopped, a bit embaressed of her next con.

"And?" She paused before continuing, looking shyly up at him.

"You wouldn't be there," He looked at her surprised. He never thought that he would be on the list.


"I know that it sounds stupid, but I'd really miss you,"

"We'd make it work,"

"I know but-"

"Ace, Harvard is your dream, you said it yourself,"

"I know,"

"Don't let me keep you from that dream,"

"I'm not, but all factors are included on a pro-con list and you're a factor,"

"I don't need to be a factor. See, there's this wonderful invention called the phone and I hear that it works at Harvard as well as Yale," Rory smiled.

"I know, I just worry. I'm worried that the distance will be too much,"

"It won't,"

"Also, I don't like the idea of all those college girls hitting on you," She said with a smile.

"I'll just tell them that I have a beautiful girlfriend at Harvard that I love very much,"

"I'm sure they'd take that well. They'd probably just try harder," He took her hands in his and held them firmly, his touch somewhat comforting her.

"Rory, we'll make it. I know we will,"

"How are you so sure? Don't you have any doubts, worries?"

"Sure I do. I get worried, afraid, but we love eachother. We'll make it. We won't fall apart, I won't let us," She leaned into him and he put his arms around her, holding her close. The truth was, he was afraid of losing her, of her going to Harvard. The thought of them being separated scared the hell out of him, it was something that kept him up at night, gave him a worried feeling in the pit of his stomach. He wouldn't ruin her dream though. He would make sure that she went to Harvard, that was where she was meant to be.

"That's my final decision," Rory said to her mom. She had just told Lorelai where she wanted to go to college and stated her reasons. It took her a while to decide, buts he had chosen adn was content with her decision.

"Are you sure about this Rory? I just want to make sure, before we finalize it,"

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life," Lorelai smiled, hugging her daughter.

"This is so exciting!"

"It is, it really is," Lorelai opened the top of the mail box and looked at Rory.

"Okay, drop it in," Rory took a deep breath and then dropped the letter in. She looked at her mom and smiled. She did it.

Rory had called Logan and told him to meet her at her house. She wanted to tell him her news in person, she didn't want to do it over the phone. She had changed into a blue dress adn was anxiously waiting for him to arrive. When the doorbell ran she jumped up from the couch and rushed to the door. She opened it to find a smiling Logan, dressed casually in jeans and his signature leather jacket.

"Hi Logan," She gave him a kiss and he kissed her back, wrapping his arms around her.

"Wow Ace, that was quite a hello," She smiled.

"So, how do you like my new dress?" She asked, doing a little twirl.

"Uh, it looks nice. I like it," She smiled, looking down at the dress, casually running her hand over the smooth material.

"Yeah, I like it too. I loved the blue, it really brings out my eyes,"

"It does,"

"I guess it's a good thing I'm going to Yale. I just look so much better in blue than red," Logon looked at her, stunned beyond words. Had Rory just said she was going to Yale?


"I chose Yale," He immediately kissed her with more passion than he had ever kissed anyone with before. He found that he now knew what it meant to me blissfully happy, to have everything that you want. She kissed him back, her hand resting on his cheek. She pulled away smiling, trying to catch her breath.

"Easy boy, my mom's home," He smiled and kissed her on the forehead, holding her close.

"I love you Ace,"

"I love you too Logan,"


Rory knocked on Logan's door, room 246, and waited patiently for him to answer. Colin opened the door, greeting her with a warm smile.

"Hey Rory,"

"Hi Colin,"

"Did you bring it?" Rory smiled, brandishing out her copy of The Godfather.

"Of course I did. Your first Gilmore Movie night has to be The Godfather, it's a rule," Colin smiled.

"Ah yes, I think Logan mentioned that,"

"Do you have all the food?" Rory asked as she passed Colin and walked into the dorm.

:Ace, you forget I'm here. I am well versed in Gilmore Movie nights, meaning we have everything necessary," Rory smiled and kissed him.

"Do you have the red vines?"

"Four packs,"

"You're amazing. Where's Steph?"

"She's with Finn. Some red head beat him up," Colin said, placing two large bowls of popcorn on the coffee table.

"Are you serious?"

"He has a black eye," Steph said, emerging from Finn's room with Finn trailing directly behind her.

"Poor Finn,"

"I think this may have turned me off red heads," Finn said, carefully touching his bruised eye.

"Finn, that is impossible. So, are you guys ready?"

"Yes!" They all said, in somewhat perfect unison except for Finn who chimed in halfway through. Rory popped in the DVD and then pressed play.

"Prepare to be amazed, wowed, disgusted. You are officially starting a Gilmore Movie Night," She sat next to Logan and snuggled next to him. He put his arm around her and she rested her head on top of his chest. She could feel his heart beat gently beneath her head, his chest moving up and down rhythmically with each breath. She smiled, watching the opening scenes of The Godfather. Harvard may have been her dream, but she was exactly where she wanted to be.

A/N: Okay, so there was the last chapter. I hope that you liked it. I'm super sad it's over, I loved writing this story and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Thank you so much to all of my reviewers. I'd especially like to thank those who stuck with it all 19 chapter. I know that it was a long road, but I hope that it was a good one for all of you. I don't know if there will be a sequel but I do have my other two stories A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN and YOU COULD HAVE IT SO MUCH BETTER. Bye and thanks again! You guys are awesome!