Tohru's problem- Suicide
Tohru..." the words escaped as a whisper, as if something long and forgotten. He held the note to his chest as he collasped to the ground. The world would be over without her, how could she make such a sacrifice for him? He would never forgive himself for this if she was to get hurt, or worse... and he didn't even want to think about that.
Yuki turned around and put his back to the car, bringing his knees up to his chest and wrapping his arms around them. Then, he felt something warm and furry on his ankle. Tightening his grip on her braclet, he looked up, and when his eyes focused after all the tears, he could see a rat. The first of many...
As clutsy as she was, a dark forest was no place for her. The fact that she was crying and couldn't see is what held her back, giving poor Yuki a chance. She ran with her arm covering her eyes, so that the branches would stop hitting her in the eyes. not that it mattered, she'd be dead soon.
Tohru could feel something welling up inside of her, emptiness. she could feel it everywhere in her body, screaming justly for death. The time of fighting it was over, it had been about two months now, and she was ready to give in. Ahead of her she could hear the interstate, but she didnt even have enough will to make it there.
As she fell to the ground,the faccade that she had been living behind every day tore in two. She was an orphan(her father was as good as dead to her), and her whole life everything she had known had been a lie. Her crying had just began to slow down, but now she could hardly breathe for it. she curled up into the same position as yuki was just now sitting in about half a mile away. Her sister and father had never been dead, why did her mother have to lie?! Her hatred of the world fumed. Her only model she'd ever had, her mother, was now nothing else but the same as everyody else. Choking on her tears, she turned to the tree behind her and found a pointy peice of bark, ripping it from the tree. With her right hand she took the point and dug it into her left wrist again and again. But there was no blood... it wasn't sharp enough. She threw it into a bush, and startled a sleeping rat... who then set off in the direction in which she had come. Tohru's pretty slow, but she understood what this meant.
Once quite a few of rats had assembled, yuki held out the braclet to them and told them to find her. he trusted them with his only peice of Tohru he had left, and he knew that it might be to late. One of the fat ones assumed leadership. Soon he was racing with them around his ankles toward Tohru, and she was racing toward the interstate. She came out of the forest, and there was 30 yards of feild between her and the interstate bridge. She would go up to it, and jump off in the line of cars. She could sense something coming, so she knew she had to hurry.
As Yuki raced through the forest, he knew that nothing for the rest of his life would matter more than this moment. He had to hurry, because if she went through with it, he would be dead too within the hour. His life meant nothing to him. All that mattered was her. He broke the line of forest, and saw her running as fast as she could toward the bridge, which wasn't very fast. The rats dissapated and soon he was running alone.
Tohru came to the edge of the bridge and sat her butt on the side railing and swung her legs over. Now that she was here, staring down into her death, she didn't know if she could do it. The cars were just going to fast... so would her death. She similed and slid off...
Yuki was about three feet behind her when she jumped off. Luckily, he was able to grab the back of her shirt and pullher back up into his arms.
"Tohru!" Yuki cried, hardly heard from the roar of traffic, "how could you do that?!" They slid down to the ground, Tohru safely in his arms. She was slient, but cried big warm tears into yuki's neck. Yuki's hand held her snugly by the waist and she wraped her arms around his neck.
"Yuki..." it hardly escaped as a whisper. She exploded into sobs. "I just don't want to hurt anybody anymore."
"Tohru, the only person that you have hurt out of this sitution is yourself," he pulled her back just enough to look her in the eye. "You're my life, I would die without you. Everybody else loves you too, and I'm sure that they feel the same."
"I just don't have the will to llive, Yuki." She looked him in the eye as she said this, in a very serious tone. "I don't deserve to live anyway."'
"Don't ever say that again," Yuki demanded, brushing her cheek lightly. "If there is one person on this planet that deserves to live, it's you." Yuki closed his eyes and put his cheek against Tohru's. "I love you... more than anything." Tohru burried her head into Yuki's neck again and began crying.
"I love you to!" she choked out, "and I always will" She lifted her head and looked Yuki in the eye. By now, both of them were crying. He leaned in and began to kiss her, slowly and gently. His arms tightened around her waist,and she ran hers up to his hair. She loved being cradled here in his lap, and wished that it would never have to end.
Aurthors note- I hope this series was worth waiting on my writters block, dealing with my spelling errors, and all the short chapters! Thinking about doing a sequel to it that explains what happens after this if I get enough requests(about 15 requests)! Thank you all for being such loyal fans, and please if everybody would reveiw that would be very nice!
BTW- if any of you are wondering what ever happened to the curse with Yuki, it was Tohru that overcame it, not him. Sorry for any confusion.