I'm going to announce this now... this is the last chapter.

Anddd, I also decided to announce that this will be my last story on fanfiction (no sequels, sorry guys!) and that I'm probably leaving fanfiction completely. So if I stop reviewing your stories... that's why.

So... read&review please!

Chapter 22

Ulrich's POV

When I regained consciousness, my eyes felt too sore to open. In fact, everything felt sore. Why did everything hurt?

Then a quick image of Odd driving as I jumped into the front seat popped into my head. I grinned when I remembered Odd and I cracking up as we watched Jim scream at us from in the review mirrors.

When I forced myself to open my eyes, almost everything around me was white. The walls were white, the sheets of my bed were white, my casts and bandages were white, the ceiling was white, and even the hand resting on my own was white.

In fact, when my eyes traveled up the arm of the owner of the hand, I found out that Yumi's face was white too. I realized I was in a hospital.

Why was I in a hospital?

"Are you okay?" Yumi asked, her voice shaking. When I looked over into her normally calm silver eyes, I found that they were red and puffy instead, swirling with emotion like a mini hurricane.

"I'm fine," I said distractedly, clearing my throat when my voice came out scratchy and dry. I examined my injuries, trying to figure out what had happened. Let's see… the last thing I remember was Odd and I driving in that car… alone. I tried thinking about what happened next, but it all just seemed to make my head hurt….

"What happened?" I asked.

"You got in a car crash," she said quietly.

I thought about this for a moment, then laughed. "I knew it was a bad idea to let Odd drive… I should've known he would've crashed the car. Where is he, anyway?"

I looked around the room and glanced out into the halls, expecting for him to be sitting in one of the chairs waiting for me to wake up, or maybe be escaping from his own nurses, unfurling a disaster in the hall.

Yumi didn't answer, so I looked at her. She was shaking all over now, her bottom lip quivering. My entire body froze. "Yumi," I asked again, slowly, "where is Odd?"

Just by looking at her, I knew what she was going to say. But I didn't think I'd believe it unless if I heard it spoken out to me. She squeezed my hand tightly.

Somehow, even though I knew it must've been impossible for her, she managed to choke out a few words.

"Ulrich… he's dead."


Sissi's POV

Things like this aren't supposed to happen in real life. Things like this happen in movies and those stupid books when the main character dies in the end and you can't help but be sad. Things like this happen on TV in the news, or happen in other countries.

Things like this aren't supposed to happen to people like us… things like this never happen to people like us.

Why, Odd… why do you always have to break all the rules?

Something's changed inside me… you could say something's different about me these days. That's what everyone else thinks at least.

Some people say that I've finally grown a heart, that it's about time I learned how to be nice, and that it's taken me long enough to figure out that being a snobby brat doesn't get you everything. They say I'm a completely different person- one who knows how to be compassionate, to care for others, to be generous, to have empathy, to be able to think of other people before myself.

But they're all wrong. The truth is, Odd, I had those things in me all along.

You just showed me how to use them.


Yumi's POV

You know, Ulrich and Aelita are walking disasters without you around. No… they're worst than just disasters. They're a rage of lightning and thunder, spiraling out of control tornadoes, torrential downpours, golf-ball sized hail, and catastrophic hurricanes all rolled up and combined into one jumbled up mess.

They aren't complete disasters on the outside… although honestly, they can be so sad sometimes they're hard to be around. But mostly they're disasters on the inside.

I'm not going to lie to you, Odd, and say that everyone's happy like I know you want them to be. I think it's going to take a long time to let go… for all of us.

I know I'm not your best friend or madly in love with you like Ulrich or Aelita. And I know no one could possibly miss you as much as they do. But I know that I miss you Odd… you know, it's so much easier and more fun to make fun of Ulrich when you're around. Just having two people to team up against him makes insulting him all the more exciting.

It seems stupid, but it's so much harder to eat the cafeteria food around here with you gone. Believe it or not, I always watched you take the first bite of that sickening food just to make sure you didn't go puke it all up or something before I tried any of it myself. I always took you as a food tester for granted… I guess you could say that I never really understood how important you were to me, until you left.

Some people believe in fate. You know… like the whole, everything happens for a reason sort of thing.

I never really liked the idea of fate… I hated the idea of my life all planned out and ready for me. The fact that whatever you do is what you're supposed to do, and that whatever you chose isn't changing your future, it's just making what's supposed to happen to you come true.

I've always hated the idea of fate, but oddly enough, I've believed in it. It's mostly my parents fault, I guess… they had drilled into my little skull when I was old enough to understand them that I was going to do good in school and I was going to get a good, practical job and I was going to get married to whatever guy they approved of.

I didn't actually believe that my life was going to end up like my parents wanted it to… I don't even think they really believed it. Everyone knows life doesn't go that smoothly, and everyone knows something major has to happen in-between.

But the truth is, I don't believe in fate anymore.

Ulrich and I weren't "destined" to get together… I mean honestly, we've hated each other our entire lives. Almost everything and everyone was trying to pull us apart: all the guys at school who wanted to go out with me, all the girls who wanted to go out with Ulrich, all of the times Ulrich and I got interrupted in a big moment, and hell, even we were trying to pull ourselves apart by avoiding each other and making ourselves hate each other.

The only thing really pulling me and Ulrich together were you and Aelita.

And really, does anyone actually believe that everything happens for a reason? That you and Sissi got stuck together in a cage in the zoo for a reason? That William passed out on the roof and got sent to the hospital for a reason? That Aelita gave up on Jeremie for a reason?

How the hell could anyone actually believe things happen for a reason, when you died? Ulrich's best friend, the person Aelita was falling in love with, the person to lighten any sad mood, the person who just laughed at everything and made life fun… why should he die?

I don't believe in fate anymore, Odd, because if fate actually existed, they'd have to find some reason for killing you.

And I don't think that's possible.


Aelita's POV

I finally named her. The kitten, I mean… I named her about a week after you left us.

It wasn't fair, how you just left us like that. I guess you had no choice… but couldn't you have waited a little longer? Maybe a few more years? 20? 40? 80? Come on Odd… did you really have to leave us so soon?

I don't know what to do without you. I can't stop thinking about you, and I can't stop missing you. Jeremie's been trying to help me… he's given up all of his studying for exams, just to try and make me feel better. He's a really good friend and all, but he can't fill up the space inside me that you took when you left.

I never really told you this… I was planning on telling you… the day you… went away, actually. I wanted to tell you that… I love you. I loved the way you smiled at me, I loved the sound of your laugh, I loved the way you could turn anything awful into something funny, and I loved the way you'd do something when everyone least expected it. I loved the way you cared about people, I loved the way you cared about the kitten, I loved the way you cared about… me.

The kitten's name, by the way… is Daisy. And trust me Odd, I'll never forget about her or let her run away. I'm going to keep her close for as long as I can.

Even if it kills me inside.


Ulrich's POV

Odd… I'm sorry. You wouldn't believe how sorry I am right now… unless… maybe… if you were here to see it.

Everyone misses you, Odd… summer's lost all it's glory and fun without the master prankster stirring up trouble and flirting with all the girls in sight. Believe it or not, I missed you so much that somehow I rated a really hot girl at a 9, right in front of Yumi. She punched me, of course.

I don't know why, but I couldn't accept the fact that you were… gone. Everything just seemed so… unreal, you know? Like a dream. It actually took me until I had gotten out of the hospital (which, trust me, was a longggg time) and until I spent my first night at in a normal, non-hospital room that made me realize you were gone. And you know why that was? Because I didn't hear your snoring.

It's hard to live through summer without you. Yumi's over here every day, skipping out on all her friends and sports and summer activities just to be with me.

It kind of scares me… having another person so close… because I knew that if I lost her… well, let's just say that at least I'd be seeing you a whole lot sooner than I should.

You wouldn't believe how many things remind me of you… food, obviously (especially really nasty looking food), and not hearing your snoring at night. But littler things remind me of you too… like that huge green splotch of paint we accidentally got on the side of the neighbor's white house that one summer, the trees you used to climb when we were kids, the huge stain on the carpet in the basement from our major soda spill during that party we threw when my parents were out (my parents still don't know about it)….

Odd, you were always the kind of kid who wanted to be president just to create a National Snow Day, the kind of kid who wanted to be an astronaut just to go to Pluto, the kind of kid who wanted to be a fireman.

You've always been the kind of person who's just wanted to make a difference.

And believe me- you've made one.


High school has its ups and downs… its rights and lefts, its loops and its corkscrews. It's full of things you'd never expect to happen- things you'd never even dream of happening. Like, the people who've hated each other all their lives that fall in love, the girl who's always believed in going for the practical, smart guy but suddenly finds herself liking someone who's the complete opposite, the self-centered girl who realizes that maybe being popular and pretty isn't everything, the guy who you thought was invincible, staying happy and optimistic through everything, dies….

The truth is, behind all the pointless drama that goes on at a high school, real things happen. People change personalities… lives are altered forever.

But no matter what happens, you have to keep moving on. You have to trust that good things are going to happen in the future, but you have accept that bad things are coming your way too.

Can you believe that we still have two more years of high school to get through?

What a disaster that will be….

Ahh yes Ulrich... what a disastor that will be. lol

Okay, that is way too sad of a chapter to end my story with, so I think I'm going to do an epilogue! Does that sound good to you guys?

Thank you soso much for reading!!!

--bRoK3n h3aRt--