Disclaimer: I own nothing!

A Spider Story

By Siriusluver16

It was a quiet day in the Burrow, Ginny was sleeping, Ron was playing with his teddy, the twins were locked in their room. Maybe the last one isn't such a great sign. Mrs. Weasley was cooking in the kitchen, and Percy was reading yet another book. Bill and Charlie were at Hogwarts and Mr. Weasley was at work. Seems like just another day, nothing important happening, right? Wrong!

Up in Fred and George's room, the twins were looking up spells in their brother's old textbooks. They found one really funny spell that turns things into a spider.

"Arachne!" George said using his dad's wand. The piece of paper the wand was pointed at turned into a spider.

"It worked! It worked!" Fred exclaimed.

"Yea, but who should we use it on?" George asked.

"Mum will miss Percy and Ginny, so probably Ron."

"Good point! Let's go turn Ronnie-kins into a spider!"

"Yea!" The two troublesome twins carefully went downstairs and saw Ron playing with his teddy.

"Arachne!" George whispered. And with a swish of a wand, Ron's TEDDY turned into a spider. Ron looked at it with surprise and screamed his little heart out. The teddy bear now had eight legs and lots of eyes. It even started moving around! When Mrs. Weasley heard the scream she came running in from the kitchen.

"Ronnie, it's OK, tell mummy what happened." Mrs. Weasley tried calming Ron down, but it wasn't working. That's when she heard the twins in the corner of the room cackling madly.

"Fred, George, what happened?" she asked calmly. When the boys just shrugged, Mrs. Weasley's temper flared. She was furious! "TELL ME WHAT YOU DID TO POOR LITTLE RON NOW OR ELSE YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO GO TO HOGWARTS!"

The boys thought that their mother would never do this so they kept quiet. When Mrs. Weasley picked up the floo powder, the boys then realized that she was serious.

"We turned his teddy into a spider." Fred said and he had tears welling up in his eyes.

"Yea, but it was all Fred's idea! I tried to stop him but Fred said he would steal MY teddy!" Said George, also with tears in his eyes.

"But George said the spell!" Now Fred was crying.


Fred mumbled "Dad's." and George nodded in agreement.

"When your father hears about this, he will not be pleased." The twins bowed their heads.

"George, go to Bill and Charlie's room, and Fred, go to Ron's room." The boys then scampered up the stairs. "Ron, are you Ok, sweetie?" Ron shook his head.

"Well, that won't do!" Mrs. Weasley picked up the big spider and with a swish of her wand, the spider was a teddy bear again. Mrs. Weasley handed it to Ron but he didn't take it.

"No spider!" Ron shouted.

"And that is the story of why dear little Ronnie-kins is afraid of spiders!" Fred exclaimed to the group consisting of Ron, Hermione, Harry, Neville, and Ginny. Everyone was laughing their heads off and Ron was sitting there blushing.