I decided that it was about time I put this story in here, now that I actually wrote more of it. This one's a lot of fun and I'm pretty proud of it. I guess I kinda based this a little on "Cheaper by the Dozen" and "Yours, Mine, and Ours." It's a lot different, though. I still seem to be taking a while with my updates for Not Your World, so I wanted to post something that I knew wouldn't take me as long. I really hope you guys would like this one and let me know what you think. Things will be a bit rocky in the beginning, but I promise much Spuffiness!
Chapter 1
"You did what?"
Joyce Summers took a deep breath as six voices started to come at her all at once. "If you'll be quiet, I'll be happy to say the rest." She sighed in relief when she was finally met with silence. "It was very sudden, but it's something that we both wanted. Now, who has any questions?"
They all raised their hands.
Joyce figured it would be easier to go with the youngest first. "You're up, Dawn."
The young girl nodded and stood up. "I would start with how crazy this is, but I figured that's something Buffy would say," she remarked, giving her older sister a smirk.
Buffy just stuck her tongue out.
Dawn turned back to her mother. "You really got married?"
Joyce sighed and looked at all six of her children. "I'll explain it the best way I can. I knew Rupert a long time ago when we went to school together in England. He happens to be moving here now. We ran into each other the weekend that I was in Los Angeles. All of those old feelings that we had in the past just came back. We were going to get married then, but there were too many obstacles that got in the way. I know deciding to elope was really sudden, but Rupert isn't some man that I met on the street. He's very dear to my heart and I'm still very much in love with him."
They all took it in, neither knowing what to say to that.
Dawn decided to speak up again when it looked like no one else was going to. "What about Daddy?"
Joyce moved closer to hug her youngest daughter. "I loved your father very much. He gave me six wonderful gifts, but I don't think you ever really get over your first love."
Dawn nodded, trying to understand everything that her mother said.
Joyce pulled away and stared at the others. "I'm sure you all will like him, but there's more that you need to know. We have this nice, huge house and plenty of room. So, Rupert will be moving in here next week. I should also mention that he has six kids of his own." She shut her eyes tight at the yelling that she knew was about to take place.
"Six kids!"
"That would make twelve of us in one house!"
"Fourteen counting you two!"
"This is totally insane!"
"We only have two bathrooms!"
Joyce held her hand up. "I understand that this is a lot to deal with in such short notice, but I'm sure you will all learn to get along fine. They're just moving here and don't really know anyone yet, so I want everyone to make them feel at home once they arrive. There are some sacrifices that will have to be made, including sharing your bedrooms and the restrooms."
Most of them groaned at that.
"This is so not fair, Mom. I need at least a half an hour in the bathroom every morning. They're going to cut into my beauty time." Cordelia, the eldest daughter, commented.
Buffy rolled her eyes. "We wouldn't want that. I've seen you in the mornings, it's not pretty."
Cordelia scowled at her younger sister. "Shut up, brat! This just ruins everything!" she yelled, then bounded up the stairs.
Joyce could feel a headache coming on.
"For once, I agree with her. I'm going for a walk." Xander, her twin brother, replied. He then made his way out of the house.
Buffy and Dawn went upstairs, without saying anything else.
Riley and Tara were the only ones that stayed in the living room with Joyce.
He cleared his throat before speaking. "I'll be living in a dorm this year, so I guess I could handle it. I'll talk to them."
Tara agreed. "As long as you're happy, Mom."
Joyce smiled at her two remaining children.
Riley was the oldest and always managed to be a good influence on the younger kids.
Tara was the sweet and shy type. She hated any confrontation and would only ever speak up if she had something that really needed to be said.
"I really appreciate that. I'm sure everything will work out." Joyce told them, trying to convince herself that it was true. She wondered how Rupert was coping with his family.
"You have got to be bloody kidding me! You want us to be the sodding Brady Bunch?"
Rupert Giles cleaned his glasses, knowing that this would not go very well. "Please, William. Would you let me finish?"
He scowled. "I told you, I go by Spike now."
Giles rolled his eyes and chose to ignore that comment. "Joyce was a very close friend of mine. We were lucky to find each other again. I know that no one could ever replace your mother, but Joyce is a good woman. I'm sure you will all learn to love her, and her children grew up in Sunnydale. They would be able to help you get adjusted." He looked at the faces around him, none all that happy with the news.
"This really sucks, Dad. First you have us move out of LA to some small town where nothing pretty much ever happens, and now we have to share our space with six other kids? This family is big enough as it is." Faith stated, crossing her arms over her chest.
"I realize this is hard to accept, but it will work out for the best. I'm sure of that. Now that everything is settled, you should continue with your packing. I don't want to hear anymore complaints about this."
They watched as their father walked away.
"Nothing good can come out of this. He's lost his damn mind."
Spike rolled his eyes at his younger sister. "You know how he is when he sets his mind on something, Faith. There's nothing we can do about it."
"I think this could be a good thing."
They all turned at the voice of their oldest sister, Fred.
"I mean, it's really sweet that he found someone again. He's been pretty lonely." She looked at her older brother, Lorne, positive that he would back her up.
He only nodded. "Yeah, she's right."
Fred rolled her eyes now. "That was very convincing."
Lorne shrugged. "That's the best I could do, sis. Well, you guys talk about this amongst yourselves. I have things to do," he said and walked away.
"Yeah, like painting his face more. He wears more bloody makeup than Marilyn Manson."
"Like you're one to talk, bleach boy. You spend longer looking in the mirror than any woman I know."
Spike glared at Faith.
"Okay, that's enough. You two can argue with each other later, we have more packing to do. Come on, Connor." Their other sister, Drusilla, said. She grabbed her younger brother's arm and pulled him upstairs.
Spike and Faith were the only ones that remained in the same position.
She shook her head. "There has to be a way out of this."
Spike rolled his eyes once again. "Yeah, let me know when you find it." He walked away, leaving Faith alone with her thoughts.