A/N: I know it's been such a long time since I updated this but I'm back my loves! Also check out You Will See, which I recently updated as well. Reviews much appreciated!

Anamaria did not struggle when they brought her down to the brig. Her host body wore a smirk the enitre time as she let herself be carried away. She found it hilarious how the crew thought she cold be contained by chains and a brig. Yes, her body could, but that was not a feat for her, she would merely pick one of the men to harbor herself in. For the time being that was, she had lived in that body for years, nearly 20, and she had become quite fond of it. She had taken it from some Brazillian slave she had 'met' in an alley, after luring her into a trap. The girl had merely been on her way to run errands for her master when the calling began.

"Come to me Bella, follow my voice."

Bella could hear it in her head. It became louder as she picked up her pace, running from the voice she could not escape in her head. She stopped shortly out of breath, her mind playing tricks on her. "Bella!" The voice laughed harshly. It was not the laugh of a voice she could recognize. It had a Spanish accent and would have been a plesant voice, if it had been saying pleasant things.

"Bella. Come on," came the voice in her mind again, this time speaking more soflty. "That's it. A bit closer. Yes love, that's right. I promise I won't hurt you."

After some time, when she had succumbed to the voice, on the ground holding her head in her hands, the laughter died and Bella was left alone in her thoughts. She could not help but wonder where that evil yet pleasant voice had come from. Opening her eyes and looking around she could now only wonder how she had gotten here. She was on her knees, facing the wall of an alley. Footsteps approached her slowly and Bella nearly lost her balance standing up and spinning around to find the keep of said steps.

The voice that had once been in her mind now came from some woman's lips. "I knew you would make it Bella. I had such faith in you." Bella backed away as quickly as she could. There were crates and barrels in her way, and she tripped over them, only to find her back up against the wall and her feet sprawled acrossed the ground.

"What do you want from me?" She asked the keeper of the voice. Bella could not see her voice, only the outline of her body. By the looks of it, she was a petite woman with a headfull of tightly curled hair down her back.

Bella tensed against the wall, a obvious look of discomfort and fear on her face as the womanstep ever so close to her and finally knelt in front of her. Her face so close to her as though she would kiss her. She could not make out her face. The woman who kept the voice in her head was a beauty. Her brown hair framed her tanned, oval face. She had green eyes and was obviously Portugese with her strong accent. "I need your body Bella." Her dark skinned face expressed fear and confusion. "This body," the keeper said, looking down upon herself, "was incredible for the time I needed it. Now, I need something less suspicious. No one will suspect a young, beautiful slave," she said stroking the girl's thick, straight locks. "But I have a choice for you Bella. This body is in perfect condition. With it, you'll be free. I'm offering you that in exhange for this body. This strong, innocent body."

"And my other option?" she asked cautiously.

The woman twirled a lock of Bella's hair in her hand slowly. "Your other option love... is death." Bella nodded.

"The body. I want the body," Bella mustered.

"That's a smart lass."

Oh how she loved the body of dear, sweet, beautiful, Brazilian Bella. But she did not worry as she sat below in the brig next to Tia Dalma. She only watched as Tia made the calls to 2 memebers of the crew. They would not lock her up for long. She would make sure of that.

A/N: Okay so that was basically just a filler chapter. The next one will follow the plot more I promise. Review loves!