Hard Luck

By: AegisX

Due to the graphic nature of this program, viewer discretion is advised. NOT! Yeah, Looks like I have another titans fic, except that they aren't titans. They're just normal kids... well, kinda normal… shit, u'll see for yourselves… Yeah. Now since I don't do lemon scenes, all there will be here is suggestions and stuff like that… never the scene itself… yeah… let's begin

"Yes, there is no fate for us. Only those who are swallowed by ignorance and fear and fall into the river called Fate." – Bleach Volume 6

1. Another Boring Day…

"Mhmm… now that was good," a soft, sultry voice purred in his ear. 'Another day, another job… hmm… now what?' he thought to himself as he lay in a bed with a girl that he wasn't even his, surrounded by vibrant, earthy colors of yellow, orange, brown and more. He pulled out a cigarette, lighting it up and taking a long drag.

"You shouldn't do that, it'll kill you," the same sultry voice spoke into his ear, tongue darting out to lick the lobe.

"What I do or don't do isn't your concern, you know?" he spoke, blowing smoke rings. "What time is it?" he asked, looking at the ceiling of the room where the hazy smoke rings floated upwards.

"Its 10:29," his bedmate answered.

"It think its time I leave," he said, rising from the bed and collecting his clothing, putting one on at a time. Once fully dressed, he turned towards the female still lying on the bed unclothed. Long legs, smooth brown skin, blond hair, blue eyes, full lips and a heart shaped face; all in all, attractive.

"Here," she said, standing up and handing him a roll of cash. "I gave you something extra since you deserve it," a slight purr at the end of the sentence.

"Sure," he answered and turned to leave. The door had a full length mirror on its back and he caught sight of his reflection. Wearing black jeans, a white red trimmed t-shirt with a blood red jagged x across the chest, forest green hair, seven piercings; his hair was layered, short from the front and ending at his neck. His height was 5'11, lanky, but with muscles on his frame. He finished tucking his pants behind his boot tongues and he walked out of the room without another word.

Outside, it was a windy night, the full moon present in the sky lighting up the streets with its glow. He pulled out another cigarette, taking a deep drag once it was lit. He decided that walking through the nice empty park would be a good idea, so he headed in through the little parkway door that was visible in the moonlight.

'Hmm… Ipod… duh' he thought to himself, remembering his Ipod, which he left behind in the house he'd just left. With a shrug of his shoulders he continued walking down the empty park path, cigarette in hand. He neared the little playground close to the middle of the park when he heard a sound.

He stopped to listen as the wind brought the sound to him, until he realized it was an acoustic guitar that was being played. He followed the sound into the playground, towards some kind of pink squirrel like statue that kids used to climb on. With stealth and ease born of his constant practice of martial arts, he reached the statue unnoticed. Sliding under towards the crevice inside the statue, he crouched watching as a girl played the acoustic with skill.

Indigo hair, amethyst eyes, and the unmasked beauty of her self-expression; he recognized the girl that sat there. She was a girl that saw right through everything and anything with her powerful gaze. He slowly exited the statue without alerting the girl, he climbed on top of the statue carefully, until he was sitting there smoking his cig and listening to the music.

He didn't really keep track of how long he sat there, smoking cigs until loud raucous laughter interrupted the music and the silence. He looked towards the source of the laughter and spotted several people walking inside the little playground, making more than enough noise to wake the dead.

One of the figures spotted him, nudged another person next to him and pointed.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Jeon Styler X (JAY-ON STY-LER X)," the figure spoke. "I have a bone to pick with you."

"And what would that be, Storm?" X asked lazily, still smoking his cigarette on top of the statue.

"I thought I told you to stay away from my little sister, I told you she wasn't going to become one of your numbers," Storm said as he stepped into the light. Tall, with the height of 6ft 2in, with an almost white shade of blonde hair and azure blue eyes; he was an accomplished fighter and known to all for his quick temper. Even if his looks earned him girls everywhere.

"It wasn't my fault, she was the one that came after me," X commented as he took another drag of his cig.

"You should've gotten away from her," Storm retorted, watching X where he sat.

"She was a cherry anyway, so I made it worth her while and free of charge too," X said almost casually.

A guy next to Storm bristled at that remark before he could stop himself.

"OH, so that's what it is," X spoke again, nodding his head sagely. "Your little friend wanted her cherry and now you're here for me. Ha. Now that's amusing."

Storm looked at the person next to him with a heated glare in his eyes before turning back to X. "I'll deal with him after I deal with you."

X took one final drag of the cigarette before flicking it at Storm and jumping off the top of the statue with a kick. Storm took the brunt of the kick by crossing his arms in front of his chest before swinging out with his own pair of kicks.

X hopped back, avoiding the kicks as he launched his own form of counter attack, swinging his fists in a feint attack only to sweep kick him. Storm hit the ground hard, but quickly kicked himself back up to his feet.

"So the rumors of your fighting prowess weren't exaggerated," Storm said with a smirk on his face before rushing at X with a vicious hook to the stomach followed by an uppercut that dropped X onto his back. "You'll have to be better than that."

X stood up, trying to clear his head as he watched Storm for any signs of movement. "I am better than that," X yelled out, rushing at Storm with a kick to the stomach followed by a side kick to the head that was blocked and he was pushed away by four punches to the ribs.

Taking in a deep breath, X forced calm onto himself. He slowly started tapping his right foot on the ground, head nodding in time to the beat he cast with his foot. He looked up and with one hand he motioned for Storm to attack "Come on! Come on!"

Storm took the invitation and rushed at X. X quickly pivoted on his left foot, bringing his right leg crashing down in an axe kick that brought Storm down to one knee. Before X could capitalize on the move, Storm quickly punched him in the stomach and proceeded to knock his legs out from under him.

X tried to rise but was effectively pinned to the ground by Storm's right foot. "So, you're gonna hit someone when they're down?" X asked coolly, setting himself up for a counter.

"No, I won't." Storm gritted out. "This just means that I've won."

"I'm still conscious, so that means we're still on." Before Storm realized what was happening, he floating in the air and X was on his feet instantly. In a matter of seconds, their positions were reversed with X pressing Storm down onto the ground with his boot to the neck.

"Hmm… now what? Should we still con-" X's world exploded into searing white pain as he collapsed forward onto the ground. Before he could even register where the hit came from, a second blow landed on his skull dropping his chances of getting up as he lay on the ground holding his skull in agony.

"What the fuck did you do that for?" Storm shouted, getting up and going after Jeon's attacker. "You had no right to step in. This was between me and him."

"He brought your sister into this and he called her a cherry," the ebony haired teen responded to Storm's yells.

Storm lashed out with a fist that connected with the ebony haired teen's face. "Don't think I didn't know what you were planning."

Storm turned away, just in time to see X try to rise but fall back down. "Come on, get up. That shouldn't have put you down." Storm taunted.


The sound of a gun readying to fire froze everyone in their spots. Storm turned to see an indigo haired girl holding a matte black berretta in her hands, the sights centered on his forehead.

"Back off now and we all have a happy ending," she spoke, her voice flat yet the danger ever present in the way she held the gun.

"This doesn't have to go that far," Storm said as he put his hands up.

"It does when you try to jump someone," was the reply that Storm received.

"It was only between me and him," Storm said, motioning towards the ebony haired figure that lay on the ground, blood pouring from his nose. "And you can see I've dealt with the interruption," he added.

"Just walk away…" the girl holding the berretta said, her finger holding the trigger and ready to fire.

Storm gave one last look before he turned around and walked away. His back up followed him, including the guy that was bleeding.

Giving a small shake of her head, she slid the gun into a holster at her side before approaching X. He was slowly coming to, his eyes slightly unfocused because of the blows to the head he'd received.

"Are you alright?" X heard someone ask as he slowly looked around. His eyes slowly focused and he noticed who it was that was standing above him. He noticed where exactly she stood and the short skirt that she wore.

"Hmm…. Black lace?"

She looked down, catching the words that escaped his mouth and she realized what it was for. With practiced ease, she slid out the berretta and placed the barrel of it on his head. "What are you looking at?" she asked icily.

X looked at her in the eyes, a smirk on his fate. "Wasn't my fault," he said simply, giving a shrug.

After a few moments, the gun was back inside its holster.

X got to his feet slowly, rubbing the back of his head. "Thanks for the help. My name is-"

"Jeon Styler X or more widely known as X," she stated simply, going back to the little area beneath the statue to retrieve her guitar.

"Wow, you know my name, I'm flattered," X said playfully.

"It's difficult not to know your name when it's whispered everywhere at school," she responded. She went back to playing her guitar, slowly changing the tune that she'd been playing before the interruption.

"I owe you and I'm wondering what I can do to thank you," X said after a few moments.

"You owe me nothing," she responded.

"I haven't caught your name, have I?" X asked as they sat there against the statue.

"Raven Roth," was the answer he received.

"Raven Roth? Hmm… strange name," X said with a small chuckle.

"You'd be the one talking, Jeon Styler X," was the retort he received.

"Touché" X replied. "So what can I do for you? What's your desire?"

"Nothing that you can give me," Raven answered, watching as X lit a cig and took a long drag. Before X could react, his cigarette was out of his hands and in Raven's lips.

"Ay, that wasn't nice…" X said, watching as Raven took 2 drags from the cig and returned it to him. X took back his cig, taking a drag before handing it back to Raven and pulling out his own.

"What can I do for you?" X asked, smoke slowly billowing out of his mouth as he spoke.

"What do you mean?" Raven responded, her fingers running lightly across the guitar strings as she played Stairway to Heaven.

"I mean to repay you for your help, so what do you need? Do you need money? Or is it something else, a drug perhaps or maybe companionship, friendship, love, a one night stand? What is it?" X said with his eyes closed, the smell of Raven's perfume and the smell of cigarettes both relaxing him.

Raven turned around to gaze at the person that sat next to her. 'Hmm… I'd heard it was a lot harder to get him for a night, so why's he offering himself? ' "So, you've just offered me money, drugs, friendship, love, or use of your body, is that it? Because I think you can think of something more than that," Raven stated as she flicked away the stub of her cig.

"It's what you want, not what I think of."

There was silence between them for a good long time. "I'll give you friendship, how about that?" X asked softly, breaking the silence.

Raven looked at him for a few seconds before looking away.

Both sat there for a long time, watching the sky, smoking cigarettes and listening to Raven's music. The darkness of the night slowly started fading away as the sun slowly rose to greet the world with a smile.

X flicked away his cigarette butt before reaching for another. "Hm… I'm out," he stated simply before tossing away the empty box and standing up. He pulled out SLVR cellphone, checking the time before sliding it back into his pocket. "Hm… I think it's about time I head off towards school, how about you?"

Raven gave a nod before standing up, sliding her guitar onto her back by the strap and walking off the direction of her home.

"Adios," X called to her before turning away and heading to his house.

A/N: Yep, don't really know how long it'll take me to update considering that I'm now going to college, learning Jeet Kun Do, skating, and officially I've started playing Dance Dance Revolution. Yeah… well… see ya when I see ya… yeah… R and R.