I was sitting alone, watching as the day turned to night, on an outstretched limb of a tree. There was a small breeze twisting through the leaves making them dance to the evening's breeze. My hair twisted in the light wind and then ceased to move as the wind died down. I watched the shadows grow long. Little did I know this was the last moment before my life would change forever.
My head shot up from its position of resting against the tree's branch when I heard a scream coming from my small town. I scrambled to get down from my hiding place but my jeans caught onto a little bit of a branch that was sticking straight out. Reaching down to get my jeans uncaught, I became unbalanced and slipped off the side of the branch landing on my feet but because the impact was so powerful I fell to my knees scrapping my hands trying to catch myself. Then I heard it again. The scream echoed throughout the trees.
"Sarah…" I whispered. It sounded just like my little sister's scream.
I jumped to my feet and ran towards our house. I rounded a corner and almost smacked into a trash can someone forgot to take in. I kept running through the deserted streets overcome by the buildings' dark shadows. I rounded to corner leading to my street. I just kept going. I ran up the steps and through the front door.
"Sarah!" I yelled running throughout the house. "Mom!"
I heard sobs coming from our basement as I passed the stairs leading down. Despite my fear and my growing heart rate, I pounded down the stairs. My heart kept going faster as I descended the stairs. I reached the bottom. I could not see perfectly, for my eyes were still adjusting to their new surroundings. I heard the sobs again and they were coming from the only other room down there. My heart raced as my body just barley moved towards the door leading to the other room. It was slightly ajar, leaking out light from the other side. My body stiffened as my hand took hold of the doorknob. I felt my hand pull lightly at the door. It opened with no trouble. My heart pounding in my chest. The door eased open and my heart stopped. I felt my breathe get caught somewhere in my chest and a scream was pushing at my lips trying to escape.
"Sarah?" I whispered. A whisper was all I could do. I fought of the urge to faint.
Sarah laid limb on the floor. Her body sprawled out. A pool of blood surrounded her. Her eyes still open but frozen, staring at nothing. At least nothing in this world.
I slowly looked from her body to the six men standing behind Sarah. The stared at me with cold eyes. They wore the uniform signifying they where part of the military. As my eyes scanned the men, my eye caught blood on one of the men's hand and chest. I squinted, recognizing him.
"George?" I cried.
"Yeah it's me." He said with a slight smirk on his face. His eyes seemed to say anything but hurt or sorry…more like pride.
"You bastard!" I screamed at him tears coming to my eyes. I struggled to keep from letting out a cry of anger.
"Just doing my job…and proud of it." He said wiping off the blood on his pants.
"You k-killed her…" I croaked. My mouth and throat were dry and it hurt to speak.
"I know you know why, Rachelle. She was a threat." George bent down to retie one of his boots. He sighed.
"She w-was only n-nine." I whimpered looking at her face. I imagined her sitting in the living room when they barged in and dragged her here and slit her throat as she was screaming for help with tears rolling down her face. I looked back at the men a tears streaming down my cheek, gathering at my chin then dropping to the floor.
"Don't cry. It won't be forever that you two are apart." George took a step forward.
"Don't come near me!" I screamed taking a step back.
George stepped over Sarah's dead body.
I looked over to the side. A woman, my mother kneeled on the floor with her hands burying her face. She just kneeled there sobbing.
"How could y-you do this to me!" I yelled at the murderer running out the door and back up the stairs. I could hear the men coming up after me. I reached the top and slammed the door as hard as I could. I ran for the front door. I pulled it open with such force that I almost broke it right off the hinges. I stumbled down the steps and into the street. I turned my face up towards the sky. It was a clear night, no clouds. Just stars and a quarter moon. 'I have to fly.' I closed my eyes. When I opened them I had my grey wings spread out and ready to take off. I jumped up and flapped my wings, soaring into the open sky. My heart felt as though it was going to break. I couldn't believe it. She's dead, and he betrayed me. To think I actually trusted him, I thought he cared. I mean wasn't I suppose to trust him? He was my boyfriend. Tears were still gushing from my eyes. My throat still dry and my heart still pounding, still breaking.
"I love you Sarah…" I knew that somehow, somewhere she was listening and could hear me.