One Strange Night
By Abby Ebon
AN: Okay yes, very, very, very short chapters, I'm sorry, I can't help it! Honest though, my muse had been unleashed (thanks to 001ElvenWarrior!) and is back with a vengeance and PLOT – Oh MY!
Disclaimer: Don't own! You can't catch me for I am the Dreaded Writer-Woman! Fear Me! Or don't sue- both are good!
PS- disclaimer is clearly taken from 'Danny Phantom' the 'Box-Ghost' no, dear reader, I don't own that show either!
: Logan, tell our …'guests' I would like to see them, would you? I do not think they would take kindly to a voice in their heads. : Xavier's metal-voice booked no arguments, and Logan muttered a silent curse, turning to face the two monsters, both of whom had stayed near the closet door.
"I'm Mike" The one-eyed monster suddenly blurted out; looking as if he himself didn't know why.
" Logan." The Wolverine found himself saying, a half smile on his lips.
"The man who …teaches…the students, like Kitty here; would like a word with you." Logan said, Sully and Mike glanced at each other. Measuring, and weighing, their chances without a word- the way best friends, and the closest of siblings, often do.
Mike sighed, disliking the idea, but hating the silent plea in Sully's eyes, even more.
"Alright…but the closet stays open; unless you want two angry monsters on the loose." Mike grumbled, Logan chuckled, and silently led the two monsters to the Professor.
Although Professor Xavier didn't show it- he was nervous about meeting his first real 'monsters'. Every child has a nightmare about them in early life, if they remember it or not in later life, usually it makes all the difference.
The Professor wondered at what they looked like; his mind could sense theirs, but he didn't understand them, and that fascinated him. In every folk tale, there are monsters.
Some of them truly deserved the title, others were simply misunderstood. The Professor knew he was dealing with the later- or else Logan would have done something…violent.
He hadn't, so the Professor took that news to heart, and hoped. Xavier had two main reasons for wanting to meet them; one was simply to see and understand. The other was…complicated.
You see, Xavier had a theory, which was while humans were evolving; they were also doing so in ways that he suspected had roots with monsters.
He hoped they would agree to a DNA test; to see if there were, at all any similarities with mutants.
Logan took that moment to make a slightly dramatic entrance. If the Professor hadn't been expecting him and the monsters, he would have been surprised, as it was he merely let a welcoming smile show.
"Hello Sully, Mike. My name is Professor Charles Xavier; I know your names because I took them from Logan's mind. You see, humans who are called 'Mutants' have been developing astounding abilities in the recent fifty years…I, Logan, and Kitty, are among them." Xavier told them in his usual calm tones, only allowing a little of his excitement to be heard.
Sully and Mike looked between Logan and the Professor; then to each other, neither of them saw anything other then 'human'.
"That's…nice?" Mike muttered, wondering what to say at the Professors announcement. Logan snorted, and the Professor chuckled at the baffled expressions on the two monster's faces.
"Not particularly, human's fear change, especially when it comes from within them selves. What I propose is that humanity has been changing so rapidly because of an outside influence. Perhaps coming form the genes of those like yourselves." The Professor hadn't allowed his tone to be accusing, or suspicious, but he watched the two's reactions carefully. It wasn't what he expected.
They laughed, long and hard.
The Professor glanced at Logan, who shrugged. Finally the two calmed and Sully managed to say, with a broad grin that showed off all his teeth; "That's impossible, we've feared humans since before your Dark Ages."
The Professor frowned, a look that didn't suit him.
"Still I would like to take a look, would you refuse?" He asked, they again glanced between each other, and to him, suspicious.
"What do you mean to do?" Mike asked clearly uneasy. The Professor put on a pleasant expression, his hope was to calm them, and it clearly had the opposite effect, as both gazed at him with wary eyes.
"Merely to take some blood, that is all, I promise you." There was, again, the look the two friends shared.
"Fine." Mike muttered, and Sully sighed. He knew Mike wouldn't forgive him for this for a long while yet.
" Logan will lead you to our labs…I think you will be most surprised at what you find there." The Professor said as they left, the 'monsters' only reply was a doubtful grunt, and a snort.
The labs at Xavier's 'school' were the best in the state, and the results for something as simple as a DNA test could be in your hand in hours, not days.
It helped that unlike most labs, had so few clients, as there was only a school full, and most of the time the sole doctor specialized in DNA and trauma wounds.
Mike and Sully's response to the doctor was something else entirely.
The doctor was nick-named Beast for a reason- he was blue-furred, and liked to hang from the ceiling. Yet Mike and Sully, while they didn't know what he was (other then a mutant)- but they did know he wasn't a monster.
Call it a sixth sense, but they knew he wasn't one of them- despite appearances.
As for the results, they were likewise conclusive- monsters were monsters; mutants were mutants. The Professors question answered, they left for the Monster-World, giving Kitty a key that would allow her to open any door- and visit them in their world.
If Kitty ever used that key, well, that is another story.
AN: I admit; my reasons for writing this were a bit childish. One, Kitty has always interested me- and I think she's a character that has a lot of untapped potential. None the less, the idea that mutants were descended from monsters really bothered me, so I wanted to clear that up in my head. Ah, well, hope you enjoyed it – sorry it was so short.
This was originally six very short chapters. I hope at three it makes more sense.