Back To Their Youths:

Aztecluv: Ok! Here is chapter 2!

Chapter 2: The Fountain's Secret:

"Wahhhhh!" cried the 4 little Smash Bros babies. The team couldn't sleep because of the babies' crying.

"What time is it?" Ness asked Samus when she picked up Baby Mewtwo.

"It's 2:00 AM!" Samus practically yelled. She was extremly tired and to think that she thought that taking care of a baby would be easy. Was she wrong. She went to the living room with Fox, Zelda and Mario along with the rest of the team.

"I thought Falco was a pain as an older person but as a baby it's worse!" Fox complained as he was rocking Falco, even though it wasn't working.

"If only we knew more about the fountain then we can find a cure!" Wario said as he covered his ears.

"Tell me about me" Mario said sarcastically. Suddenly, the babies stopped crying but they didn't fell asleep. Everyone gave a sigh of relief that the crying stopped. Baby Pit started to look at Zelda, Baby Peach was sucking her thumb, Baby Mewtwo was making cute cooing noises that made the girls squeel with delight and Baby Falco grabbed Fox's finger and had a strong grip on it. Suddenly, Luigi raced from the library in the mansion to the living room.

"Hey guys, you won't believe what I found out!" said Luigi with excitment.

"What is it?" Nana asked while holding Baby Peach.

"The fountain that they fell in is actually a cursed fountain built 6000 years ago. You see, the park used to be a temple and the fountain's water was so pure that thieves were stealing it and selling it for profit. The owner of the temple was a sorcerer and he had it with the water being taken from his fountain so he cursed the water. According to the spell, the water will turn anybody who drinks or gets water on them into babies. He made the curse last for as long as the fountain exsist." said Luigi.

"So, that thing was cursed?" Marth said

"Yes! There is one problem" said Luigi

"Exactly, what is the problem?" asked Link

"The page that talks about the cure was torned off" said Luigi

"Great! That means we are going to be stuck with the stupid damn thing everynight and I won't look good when I wake up because if I don't get at least 8 hours of sleep I won't be able to do anything!" Snake complained.

"Calm down! We can find the page tomorrow" said Ganondorf. All of a sudden, there was something smelly coming into the nostrils of the team.

"What the hell is that smell?" asked Roy, covering his nose.

"My wild guess is a dirty diaper" said Metaknight.

"One question though, who has the dirty diaper?" asked Jigglypuff. Then, Baby Mewtwo started to cry

"I think we have an answer" said Pikachu. Baby Mewtwo was really crying louder. Samus was getting nervous.

"I'm not changing it! I can't!" said Samus, trying not to drop Baby Mewtwo, who was wiggling around.

"Don't worry! I'll change him for you!" said Bowser

"You, changing a diaper?" said Pichu

" I have done it before so its no problem" said Bowser as Samus handed Mewtwo to him.

"Your face is going to make him wet his pants even more" DK joked

"Shut up!" yelled Bowser.

"I'll get a diaper" said Dr. Mario

"I'll get the baby powder" said Popo

"I'll get the videocamera" said Yoshi

"Beep!" asked Game & Watch

"Cause he knows what will happen when someone changes a boy's diaper" said Young Link. Meanwhile, Boswer went into Dr. Mario's office and put Baby Mewtwo down on the changing table. Samus put a pacifier in Mewtwo's mouth to keep him calm. Yoshi came back with the camera and started to record.

"Ok! Here we go!" said Bowser as he started to unstrap Baby Mewtwo's diaper.

"Ewwww!" everyone screamed. They saw what the diaper looked like.

"I never knew that it could be green instead of brown" said Ness. Then, Baby Mewtwo all of a sudden peed on Bowser's face

"Ahhh! He peed on my face!" Bowser yelled. Everyone started to laugh as Bowser ran around the room. Link handed him a towel to wipe his face on.

"I told you it was going to happen!" said Yoshi. He then pointed the camera to Baby Mewtwo, who was looking innocent and enjoying the pacifier. Bowser calmed down and threw away the dirty diaper.

"Popo, hand me the powder" said Bowser

"Coming up!" said Popo, handing Bowser the powder bottle.

"Dr. Mario, diaper" said Bowser

"Here you go" said Dr. Mario. Bowser put the clean diaper on Baby Mewtwo. The changing of the diaper was now complete. Fox, Zelda and Mario changed Pit, Falco and Peach's diapers much easier then Bowser did.

"Good thing that the babies are changed" said Mario as he started to heat up the babies' bottles in the kitchen.

"Tell me about it" said Bowser.

"Yes and I will be even more happy when they are turned back to normal" said Kirby. Mario then checked the bottles and took them into the living room. He gave one to Samus, one to Zelda, one to Fox and kept the last one to feed Baby Peach. Each of them accepted the bottle and started to drink their meal.

"Now remember, tomorrow morning we have to meet at the library and find that missing page" said Zelda. She then took a rag and put Baby Pit over her shoulder and started to pat his back gently. He burped and the others did the same thing except Fox got a different result. Falco vomited on his good shirt.

"Ahh! My good shirt!" yelled Fox.

"Good thing I still had the camera rolling" said Yoshi

"That's it!" Fox said as he gave Baby Falco to Roy and chased after Yoshi.

That was chapter 2! So, how do you think the team will do with finding the lost page? To find out, wait for chapter 3. R&R!