A/N: Your beloved Matinee Idol here again with some more Kingdom Hearts fanfic. I know everyone says Sora's the character who gets paired with absolutely everyone imagineable. And while he seriously does, I think Namine might be mine. It might be because I RP her, buthonestly, I love the girl to bits and so I need to see herget some love. This is some very one-sided Sora/Namine, but I may write some that's not-so-one-sided later on.

Read and review and all that jazz, loves. It makes my day.


In the Castle I live in, we have an end of the world every day. Or if we don't, we really should. Some of the Organization would really like it. I've heard them talking about it and how it would suit us so well. Besides, we all know what we are.

They've died before, all of them, so why not stage dying again, like in the shows they pretend to remember? It'd be a lark, wouldn't it? They'd laugh about it forever, mostly because the Superior says they can't laugh.

All that time I'm only listening to their conversation intently, hoping that one day I could say something with them too.

But Marluxia and Larxene are in charge of me, and they don't let me do anything unless they tell me to. "Draw, change his memories. Curtsy, cry for us. Give us a smile. Know your place, witch."

And so I stay in the white room, praying that they come to the thirteenth floor again. I can't come to anyone here. I hate it but they have to come to me. And so I wait, like the girl trapped in the tower, the one called Rapunzel. But she was beautiful with long hair and she had a prince and I'm not like that at all.

Not yet.

Sora's going to be my prince. He's such a good hero and I know he'll make the best prince a girl like me could hope for.

He's going to get me out of this Castle, with its thirteen floors and fake doors and staircases to nowhere. He's going to save me from it all, take me far away where only good memories live. Wherever we'll want to go, we'll go, and there will be nothing but blue skies ahead of us.

And he'll protect me and he'll make sure I'm happy and he'll never call me witch. He'll save me from Marluxia's sharp scythe and Larxene's cutting claws and he'll keep me close to him, hug me tight at night, and always make sure I'm next to him.

Because he "promised" me he would.

And he'll "remember" that, so he'll always say and do nice things with me.

And I hope that he's going to help me find my heart.

Then I can have a happy ending like Rapunzel's. And I want that more than anything.

A/N: All right, my darlings, that is about it! This likely is not the end of my dabbling into Sora/Namine, like I've said already.So be sure to tell me if you liked it or, if you didn't, what can be changed! Reviews are lovely and make baby Katla giggle. :)