Mobile Suit Gundam SEED/Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED: Rebellion

By: Ominae

Rating: T


Concept of the Gundam SEED series are under the copyright of Mitsuo Fukuda, Bandai and Sunrise. All other characters and technology (weapons, vehicles) are under my jurisdiction.

To all readers:

- Since this is my first time to venture into GSEED fanfic writing, I'd like to thank some authors for making this possible. I'd like to thank Solid Shark for his stories that inspired me to do my own. Next, Kira of the Skies gets my thanks for writing about the Equatorial Union and since Fukuda-sama (Should I say it or Fukuda-san since there are some things that I didn't like, but I'll thank him for coming up with SEED. Don't flame me for the last part, please!) didn't explore the region and such, this is my take on it. Kouryuo Sabre get another thanks from me for doing a great job in doing the remake of GSEED with a plus for Kira/Natarle! Finally, RVD is the man who I should thank for coming up with the idea of a group of non-GSEED personnel to play a role in the 1st Bloody Valentine War. Hey R, I'll do the story that I told you a year or so ago, but maybe not in this category, 'kay? Hey you guys, kindly critique this and see if the storyline's good.

Well, better stop rambling on and get on with the show. If you're expecting this to show off Gundam SEED characters, you're dead wrong. But you'll see references of them instead. Don't worry, they might show up in the last parts of the story (and depends on how I'm going to execute it). Oh yeah, I'm doing this together with my other Spriggan story called Unknown Object. If any of you like Spriggan fanfics, please review it too. Thanks and have a good day.

The storyline is inspired by the coup attempts and rebellions of the Philippine military as its basis (The 1989 ones, not the modern ones! Those guys are blasphemizing the spirit of the EDSA Revolution!) with additions from Tom Clancy and the ongoing 2006 Israel-Lebanon Crisis between the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and Hezbollah as noted in this chapter only for the latter (Mind you, I don't support groups like them! They should have disarmed a long time ago). Good luck for the UN to end this crisis and godspeed to foreign nationals stranded in Lebanon, with emphasis to my countrymen. Hope they'll make it through. The story will be dedicated to them and to their safe exodus from the battlefield itself.


Equatorial Union citizens, after its government announced its alliance with OMNI, protested against their actions in huge numbers. Factions from the Equatorial Union military plan to depose the current government in a covert rebellion, replacing them with an anti-OMNI government. Will the instigators be able to launch their coup attempt successfully? A Mobile Suit Gundam SEED story.

Chapter 1: Sparks of Hatred

Somewhere in the Philippines, Equatorial Union

It was a few days until the end of September, 71 Cosmic Era. A Filipino teen of Chinese-Japanese heritage, appearing to be 18 years of age, was seated in the room of his house somewhere in the Corinthian Gardens subdivision, watching the latest news from the Equatorial Union News Network or otherwise known as the EUNN for short. He was alone in the house with most of the lights inside dimmed since it was an early morning in the Philippines, a former pearl of the orient.

"More protests have begun in various parts of the Equatorial Union, just days after the President had announced in a televised speech that pledged his backing to the OMNI Enforcer with another televised speech backing the OMNI's invasion of the United Emirates of Orb." In the bottom of the screen, he read that the OMNI stood for Oppose Militancy and Neutralize Invasion, something that he had already heard off screen. The teen sighed when he heard this; news about the protests have already been making headlines on Equatorial Union, though it had also reached the shores of other countries from the Atlantic Federation to the Orb Union. The PLANTS have even caught wind of the current situation that Equatorial Union leaders are facing right now.

"Security forces have opened fire on protestors after one of them have lobbed a molotov cocktail on riot police, leaving dozens dead. Riots have continued on parts of Afghanistan, Brunei, East Timor, India, Malaysia, the Philippine and Singapore as a retalation to their deaths. A curfew is currently instated and is scheduled to end at 5:00 P.M. later on."

Glancing at his watch, he noted the time was currenlty at 4:30 P.M. in the afternoon. He continued to watch the news when he heard the wireless phone ring.

"Hello." said the teen, answering the phone.

"Staff Sergeant Chung. You've been ordered to head to the Jesus Villamor Air Base at 1800 hours as instructed."

"Understood." The teen acknowledged the call and asked, "will I be embedded in my unit?"

"Yes, of course."

"All right, thanks." Replacing the phone at the cradle, he began to pack some light clothes in his backpack before staring at the picture frame that showed him and his parents. During a vacation at the Orb Union, he was caught in the crossfire when OMNI army units bombarded the countryside while he and his family were trying to get to a neutral evacuation center. The teen was lucky that he made it, but his parents didn't. Even though it was the case, the boy was evacuated safely to Equatorial Union territory. From that day on, he swore revenge on the Earth Alliance for taking his family away from him. After hostilities have started, the entire Equatorial Union military have been placed on standby for rumors that anti-government protestors will use the Orb Union situation to make their case known. The standby alert has been called off after learning that the rumors were false.

The boy, currently in National Service of his second and final year, was embedded with the Equatorial Union Guards, scheduled to move out to Singapore from its base at Camp Fidel Ramos in Quezon City with his unit, the 3rd Guards Battallion moving out for a supposed exercise. He now realized that he was being called as his first duty as a National Service Full-Time conscript after his vacation.

With his wireless phone ringing again, he took it with his left hand and answered his call.


"It's me, son."

"Major?" The teen was a bit stunned. "What is it?"

"I heard you're moving in to Singapore for a field exercise."

"Yes, sir. It's supposed to be for a week. Part of my conscription. I'm currently heading to Villamor before I fly out with the other NSF guys" Is it about the plans?

"I see. Well, I'll be looking forward to see you at Singapore."

"Of course, Major. I'll see you soon."

"Good luck on the flight, Richard Yamato Chung."

Newton Food Centre, Singapore, Equatorial Union

A man in his late '30s wearing civilian clothes and a ballcap was in one of the seats in the center of Newton Food Centre in Singapore, one of the former nation's most famous tourist spots for its hawker stalls in the afternoon. He lighted a cigarette that he took out of his pocket a few minutes ago before seeing someone approaching him.

"There you are Rick." calling the teen by his nickname, shaking his hand before removing his cigarette and extinguished it. "I'd know that you couldn't resist the invitation of getting yourself here."

"Haven't eaten here for a while now." Rick took his seat. "So what's to eat?"

"Eating my usual." The man used his chopstick to point out his food. "I'm eating the Char Kway Teow." He pushed a plate in front of him. "Here, got you Wanton mee noodles."

"Okay." Grabbing the chopsticks from him, he began to eat away at the meat toppings of the food before asking the man, "So why am I here?"

"It's about the plans." The man said after swallowing his food. "You heard about the President declaring his allegiance to OMNI and the protests and riots that followed after his speech."

Rick nodded, "Yeah. A lot of people got killed. So what's your point in all of this?"

The man leaned and him and whispered. "Some of the officers in the army, navy and air force are planning a coup attempt to depose of the President and install a leader with anti-OMNI leaning."

"Anti-OMNI leanings? A coup? Won't that get us in trouble again with the tub of lard in the Atlantic Federation?" hissed Rick, having swallowed his noodles.

"This leader, of all points, is against the nation's alliance with OMNI and is part of the opposition. Remember Gabriel Luna?"

"Isn't he head of the opposition who exiled himself to the Oceania Union in Australia when he made anti-goverment opposition from the speech with some other opposition MPs?"

"The same." He went to sip some Tiger beer on a plastic glass. "He's the head of the opposition and though government media blasted him as a radical, he defected from the government party as a show of disgust for violating our neutrality by joining with OMNI."

"So Mr. Luna's gonna be the figurehead of the next goverment in case we overthrow President Chua." Rick scratched his head. "But why are you speaking to me? I don't seem to be a leader for the inner circle."

"Worry not, my friend." The man patted Rick's shoulder. "I just want someone who could unite the NSF men who want to join in the revolution."

"I understand." Rick let his eyes travel left and right. "But weren't you being followed from intelligence?" Wonder if the guys from National Service Full-Time would take this?

"Not a chance." chuckled the man. "DMI boys don't have a good lead against me." He was referring to the Directorate of Military Intelligence, the Equatorial Union military's intelligence organization created by veteran agents from South and Southeast Asia countries after the Equatorial Union was formed. The agency was on standby after the initial coup rumors had started, but had died down afterwards though the agency was ready to quash any coup attempts.

"But how is it going to start?" Rick again was confused. "Whose with you guys anyway?"

The man nodded, understanding his frustration. "We've got support by some figures from all branches of the military. In fact, most of the conscripts embedded in army, navy and air force are sympathetic to our cause after knowing what happened to the Orb Union."

Rick pointed to himself. "So you called me here because you want me to unite those who want to fight against the president?" The man nodded at him. "But what about those from DMI? Won't they be able to gang up on us?"

"I got supporters working in the DMI. They'll let us know if they're onto us anytime soon."

"And the police?" Rick heard another chuckle from the man himself.

"Don't worry. Some of our supporters are also from the police force as well. They'll help us when the right time has come for us to launch our revolution."

"That's a good one, I guess." Rick went on to finish the rest of his food before the man finished his.

"I've got to go." The man glanced at his watch and stood up. "So are you up to it?"

"I am, sir." Rick shook the man's hand. "After what those OMNI bastards did to me and my family in Orb, I'm willing to go along and make history."

"Splendid." Taking the sunglasses tucked in his pants pocket, he wore it and smiled at him before taking leave. "Let me know how things will go, okay?"

"I will, Major Jack Bauer."

Equatorial Union Guards Training Camp, Pulau Ubin, Singapore, Equatorial Union

"Take a break, guys. I have some things to say."

Leading his comrades to sit deep in the jungles of Pulau Ubin, Rick figured that he would be safer from curious ears after his fellow NSF conscripts settled themselves on the ground, rifles and medium-sized field packs off their arms and shoulders after marching around the island as part of their exercise. They were all wearing green shirts with their Equatorial Union flecktarn pants, its camouflage pattern copied from the former German Flecktarn with some modifications that had all the colors except replacing the rust-red pattern with an all-brown pattern. They were carrying SAR-24 assault rifles, the descendant of the original SAR-21 assault rifle made by Singapore Technolgies (ST) Kinetics, the current makers of the SAR-24.

"I'm sure you guys have heard about what recently heard to the Orb Union after OMNI launched a ground invasion of the neutral nation and its forced occupation."

"Yeah!" shouted the NSF conscripts.

"I got some family back there. I'm worried about what happened to them." voiced Jouji Kojima, a conscript of Japanese descent with concern in his face.

"Just because Orb says no way doesn't mean you have to invade them. It's like when the US invaded Iraq back in 2003." said Hamid Abbas, an NSF conscript of Palestinian descent. Heads were nodding in agreement. He happens to be the group's shadow executive officer and friend of Rick.

"Personally," Clark Yeo, a Singaporean-born conscript, raised his hand. "I'm disgusted after the president pledged his allegiance to OMNI. Just violates our damn neutrality."

After all of them shouted their agreement. Michael "Mike" Clark, an NSF conscript of Canadian descent, said, "Guess this means we can say goodbye to our neutrality stance and start taking sides after all."

"Can't we do something about this? I mean, has the opposition been doing its job on grillling the president down?" Miguel Antonio, a conscript of Cuban descent, waving his hand around to get people's attention.

Jamie Kemp, a British-born conscript, smacked him at the rear of his head, "Idiot! Didn't you forget that he exiled himself to the Oceania Union due to threats made against him? Media suspects that either DMI agents or government supporters were the ones who called Mr. Luna."

Rick raised his hands, making everyone go quiet. "Fellas, this is why I gathered you all here." Moving his head left and right to make sure no one was watching him, he spoke with his fellow NSF comrades on his thoughts. "You remember the rumors that some officers were trying to launch a coup attempt?"

Seeing his colleagues nod at him, Rick explained himself. "A supposed coup is going underway. Now the members of this little party has embedded itself in the army, navy and air force with some supporters in the DMI. Now all they're asking from me is to see whether you guys are willing to support it."

"I've got a question." All the NSF conscripts turned around and faced Alec Valencia, a Philippine-born conscript. "You see, we have to be certain if we all want to join in this little revolution of the officers and sympathetic civilians. Next, even though all of us are suppose to stay in the barracks, one or two of us might squeal even if we all want to join in. Also, we haven't faced any war of some support to this date. We're just like Ireland, Singapore and Switzerland for instance." Loud whispers came from the collected group again, some even saying that they're not sure if they should join in the rebellion or not at all.

Rick paid attention to his words. He does have a point. He was classmates with Alec in his high school back in Manila and went through conscription training together and the two were embedded in the 3rd Guards Battallion together before he took a vacation to Orb for a month when the country was besieged by OMNI forces. As such, he was one of those people who he considers as a friend.

Rick also remembered that after the speech and the riots, they were already some resentment coming from conscript and full time soldier alike, not to mention some of the officers. He also remembered that Major Bauer told him that the resentment eventually lead to talk of deposing the president and replace him with a leader who could stand for the nation against bullying tactics coming from OMNI.

"I realize that this could be the first time that we've fired our weapons outside of our conscription training," Rick said, taking his freind's points very seriously. "but we've been trained for the time that we have no choice but to pull the trigger of our very own rifle in our hands. This is the time that we'll make history for our nation."

Clenching his right hand to a fist and raising it adjacent to his chest, he emphasized his point again.

"You're all aware on the president's televised speech, declaring his allegiance to OMNI. More specifically, to those tub of lards sitting their asses off in the White House from the Atlantic Federation, grinning while watching the Orban Defense Forces suffer for not joining their little gang. You've all watched the protestors being gunned down by security forces after making protests about the speech. They said a protestor tossed a petrol bomb into the riot police. But you know what the truth is?" Seeing that his comrades are waiting for an answer, he continued on. "A DMT agent infiltrated the ranks of the protestors and threw that petrol bomb that started the shootings."

Loud murmurs came from the gathered conscripts, with Hamid raising a hand. "Strong allegations you got there, Rick. But how we know about this?"

Reaching into his field pack, he gathered a folder with the seal of the DMI. Consisting of two swords in a green circle with the symbol of the Equatorial Union, in the form of a the Merlion holding a sort of orb as most of the nation's creation was first based in Singapore.

"You're right." Hamid opened the folder and browsed through it. "This transcript proves it right."

"What right?" said Mark Rono, a conscript of Kenyan descent.

"That the DMT did instigate the eventual riots." Hamid passed the folder to him. "It's the genuine article."

Clark took the folder from Hamid and studied the folder and papers, checking the insignia of the DMI. "It's a real DMI report. Did Major Bauer get this from his supporters in the DMT?"

Gasps came from the conscripts, not believing what he said once more.

"The Major Bauer? Didn't he fight with ZAFT after Junius 7 was attacked by OMNI in the early days of that skirmish?" questioned Jamie, a bit surprised after hearing the name.

"The very same." answered Clark. "You all know he decided to join with the Equatorial Union army after immigrating here, right?"

Rick simply nodded. Satisfied, Clark haded the closed folder to Mark, who took it from him.

"When did Major Bauer get this report? Usually, DMT reports like this aren't even suppose to be given to civilians unless they're declassified." asked Mark, reading the transcript himself.

"Major Bauer told me a while ago that the sympathizers were able to avoid detection when they secretly made a copy of the report.." answered Rick, understanding his curiosity and concern. Seeing that the NSF conscripts were nodding, Rick was a bit satisfied.

"So what say you?" Rick was now asking his fellow conscript a question that could shape the history of the Equatorial Union. "Will you join in a revolution that would change the face of history for our country or will you rather stay in the barracks and live instead to see ourselves being pushed around by the bastards of OMNI and their Blue Cosmos backers? This is your chance to make history not only for the good of our nation, but for the good of all our people."

Rick didn't need to wait any longer for a reply from his NSF peers. Within minutes, his group erupted into cheers and shouts, cheering for Major Bauer and for Rick and mostly especially, cheering for a change in their nation's history.

"What's that?" asked the first soldier, hearing the shouts from the NSF conscripts.

Far away from the conscripts embedded with the 3rd Guards Battalion, a few Equatorial Union soldiers manning the camp heard loud noises coming from the forest.

"Forget it." shrugged the second soldier. "Probably making some jokes or telling some funny story to get their minds off from thinking about the upcoming training exercise soon."

The first agreed with the second, "Yeah. You're probably right."

Somewhere in the Downtown Core Area, Singapore, Equatorial Union

Now being given some time of leave from their barracks, most of the 3rd Guard Battalion conscripts decided to hit town and hang out for fun as it was now the weekend for some rest and recreation.

Rick Chung was an exception for the group since he told them that he needed to go to an internet cafe and use the internet for a while. But little do they know that he had plans to make contact with the leaders of the planned coup.

Getting inside an internet cafe that he found on his way to the Funan DigitaLife Mall, Rick was taken to sit at a vacant table where he connected himself to a Yahoo Messenger program installed in his computer.

Hope the major's here. Rick logged into the net and typed TogusaSection9 as his nickname before he went to send an instant message. Minutes later, he got a reply.

"How are things back there?" Rick saw the reply from Veteran1; he recognized the name as Major Bauer's alias when he was on the net. The two were on friendly terms and he saw him as a father figure when Rick entered conscription training after finishing his high school education at 16 and graduated at 18 before his parents took him to Orb on vacation before the ill-fated invasion of the island nation. Rick sweated a bit; he realized that he was reenacting a scene from Shiri, one of his pre-AD Korean movies that he watched when he was in his high school years.

"Things are fine back in Pulau Ubin, sir." Rick typed the reply and had it sent back to Veteran 1, earning him a quick response.

"Do they agree to join up with us or not?"

Rick quickly hammered out a reply to the Major.

"Yes. In fact, all of them are readily committed to the cause."

"I see." The cursor halted before typing out the rest, "That would be very useful to us. I'll alert the others on this after we end connection."

"Thank you very much, sir."

Opening a can of regular Coke, he sipped its contents while he waited for a reply. Minutes later, the chat box had prompted to look at it as it had a message on it already.

"For the revolution."

Reading the message displayed on his screen, he felt a bit glad that he was about to partake in an extremely dangerous mission that would change the history of a country.

"For the revolution."

Drinking the open Coke can, he clicked the send button on his monitor. If only I could speak with cousin Kira with uncle Hamana and aunt Caridad on this matter. But I'm sure they'll talk me out of this.

From then on, Rick realized that his action could make or break the history of the Equatorial Union.

Staring at his left hand, he flexed it before he opened it. Peering at his thoughts, he wondered if he was doing the right thing for himself and for his countrymen.

I know that it might spell trouble for me and my family, friends and country. But I have to do this.

Clenching his fist tightly, he had already made his decision.

I will join in the revolution to free our countrymen for our so-called president.

Chapter 1 END