Omg i'm so sorry for the delay my life has been completely crazy and this chapter just would not write. I've rewritten it about 10 times and i'm still not completely happy with it although this is a vast improvement on what i had before.

Disclaimer: If Danny or Don have to ever sell themselves into slavery I will be the first in line but other than that... Erm.. No. I wish.


Finja: Thanx for the review! I'm so pleased you like the story! I'm so sorry the update took so long it was not meant to take so long but this chapter was really hard to write. So here you go the new chapter the next and last chapter will be up next week if everything goes to plan!

Chocobetty: I love Mac/Stella though they haven't really featured heavily in this story. The next chapter is well and truly theirs along with the boys. I do like Mac/Danny but Don/Danny is my favourite. This chapter is a bit of both hurt and comfort because they've still got their problems see what you think!

Pendicardial: Thanx for the review! Danny is trying but it's not over yet. Next chapter will be the next so we shall see what happens then hope you like the next chapter!

The Wedding Date

Chapter Four: The Stag Night

Don looked at Danny and he didn't think he'd ever seen the blonde CSI look so desperate. But at that moment he couldn't bring himself to care. He was the one who had wanted to come out, at least to their closest friends, but he hadn't, for Danny's sake. Now Danny was letting Hawkes drool all over him what was up with that?

Don wasn't even bothered that Hawkes had been all over Danny, he didn't care he knew that Danny would never cheat on him. Don knew that. It wasn't that. The flirting wasn't the issue. It was the fact that Danny had let Hawkes flirt with him but he; Don Danny's own boyfriend wasn't allowed to do anything of the sort. It made him mad.

In fact scratch mad, it made him furious, he didn't care that Danny flirted. At the end of the day Danny was a flirt. He had known that when they had started the relationship, hell it was one of the reasons the relationship had started at all. That was fine with him Danny always came home to Don, and sure Don had to remind him who he belonged to but hey, all in the good fun.

But the good fun was starting to not be enough. He wanted more. He wanted Danny to prove that what they had wasn't just a quick fling and grapple in the sheets. Although he had had few grapples that had lasted as long as this one but damn it Don Loved Danny, he'd said so now he needed Danny to prove that Don meant something to him too. The only way he could think of was for them to come out.

But Danny wouldn't and because Don loved him he'd complied, now though he'd had enough. He was starting to think Danny didn't even care. Don loved Danny, had now even told him so but Danny had never said anything back. What was Don meant to think?

"Don wait… Don couldn't look at Danny any longer he tried to wipe away the tears that were on his face but by the look on Danny's face he figured Danny had seen them and suddenly Don didn't care.

"Let me explain."

Don snorted. "This ought to be good." Don said bitterly crossing his arms. "How can you explain it Messer when you don't have a clue what this is about."

Danny just stared at him but Don knew he wasn't going to give an inch now. He wasn't even sure he had anything left to give. "Of course I know what it's about you think I was kissing Hawkes!"

Don looked at Danny for a moment and then started laughing. Danny stared at his boyfriend. What the hell was going on inside his head? "What's so funny?" Danny demanded "it is why you're so pissed off with me!" Don sobered completely and said,

"No actually it isn't."

"Don't lie to me!" Danny yelled. "I'm not the one that stormed from the club just now!" Don stood there feeling like he had been slapped. "I'm not lying Messer." Don said dangerously his eyes narrowing into slits.

Danny was at a loss and Don knew it but fucking hell he was sick of giving in. this time he wasn't doing that he wasn't going to give Danny an inch it was about time they stood up for what they believed in.

"Then why?" Danny asked softly. He wanted to understand there was nothing he hated more than arguing with Don so if there was a way he could resolve it he was willing too.

"Why?" Don asked his eyes wide. "Why?" He laughed as he pulled a hand through his hair. "Well, you see. I have this problem. I have this problem about not being able to tell people we're together." Danny stared at him in annoyance. "Don I've told you that…" He said roughly.

"I know what you said and for ages I've accepted it because I love you." Don said cutting across Danny. "But I have a problem with not being able to flirt with you when others do."

Danny pulled a hand through his hair. He couldn't believe Don was acting like this. He knew Don was possessive sure but surely Don knew he wasn't about to do anything. He wouldn't do that! "I can't believe this!" Danny snarled. "You really think I'd cheat."

"You really think I'd do that to you?" He could feel the anger coursing through his system. Don looked at him there was ice in his gaze. "Don't be an idiot of course I don't." He snapped. "I don't have a problem with you being a flirt Danny. I knew that before we started this. I thank every star there is because you are a flirt. Without it this would have never happened."

Danny was stopped dead by Don's words. If it had been anyone else he would have called their bluff and called bullshit, but this was Don. And Don Flack was many things but a liar was not one of them. Which made Danny feel even worse about calling him one. But then, that caused the question of, well if it wasn't the flirting or the threat of cheating that was pissing Don off, what the hell was it?

"Then why?" Danny asked desperately fighting to keep his voice steady he could almost see the void growing between them and he couldn't figure out how to fix it but he knew he had to, no matter what it took to do it.

Don smiled bitterly. "That's really the question and you know what Danny?" He asked sadly. "This time I can't, no, I won't help you out. I love you so I'm willing to give you a chance but until you can answer your own question I'm out."

And with that Don walked away leaving Danny feeling like his heart had broken into a million pieces right in front of him. Now what the fuck did he do? He couldn't loose Don but he had suddenly realised he had no idea how to keep him either.

And Danny suddenly realised that if that was what Don wanted then Danny was prepared to give him it simply because Don meant more to Danny than anyone else ever had. He watched Don walking away knowing that for the moment there was nothing he could say that would make him stay.

He thought about their argument and Danny couldn't understand it. Why was Don so upset? If he knew how Danny often behaved he didn't understand what had got the homicide detective so whiled up.

Danny found himself outside of his apartment but how he had got there he couldn't have said he let himself in and looked around, all over his apartment there were things that reminded him of Don he sat down and put his head in his hands how the hell had it got to this?

Mac and Stella's wedding was two weeks away and while he was happy for them his own relationship was falling apart. He should be getting ready to celebrate it with his friends, with Don but now he wasn't sure he had Don.

The thought made him almost physically sick. He needed to fix this but first he needed to know what the fuck he had done wrong first. He spent half the night pacing the living room and before he was even aware it was happening the sun had risen and it was time for his shift.

Danny didn't even blink at the fact he must have had two hours sleep the night before he was on a short shift that day and though it was an early start it would mean that it was over quicker. Besides he knew Don was on the early shift and he needed to talk to him.

Danny powered himself up with some coffee and set off for work his head and purpose clear. Of course he should have known it would never be as simple as all of that. He got to work and hadn't even stepped out the elevator when Stella was pushing him back in it.

"You're with me today Danny. Homicide over at the Hudson." Danny nodded. "Flack's meeting us there." Stella said. Danny felt his heart speed up at the thought of seeing Don. He couldn't talk to Don out on the crime scene but at least it would mean Don had to talk to him even if it was just in a professional sense.

But it appeared that Don knew Danny's intentions and had no intention of letting Danny anywhere near him. He seemed to be absent when Danny looked for him and any information he had went directly to Stella in the interest of the case.

Danny had to concede that it was beautifully done as no one thought it odd that Don and Danny weren't speaking as they usually would. But Danny knew and he knew it hurt. He knew Don was hurting and that was worse than anything else, he knew they'd had a shit time bur he still couldn't understand what had got him so riled up.

He had to admit that if he had thought Don was cheating he would have been pissed himself but surely Don knew by now that Danny would no such thing? It wasn't as if their relationship was new. They had been going out almost a year.

None of this made sense and most of it came down to the argument they'd had almost every week from the six month mark it came down to telling people but the thought of doing that froze Danny's insides though he honestly tried to come to terms with the idea.

He wanted people to know he was sick of sharing Don with the praying eyes of other people, particularly Lindsay fucking Monroe. But he'd had so much experience with people's reactions the thought of giving people more ammunition had him losing the reckless courage he was known for.

But he was starting to realise that if he wanted this to work and he wanted to keep Don as a significant other he was going to have to shape up. He just wasn't sure how he was meant to go about it.

Days turned into two weeks and it was complete torture Danny hadn't realised it was possible to miss someone as acutely as he missed Don and to miss them so acutely even though they were right there in the same department as you.

Danny had taken to pulling doubles and doing extra time in the lab to stop thinking about it. He noticed that someone was making sure he was eating it was more than likely Stella but he remembered when Don used to do that for him. And though he knew there was no way Don was behind it, at least not now it brightened his day to believe that it was.

Soon though he had other things on his mind Don as the best man was organising the Stag Night and seemed completely unaffected by the separation he had imposed on himself and Danny which only made Danny more depressed.

Danny couldn't believe it was almost the Stag Night. The Stag Night was two days before the actual wedding owing to the fact Flack and Hawkes had both decided that they needed to make sure Mac was over his hangover to make it down the aisle.

Personally Danny didn't think they'd have that problem the idea that Mac would have a hangover even if he had drank enough to be drunk was so foreign it almost made him laugh, almost.

The good thing that came out of it was that it forced Don to talk to him. No more than necessary but it was still better than the avoidance and silences he had been getting lately.

Danny decided he needed to have a serious think about where he wanted this relationship to go but as soon as he started to think about it he realised he wanted Don back and decided he was willing to do whatever it cost to get him back. He tried to ring, text and even go over to Flack's house but Don seemed to have a sixth sense where Danny was concerned and neatly avoided him.

One thing that was pissing Danny off no end and he knew was effecting his work ethic was the amount of time Lindsay was spending with Don, whether it was for the wedding or not. Don was his whether they were together or not and as much as he tried to think the opposite he found himself wishing Lindsay would just disappear. Something that he didn't think he had hidden well enough from the rest of the team though he didn't say anything.

Danny decided that the fact the Stag Night was so close was a God send, though Danny had stopped believing in God a long time since. Don wouldn't be able to avoid him them and though it killed him he resolved to have the power to wait just too more days to put his plan into action.

But first he needed to make sure he had Don's attention or this would never work…

Don had never experienced anything more painful than keeping his distance from Danny. He knew Danny had spent most of the last two weeks trying to talk to him but Don knew something had to change. He knew it was something that Danny didn't understand. At least he knew now when he looked at it objectively but until Danny understood and decided what he wanted Don knew he had to keep his distance.

It was just that decision was bloody painful and it was killing him. The last two weeks had been the longest two weeks of his life. Luckily he had managed it and it appeared that no one had really clicked on to the fact they weren't speaking.

Even Stella which was a relief Don didn't think he could deal with the probing questions and keep his promise to Danny which he still intended to keep in spite of everything. Luckily with the wedding fast approaching Don found himself entrenched in best man duties.

The most important being of course the Stag Night that he and Hawkes decided needed to be two days before the wedding to make sure they all recovered.

Don found it hard to work with Hawkes and not want to rip his head off for touching something that was Don's alone. Danny was Don's. They weren't speaking at the moment but Don couldn't stop thinking about the fact that Danny had been his and as far as he was concerned still was.

But how was Hawkes meant to know? Sheldon himself was single and as far as he knew Danny was too. Of course now that he could look at the situation without wanting to explode he realised Danny probably didn't have a clue, and as he had said to Danny it wasn't the flirting.

It was the fact that no one knew Danny was taken and Danny was more than happy to go along and pretend everything was fine. He was more than happy to let Sheldon drape himself over Danny but Don, his own boyfriend had to be careful and keep his distance?

Don couldn't begin to process how much that actually hurt. But he swallowed the monster in his chest that growled every time Hawkes went near Danny and for Mac's benefit got everyone into help with the Stag Night.

He couldn't help but look for Danny whenever he entered the CSI labs and over the last two weeks had seen him in the labs more than anything else.

Don watched him in the labs and left him snacks as he used to. He could see that whatever case Danny was working on had him stressed and Danny often forgot to eat when he was stressed. But other than working in the labs more Danny seemed to have none of the pain Don was feeling. He seemed to be getting on with life as if nothing had happened.

Lucky bastard.

Don found himself snarling as he almost dialled Danny's number for the tenth time that day. It was getting harder to ignore his estranged boyfriend especially since Danny seemed to have redoubled his efforts to try and get in touch with him. But Don knew he couldn't answer, couldn't cave not this time.

It was harder in cases because he and Danny had always worked so well together and the whole of the department knew it which meant more often than not they were paired up. But Don had managed to communicate with Danny without fuss while keeping his distance. And no one else seemed suspicious which was also a god send because he didn't need CSI's on his case about his problems.

He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and fished it out only to discover that it was Danny again. he couldn't help but smile at the screen he wanted so desperately to press the call button just to hear Danny's voice but he couldn't cave. He couldn't.

So he let it ring putting it back in his pocket and carried on with his paperwork and speaking to Hawkes and some of the other guys about the finer points of the Stag Night and didn't fail to notice that Danny's input was put in either himself in passing or by Hawkes.

He had also been spending sometime with Lindsay who where both going over their duties for the bride and groom respectively. Flack couldn't help but notice that the closer the time got the more Stella seemed to glow.

This was truly going to be her day and Don couldn't think of two people who deserved it more than they did themselves he just hoped he could get Mac to the church in one piece and not fuck up when he got there.

He took a deep breath thinking of one thing at a time, first the stag night. A Night in which Don aimed to get Mac drunk enough that they would all have a good laugh about it in later times, and completely hammered himself to take his mind off the fact Danny was going to be close yet so far away.

On the evening of the Stag Night three weeks after his and Danny's falling out Mac called Don into his office. "Hey Mac? You wanted me?" Mac looked up from the paperwork he was doing. "Yeah Don… About tonight…" Don smirked he figured that Mac would want to talk to him about it. "Mac it's all sorted all you have to do is turn up. How hard is that?"

Mac smiled. "I think I can handle that. But no outrageous stuff. Stella would have my head and everything else besides." Mac said seriously. Don snickered but could well believe it.

No one messed with Stella. The Greek beauty packed a punch that anyone who had been on the receiving end of wished never to receive again. "Would I do that to you?" Don asked innocently.

Mac raised an eyebrow. "I'm not even going to dignify that with a response. You and Danny have me scared for my life." Don plastered a smile on his face at the mention of Danny though soon he was snickering because, well it was true.

Though of course he wasn't actually sure it would be true this time but he wasn't about to tell Mac that. No way besides that would ruin his fun. "Don't worry we'll get you out the pub, and more importantly to the church in one piece. Stella would never forgive me and that is something I never want to face."

Mac laughed. "Smart man."

Don left Mac's office in high spirits and was actually looking forward to tonight, besides Danny would be there and despite their rough patch it never failed to brighten his day.

Don stared at his wardrobe wondering what he should wear. He wanted to wear something that was casual enough to make it looked like he hadn't made an effort but dressed up enough as the occasion warranted.

Plus of course he wanted to make sure Danny noticed him despite the fact they weren't speaking. He knew he was slowly loosing his resolve but damn, he missed Danny more than he had thought possible.

Don had never been without friends growing up though he had been an only child. He was still in touch with many of his friends but Danny was the first where Don could actually say that Danny knew everything there was to know about him and Don had held nothing back.

He had had a tougher time with Danny but he knew that there was no one on the planet that knew as much about Danny Messer as he did and he couldn't help but be thankful for that. He glanced at his watch and the time brought him out of his musings but with it came inspiration as he picked his outfit.

He surveyed himself in the mirror as he was leaving. He didn't like to think he was a vain man. But Damn, Don knew looking at himself that he looked good. And more importantly he knew that Danny would appreciate the view.

He'd picked out his black jeans that Danny had once said looked like he'd either poured himself into or spray painted on with a blue silk shirt that Danny had bought him at Christmas. It was a blue that shimmered between light and dark and Don loved the way it felt against his skin.

Besides if he unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt the pendant he wore round his neck was clearly visible to look at it didn't look like anything special. But Danny would know the significance.

They'd been messing about shopping about three months after they had got together and ended up in a little store a little off the beaten track. It was a store that sold odds and ends and antiques and trashy nick knacks but Don had taken a liking to the place and they'd spent at least forty minutes in there before Don found the pendant he was now wearing. It was a coin on a leather throng and Don had seen it and fallen in love with it. Danny had seen him ogling at it and rolled his eyes before buying it. Don usually wore it under his shirts liking the feeling of it against his skin, but tonight he was out to prove a point.

He picked up his wallet and smirked at the mirror before leaving his apartment. They all met at Sullivan's Mac, Don, Danny, Hawkes, Adam, and a few of Mac's marine buddies that were more than willing to have some fun and make sure Mac did too.

Danny was the last to arrive breezing in telling everyone he had had something to take care of. Don couldn't really take his eyes off Danny. And he knew that Danny had obviously done it on purpose. Not many people knew what a truly sexed up Danny Messer looked like now Don knew that they were getting more than they deserved.

Danny had jeans on and like Don they looked like they had been painted on but his were blue and they hung low on his hips and he had a white shirt on that he'd left more open than not though, Don looked Danny had managed to keep his skin mostly covered more to the disappointment.

He hadn't bothered with a jacket but he did have his contacts in because his blue eyes weren't hidden behind glasses. Yes, Danny looked sexed up alright. Mac smirked when he saw Danny. "Decided to join us Messer?"

"Well you know Mac any excuse for a party." Danny shrugged smiling. "So let's get this party started." One of Mac's Marine buddies, whose name was Karl, said rubbing his hands together. The others John, Robert, Tom and Vince all looked round with their faces had the matching evil smirks on their faces.

Mac saw them "Don't even think about it. I am not facing Stella's wrath on my wedding day although I wouldn't defend you if you had to either." They shrugged. "You won't need too Mac don't worry about it." "I remember his wedding." Mac said pointing at Robert and I also remember that we got chewed out by Rebecca." The others winced. "Was so worth it though." Vince grinned.

Mac smirked. "You want to face Stella fine, but I'm warning you she's like Rebecca, Tammy and Laura all rolled into one." Robert, Karl and John stared as their wives were mentioned. Vince and Tom looked at each other before looking at Mac. "Still Worth it."

Mac shook his head. Don watched amused at that moment Danny came from the bar. "Hey guys move I've got the alcohol!" Danny set the try down and smiled slightly as he handed Don his drink before turning away and dishing out. "I didn't know what everyone wanted so I got everyone beer. Alcohol is Alcohol at the end of the day."

He handed the drinks round and said "Will behind the bar gave us free shots he knows it's your stag night Mac." Danny laughed as the guys cheered and everyone downed their shot. Danny turned and winked at Don. Don winked in kind before remembering that he was mad at Danny. But then he supposed he had to pretend to be friends tonight they couldn't ruin Mac's stag night because they were being childish.

Although in reality he knew it was just an excuse. He had missed being close to Danny and this was the perfect excuse to do just that. Soon the alcohol was flowing really well and Don found himself staring more and more in Danny's direction.

He noticed that Danny seemed to be completely oblivious to the attention a sexed up Danny Messer attracted and the affect he seemed to be having on Hawkes was nothing short of comical. Or it would have been if Don hadn't still been so pissed off. But Danny didn't seem to notice he seemed to want to be next to Don as often as he was able and that suited Don Fine.

"Don," Danny said when everyone was talking about something different. "We really need to talk. Even if it's for you tell me to fuck off. But I need to talk to you. Can we talk?" "Not now Danny." Don said he would not cave.

"I didn't mean now and you know it." Danny said firmly. "I miss you." Danny added in an undertone. That shocked Don and before he could stop the words he said, "I miss you too." He sighed and added "But that doesn't change things." "I know that." Danny pulled a hand through his hair and said, "Look I just… I need to talk to you. Promise me you'll at least let me have that if nothing else."

Don knew that he couldn't leave things the way they were but this was not the time to deal with them either. "I promise but not now." Danny nodded and Don looked at him. "Can we pretend nothing is going on between us? Can we manage that for Mac.?" Danny nodded. "For tonight we won't argue."

Don sighed in relief. "Then I won't wind you up." Don handed Danny another drink but it was then that Tom decided to yell, "We're moving up. Drink up!" The yell passed round the group and Mac came over. "So you've got a full pint too. That's alright then."

Adam joined them. "I think most people have." Mac shook his head. "I think this is Vince's plan to get me to drink a whole pint in one go. Which I refuse to do I'm not bloody twenty anymore."

Vince and Tom wrapped their arms round Mac. "Mac we Marines know you can. We're all going to do it. You need to suck it up." He looked at the guys from CSI. "The question is can you kids keep up?" John came over with Hawkes. "The Doc is cool me and him just raced to the bottom of the glass. Draw." Sheldon looked at John. "I won. You just don't want Vince and Tom to know that."

Vince laughed a great barking laugh that seemed to suit him. He looked at his remaining Marine buddies Mac included and said, "Looks like it's our turn then guys." Mac smirked "fine. Last one to empty the glass buys the next round." The Marines looked at each other. "Right then boys." John said coming to stand next to Mac. "Ready Go!" Mac downed his pint in one finishing first leaving Tom, Karl, Vince and Robert to battle it out." Vince ended up being last.

John smirked after they had finished. "Mac that was slick." Mac smirked. "Hey no one said it had to be a full pint." Mac had been casually sipping away as they discussed the race and so by the time that it had started he had a quarter left easy to down in one gulp. Robert smirked. "We should know better than to play with you."

Sheldon looked at Don and Danny who were laughing. "Now your turn guys." Don looked down at his pint it wasn't full but because he'd been laughing so hard at the others he hadn't drank it and looking at Danny he hadn't either.

Danny shrugged and looked at Don. "Usual terms." Don smirked "Hell yeah." Danny looked at Sheldon. "Hey Doc start us off would ya?" Sheldon nodded and grinned. "Ready go." Don chugged down his beer determined to win he wanted Danny to do five shots in a row for a change.

As it happened he did win but it was close. Danny winked at him. "Next pub I'll even the score." "Believe it when I see it Messer." Don said placing his glass on the bar and moving out behind the others.

The next few hours passed in a flowing of alcohol. In the next bar Danny had to fulfil his debt when he lost which meant buying six shots one for Don the winner and five for himself the loser.

Don was usually the one that found himself on the loosing end but today it was Danny and he couldn't help but feel slightly relieved at this he wanted to keep some sort of a clear head as hard as that was going to be.

The night started to pass in a blur and Don found himself just going along with it he and Danny didn't go out of their way to speak to each other, though it was nice to not be arguing for the first time in weeks. Don found himself thankful for the truce. He didn't go out of his way to find Danny as he would usually; though they found themselves trying to out do each other when it came to dares and winning the right to only one shot.

The night was winding down and Don knew it was his responsibility to get Mac back to the hotel they were both staying in for the wedding. He knew Mac's Marine buddies would never let anything happen to him but he would rather avoid the wrath of Stella if he had the choice.

Danny came over to him and placed a glass in his hand. "Drink this." Don looked down and realised it was water. So Danny was being sensible? That meant something wasn't right with him. "You'll need it to look after that lot." Danny said pointing over at the rowdy crowd that had become Mac and his Marines.

Don nodded and drank the water. "Do you want some help?" Danny asked. Don knew it was a bad idea but he found himself craving Danny's company. Besides since Danny seemed to be relatively sober he could actually do with the help.

He nodded and smiled. "Yeah that would be great Danny thanks." Danny smiled and then rejoined the fray Don downed the rest of the water and then joined back in. It was then that he realised that Mac was a little drunk, okay a lot more drunk than he realised as were his friends so he was pleased that Danny had offered the help.

Soon the lights were coming on in the club they'd ended up in and when Don looked at his watch he realised that it was half three in the morning. "Right then guys lets go." He called. "Yep." Sheldon said leaning on Adam and Danny for support. Adam was pissed but he said, "Danny here, said he's going to help you with Mac so I'll take Sheldon with me. See you both at the wedding."

Sheldon shrugged free of Adam's hold and hugged Danny tight. "You need a friend I'm here okay?" Danny nodded but Don could tell that whatever Sheldon had said that for it was making Danny uncomfortable. "Thanks Doc." Hawkes nodded seemingly satisfied with Danny's answer then Adam leant him a support and the pair of them staggered out into the night.

"I needed a friend when we were arguing." Danny said softly before turning and going to help Tom with Mac who was beginning to stagger. Don didn't know what to make of that statement but decided now wasn't the time to think about it.

Between Danny, Don and a surprisingly sober Vince they managed to get themselves out of the club. Robert was holding up Mac though he wasn't doing a very good job and Karl tried to help but they just ended up staggering all over. John seemed to be having a drunken conversation with his wife.

"We need cabs." Danny said. "Do you think we could get an eight seated bus?" Vince asked. "I don't really want us to split up."

(A.N can you flag those down in NY? I have no idea for the purpose of this you can hehe)

"At this time of night?" Don asked. "Highly unlikely." "Wait there's one!" Danny said and quickly stepped out into the road. The driver stopped and said, "You boys want a ride?" Vince smiled. "Thanks! That would be great!" "Where you all going?" He asked. "Marriott Hotel." Don said "Get in."

Between the three of them they buddle the rest of the Marines into the cab. As they were going towards the hotel Mac looked at Danny. "Danny you're going in the wrong direction." Mac and Don were staying in the hotel tonight and tomorrow. Danny had opted to stay the night before as he was covering the late shift later that day. Danny shrugged. "I'm helping. I'll get a cab back plenty of cabs in New York Mac." "Remind me tomorrow." Mac said before turning back to John.

Danny looked at Don. "He is kidding right?" Don shook his head. "No. I don't think so." Danny shook his head. "Like I'd remind him." "You gonna be alright working today?" Don asked. "I haven't had that much Don." Danny said calmly. "I knew it would be late and I knew I was covering so I haven't really been drinking." Don nodded. Now it made sense as to why Danny was being sensible.

They got out at the Marriott and Vince squared the meter waving off Don and Danny's protests. Then between them they deposited each of the Marines at their rooms Mac being last as he was next door to Don. "Thanks Don, Danny." Mac said groggily as he staggered into his room and shut the door.

Don looked at Danny. "Thanks for the help." Danny nodded. "I better go." "Danny what did you mean earlier." Don asked before he could stop himself. "About what?" Danny asked turning towards him. Don opened the door to his room and against his better judgement waved Danny inside.

"When you said you needed a friend." Danny looked down at the floor. "Louie tried to contact me again." After Louie's near fatal beating it had taken six, nearly seven months before he was stable enough to be moved out of ICU and now even 18 months later progress was slow. But he had regained his speech. Even if it was slurred. "That's a good thing Danny." Don said softly.

"I don't know what to say to him. How do I say sorry for not understanding? For hating him when all he did was protect me? How do I say…" Danny trailed off as he lost the words he was trying to find.

"You need to speak to him Danny." Don said. His heart hurt knowing that Danny had been hurting and he hadn't been there to help him. But he wouldn't just give in this time. He wanted more from Danny and if Danny couldn't or wouldn't give it then Don was happy to return to being friends.

"I know." Danny said softly then he looked up at Don. "I can't understand how in less than two sentences you can make me feel better." He smiled and then said, "You looked really good tonight Don." Don felt heat rise in his cheeks "Thanks. You did too." "Was for you." Danny whispered in his ear his fingers playing with the coin round his neck.

It was then Don realised why Danny was so dangerous to be around. He was dangerously seductive without even trying and now he was making it clear that Don was the reason he was so sexed up tonight.

He felt Danny's breath on his throat and closed his eyes even though his brain was screaming at him that this had to stop now. The rest of him wasn't listening. He missed Danny so much and he hadn't realised just how much until Danny was right there, almost within reach.

"Danny…" He said

"I miss you." Danny said before crushing their mouths together in a heated kiss that Don couldn't help but melt into. He kissed Danny back pulling him closer loving the feeling of having Danny in his arms again.

They kissed and Danny pushed Don against the wall where they continued to kiss and then when the need for oxygen became too much he moved to Don's neck which cleared Don's head and he was able to think straight.

"Danny… No!" Don said pushing Danny gently away. "No. We can't." Danny looked at Don and Don was pleased to see that Danny looked as dazed and disorientated as he felt.

"Don…What?" Danny asked softly. He looked so lost Don almost gave in again but he knew nothing would be solved if he caved again. They'd had this argument so many times before and Don wasn't prepared to cave again. Not this time.

"I can't do this again Danny." Don whispered brokenly. "I always cave for you." He pulled a hand through his hair.

"I always give in well this time I'm not. I think you need to decide if this is what you want. I won't be your dirty little secret any longer. I won't pretend you mean no more to me than a friend. I'm sick of people touching you but I can't because you think someone will suspect. I can't no, I won't do this again."

Danny's eyes had gone huge and Don half expected him to start yelling but he didn't. "I want you Don. I thought you knew that." The heart broken tone made Don's heartache. "How much though Danny?" Don asked.

"I'm not asking you to scream from the rooftops I'm just asking you to tell the team." "It's not that simple Don!" Danny said throwing his hands up in the air. "I can't make it any simpler!" Don shot back and then shook his head. "Look it's obvious to me we want different things…"

"Look can we talk about this when drink isn't involved?" Danny cut across him looking panicked. He shoved his hands in his jeans pockets. "I can wait until you want to talk to me. I…I just… I need to talk to you. When we're both sober and when we both aren't likely to take stuff the wrong way."

Don looked at Danny and knew he could give him that. "It'll have to be after the wedding." Danny nodded frantically. "I can wait." Don looked at Danny and then nodded. "Okay. I'll call you."

Danny nodded and brushed Don's hand with his own. "Till we talk." He looked at the clock. "I better go. Cya at the wedding?" Don nodded. "Yeah."

Danny nodded and with one last look at Don left the room closing the door with a click and Don collapsed on the bed wondering if he hadn't just made the biggest mistake of his life. But no, he knew he hadn't. He wanted more and if Danny didn't want that then he was willing to let go.

He just wasn't sure he was going to be able too. But then as his father had once said if you love something you have to let it go if it comes back it's yours forever but if it doesn't it was never yours.

Don just prayed that he would be strong enough to let Danny go if that was what he wanted. But he knew in his heart he was gonna wanna hold on. But for Danny he'd do anything even if it meant his own heartbreak.