"Who'd have thought Sakura would have a voice like that." Neji said, speaking the most words anyone had ever heard come out of his mouth.

"Whoa, Neji said more than two words in a sentence; it must be a new record." Said Ino mockingly. Neji just glared at her in return until she looked away.

"Sakura does truly have a gorgeous voice." Hinata mumbled shyly.

"Now I know this was all very unorthodox of me tonight, but the entire point of this show was to ask four very special friends of mine to help me start up a band." Sakura spoke into the microphone looking pointedly at the table all of her friends were sitting at.

"Well now that we know what she wants, should we give it to her, or not?" Kiba asked his friends.

"I say yes." Neji said.

"Agreed." Said Naruto and Shikamaru.

Standing up Kiba held his fist up in the air for Sakura to see, and extended his thumb up ward showing her that they had made the decision to start the band.

Sakura POV

Sakura grinned brightly as she saw the sign she'd been waiting for from her friends. It was after all what she'd been waiting for.

"Thanks guys, it really does mean the world to me." She told them before turning to Kin and asking what their last song for the night would be.

"It's your night Sakura; you choose the final song this time. After all, we know all of the one's you've written." Zaku said from behind Kin, and Sakura.

"Thanks Zaku!" Sakura smiled at him from her place up at the microphone.

"Tonight for our final song we'll be singing a new song I recently wrote called, A Shot Of Depression." Sakura said as she pulled up her guitar and struck the opening chords.

"I'm breaking down
I'm falling apart
I can't stand the pain
From the bottom of my heart"

Sakura was watching people's faces as she began this song. It was odd for her to sing something depressing, and she could see from the looks on the audience's faces that they were a little bit surprised even though it was only the first stanza.

"You act like your doing it for my own good
But your not
Your expectations are shot
So full of false hood"

Now it was her turn to reminisce. After all, she'd written the song for a reason of course. In her mind she could remember the looks on her parent's faces as she failed them again and again at so many different things. When it came to piano, she wasn't good enough, couldn't get the perfect scores, sure she'd get close, but never close enough. In singing her tone was never good enough; in school the grades were never good enough. It had always been that way.

"I try so hard
I just can't succeed
Can't you be happy?
With me being me
But you put me down
And drag me around"

Sakura's tone darkened with the emotion for the next part of the song, her hair falling in her face as she leaned down to hammer further on her guitar. As her last song at this club for awhile she really wanted to make an impression. No matter what, this would be the best she'd ever played this piece. She'd show her parents what she was truly made of tonight.

"Chase me like a dog
All through this town
Its like rebound
After a shot of depression
Its like a rain cloud
Raining down acid
It was heaven
For the first half an hour
Now its hell
Like an unholy obsession"

She had invited them, her parents. They were sitting along the back wall, they looked oddly disappointed. Lightening up on her guitar strings, she let her voice go, let the emotion show in her tone, and sang the last verse with the little bit of emotional strength she had left.

"I'm breaking down
I'm falling apart
I can't stand the pain
From the bottom of my heart "

Lifting her head up to look at most of the crowd Sakura smiled, slight tears in her eyes. Suddenly the audience around her rose to their feet, and began clapping. It was the most applause she'd ever received for one of her self written pieces.

"Haruno, Sakura, get your body off of that stage right now. Just because your father and I were out of town you did not have a right to do this. See if we ever let you out again." She heard a voice say from the base of the stage. Looking down she looked into her father's anger darkened eyes. Behind him she could see her mother looking almost sad.

"No." Sakura said. It was the first time she'd denied there wishes, and as much as it hurt her, it needed to be done. There was no stopping what had to happen.

Kiba, seeing what was going on over at the stage stood up and walked over and stopped next to Sakura's father.

"Excuse me sir, your daughter is standing up there singing her heart out, and all you can do is complain about how she didn't have your permission to come and do this. Its obvious she was singing to you, and you didn't even notice it. Have you no shame!" Kiba asked, as the other guys walked up to stand behind him as back up.

"No Kiba." Sakura said from on the stage. "Its all right really, I'm used to it, I promise. Daddy, I'm sorry, I know, you'll hate me forever for this, but just for this once, I'm not going to listen to you. This is what I really love to do."

"And what about your martial arts huh? I thought you loved to do that?" Sakura's mother finally spoke up from behind her father.

"I do mother, really I do, if there's ever a contest I promise I'll be there, I'll still go practice daily even, but this is one thing that's really important to me. I love to sing mom. Why can't you just understand?"

"There is nothing to understand, music will get you no where in life." Her mother, her voice dull and mechanical. As her mouth spoke these words though, her eyes shone with an inner despair. Sakura knew her mother didn't believe this. She'd heard her sing once, and was amazed at the sound.

"I know you don't mean that. Both of you love music just as much as I do. Look at all the things you made me do as a child, I played piano, guitar, any instrument you put in my hands, and now you tell me it'll take me no where? Why is it that you think my martial arts will take me somewhere, when you don't think my music will?" Sakura walked off the stage, long pink hair swirling behind her. "I'll do both," She said as she walked away, "I'll do the things I love, and I'll do them for as long as I want to, and you won't stop me."


"School school go away, don't come back another day" Sakura sang as she walked through the building headed to the dreaded class of geometry. All the sudden she stopped and smiled, a dark and slightly evil aura permeating the area around her as she cackled in a freakishly mad way. Today her plan went into action; today she would get her revenge. Jumping up in the air she disappeared in a run to set up.


Something was up with Sakura, something evil, something that was going to devastate someone's life. Kiba could tell by the smile on her face, it was pure unadulterated evil.

"Sakura come up here and hand out these tests!" He heard Jairiaya say, but he wasn't watching the teacher, he was watching the little glowing match in Sakura's fingers. Attached to it was a keychain with her, and Tsunade's signature. As Sakura got close to the desk she dropped the match right along side the edge, and the flames slowly started licking there way up the leg. She calmly took the papers and handed them out. Kiba sweat dropped, Jairiaya was so interested in his novel, and his other perverted ways that he didn't even notice his desk was burning.

Turning towards the door Kiba saw Tsunade poking her nose in and watching with heavy amusement the sight in front of her. It was pure revenge that covered her face, Jairiaya's books were burning, and he was to busy to even notice. Kiba heard a weird catching sound behind him, and turned to see Sakura rolling on the ground silently laughing.

"Jairiaya did you notice that your desk is burning?" Kiba asked, his voice calm and disinterested.
