Note: Sorry for the delay. I was having a few editing problems. Also...check back to the disclaimer. New words are added for chapter 3. Learn them and improve your Japanese! ^_~ Oh and "I Am Canadian" I hope you aren´t mad that this took so long to get up. After all...I do have it all written. Hehe! I am so evil! :P So enjoy readers, friends, and fans (like I have any ^^;)!

A saddened look crossed the young girl´s face. She held on to the receiver of her bedroom phone as she listened intently to the person on the other line. "Nande?" She questioned with concern. A finger twirled playfully through the girl´s long purple hair as she took a seat on her bedside. "Oh...well can I talk to him so..." Silence fell from the girl´s lips. Soon to be moved by, "I understand. Well I hope he feels better." Miyako slowly hung up as she let out a long sigh, falling backwards on her bed. `Now what? Jyou can´t come and now Takeru can´t.´ The saddened girl folded herself knee to face on her side, slowly closing her eyes and taking off her glasses. She stretched her arm out and carefully placed her lenses upon her night stand by the phone. `I really wanted everyone to come.´ The violet haired child sighed and slowly drifted into a sleep...

"Hey..." A small whisper echoed through the girls ear as she moaned with a tired exasperation. Her eyes remained closed as she extended her arms out and grabbed something soft..supposedly her blanket. She sighed and rolled to her side, bringing the blanket over her. "GAH!"

The girl´s mind raced, now that it was halfway out of dream land and back to reality. She felt something heavy on top of her and slowly opened her eyes curiously. She blinked and clung to her blanket, slowly turning her head...only to come face to face with a boy, who had a shocked expression and a major blush playing his cheeks. "Huh?" Her chocolate brown eyes widened, realizing that the supposed blanket was the boy´s shirt, and let out a scream! "Get off you pervert!" She smacked the boy in his face and used up all her strength to throw him off of her and to the floor.

"Ahhh!" His left arm hit the floor in a loud thud as he let out a moan of pain. "Gee Hikari-chan. You´re the one who grabbed me..." The boy slowly pushed himself up from the floor and gave a saddened look to the girl who was looking at him from her bed.

Hikari blinked and gasped. "Daisuke!" She moved some of her hair that was covering her eyes and smiled with a giggle. "Gomen nasai Daisuke."

Daisuke rubbed his arm and whimpered as he began to rub his cheek from her slap. "Iie, daijoubu. I guess I did give you a scare Hikari-chan." He blushed and stood in awkward silence as the girl before him got out of her comfort in the bed.

Hikari frowned. "What are you doing here anyways? And in my bedroom at that!" She crossed her arms over her school clothes, that she fell asleep in, and gazed at Daisuke for an answer.

The boy laughed nervously. "Well Hikari-chan. I came over to ask if you wanted to go shopping at the mall or something," He smiled and fidgeted a bit by getting some of the wrinkles out of his blue shirt, "...because, you know...Miyako-chan´s birthday is ashita, and I was wondering if you wanted to help me pick out something for her. And well, Taichi said that you were in your room and left to go to Koushiro´s with Sora-chan..." Daisuke stopped, unable to produce more words, and blushed. For the next part had to do with him on top of Hikari.

The girl blinked. "Ima?" Daisuke nodded. Hikari just looked at him a bit before smiling. "Sugoi! Just let me get changed and we could be off!" She smiled at him and began to push him out the door with giggles.

Daisuke blinked as the door closed behind him and sighed with relief...very happy that Hikari didn´t bring up the bed incident. A smirk crossed his face. `I wonder if Hikari is staying for the sleepover?´

"Come on Koushiro-san!"

It was after school on a Friday, and Koushiro would come home, change into some brown cargo shorts and white with an orange overshirt, get on the internet, and wanted nothing but peace. But alas, this wasn´t the way it turned out. The boy crossed his arms and twitched. "Iie! I am NOT going shopping with you two!" He sat in his bedroom, at his computer, and was facing his two friends in aggravation.

Sora, wearing her after school blue jeans and white button up, whined and stomped her foot. "Nande!?" She glared at him, trying to convince him to go. She looked over at Taichi who was sitting on Koushiro´s bed, wearing a red shirt and slacks, smiling at her fetal attempts. She sighed and pouted, looking back at her red headed friend, she growled.

The red headed boy swallowed and shook his head in fear, but tried not to show it. Making Sora mad was like a death wish. He always tried to figure out where she got her determination and motivation, but in conclusion...all his theories lead to Mimi. "Iie Sora-chan," he considered carefully, trying to process the right words as not to overboard Sora´s anger. "I just don´t want to. I´ll go shopping for Miyako-san´s present on my own. You two will just be flocking all over me trying to decipher what is the appropriate gift to get a girl and..." His dark eyes looked into Sora´s flame flared ones and stopped.

The girl huffed and grabbed he boy´s arm and caught Koushiro by surprise. "You are coming and that is final! I am not going to let you forget to get a present, from you sitting at this computer all day!" She pulled Koushiro out of his chair with a jerk and ran out the bedroom door, dragging the poor boy behind her.

The silent Taichi, who was happy that she wasn´t peeved at him for once, smirked. `Poor Koushiro, but...he deserved it.´ The boy got up from his seat on the bed and walked calmly out the bedroom, turned off the light, and shut the door.

"Ok! I am ready Daisuke!" Hikari opened her bedroom door and pranced out in a light pink dress with flower clips in her hair. "Daisuke?" Her eyes wandered her apartment when no reply was given. "Where´d he go?" She frowned in thought, only to be interrupted by some loud snoring. She smiled and walked slowly to peer over her living room couch. A boy lain on the couch, snoring mouth wide opened, and made Hikari giggle at the sight. She slowly leaned forward and brought her hand to his nose and squeezed it shut.

Daisuke let out a snort and opened his eyes, snapping out of his sleep. Hikari´s face shined down at him and made him grin. "Na...nani?"

"I am ready to go Daisuke!" She smiled and walked away from the couch as the boy sat up.

"What took you so long!" He frowned and got off the comfortable sofa. "Do all girl´s take that long in getting ready to go places?" He stood up and walked toward his friend, who was placing on her pink sandals.

Hikari sighed. "I wanted to look kawaii." She smiled. "So..." She waited for a reply, but only got a blank look from the boy before her. A groan escaped her throat. "How do I look?" she asked more clearly.

Daisuke blinked then smirked. "Domo kirei, but this isn´t a date or anything Hikari-chan."

The girl laughed. "I know, but this is a new dress and I felt like wearing it." She winked at Daisuke and grabbed her purse.

The goggle haired boy stuffed his hands into the pockets of his cargo shorts, smiled, and watched as his friend began to browse through her belongings in the small purse. He couldn´t help but notice that Hikari took more pride and time into her looks like Mimi did. He shook his head, took his right hand from his pocket, and opened the front door. Jokingly, he placed his free hand on his hips to allow her to ring his arm. "Ready?"

His smiled beamed at Hikari and made her giggle at his game. She ringed his arm and nodded, "Hai! Let´s go!" Daisuke allowed Hikari to cling to him playfully and shut the Yagami´s apartment door. The two started to take their walk out of the building and to the mall, but not before Hikari began to laugh.

Daisuke blinked and frowned, "Nani?"

The girl just couldn´t stop laughing. In due time she did and smirked at the boy. She released herself from his arm, twirled to stand in front of him, and smiled. "Do you always snore loudly Daisuke? You sound like my brother hauling food down his throat," she snickered. "I hope you don´t snore that loudly at Miyako-chan´s party." Her snickers turned into a laugh as she saw her friend´s face go into shock and embarrassment. She stuck out her tongue and ran off.

Daisuke blinked and smirked. Every since their adventures in the Digital World ended, he and Hikari seemed to spend more time with each other. She was always on to make him smile by picking on him. He still had that small crush on her, but wasn´t so open about it like he used to be. Maturing during his adventures, he came to the conclusion long ago that...friends are the best kind of love. He sighed and yelled out, "Hikari-chan! Get back here!" He took off after the girl and was determined to make her regret those words.

"Come on Koushiro-san! Don´t be difficult! It is just clothing store!" Sora pulled on her friend´s waist as he clung to a mall bench.

"Iie!" The stubborn red head gripped the bench with all his might and was determined not to let go! "Let me go!"

Taichi sweatdropped at the scene and laughed. "Come on Sora, give him a break. I mean, I think I can understand why he doesn´t want to go in." The boy looked at the store and blushed. He knew exactly what they sold, women´s materials. That was enough to make any guy NOT go in. Taichi turned back to Sora and smiled slowly. "Why don´t you go in, and Koushiro and I will go elsewhere to get our gifts? We can meet up with you in an hour, ok?"

Taichi went up to Sora and grabbed her from behind, tickling her on her stomach, made her laugh uncontrollably, and caused her to release Koushiro. Sora squirmed and laughed, "St...Stop! Ta...Taichi!" She giggled and calmed down as soon as her friend released her. She turned around and slapped his arm playfully. "You baka!"

Taichi chuckled and smirked. "So, meet you back here in an hour?"

Sora sighed and nodded. She slowly straightened her shirt, which rode up into a mid-drift, and pulled back down over her stomach to where it wasn´t revealing. Koushiro breathed with relief! Taichi watched as his younger red head friend mouthed, `arigatou´ to him and snickered silently to himself.

The girl looked and Taichi and frowned. "But I don´t want to go in by myself. I mean, come..." she stopped when she saw to familiar kids in the corner of her eye. She quickly jolted her head in the direction of the familiar faces and smiled. "Iori! Ken-san!" She waved high so they could see her.

"Iori?" Ken, wearing a light blue shirt and grey slacks, looked around the mall curiously.

"Hai?" Iori replied as he continued his pace but stopped a second to look back at his friend.

Ken fidgeted and laughed nervously. "Do you even know WHAT to get a girl for her birthday?"

Iori raised an eyebrow and stood in silence as he looked at the boy behind him. "Well, I never thought about it. I just buy something, give it to her, and they always likes it." He raised his shoulders and gave a shrug.

Ken glared and sighed with sarcasm. "Some help you are."

"Iori! Ken-san!"

The two boys turned to the sound of their names and saw Sora waving her arm frantically. They looked at each other as Ken smiled. "Sora can help us get a gift! I mean, she´s a girl...and girl´s know what to get girl´s right?"

Iori rolled his eyes. "And I thought you were supposed to be a genius."

Ken frowned. "Hey, at least I´m thinking!" He turned back to look at Sora and smiled. He raised his arm up and waved back, letting the girl know that they see her. Ken turned back to Iori. "Come on. It is better than shopping by ourselves right? At least Sora isn´t like Mimi." He laughed and walked towards his older friend.

Iori watched as Ken walked off and sighed. `I guess Ken is right,´ he chuckled to himself, `I never seen Ken act so normal.´ the little boy smiled and followed Ken´s lead.

Taichi watched as Ken and Iori made their way to Sora with smiles on their face. He shook his head and waved his arms to go away, but they just gave him funny looks and found themselves in front of the teen girl. Taichi sighed and sat on the bench next to Koushiro, who was muttering something about Sora being pushy, and stretched his arms out across the back rim. He sighed and began to feel sorry for the fate of the two boys. They had no idea what they were getting themselves into. Sora glared at Taichi and Koushiro with a look that told them not to say anything, and turned to Ken and Iori with the sweetest smile that she could muster. "So what´s up? Why are you guys here?" She made her voice sound very innocent, it wanted to make Taichi just scream, `Run away! Save yourselves!´ but he just sat there and held onto Koushiro´s collar, who was trying to sneak away, and shook his head.

Ken smiled warmly, "Me and Iori were..."

"Iori and I..." the little boy corrected.

Ken glared at Iori and continued a little agitated, "Iori and I," he edited, "are here to get Miyako-chan a birthday present. But, we don´t know what to get her so..."

"You mean *you* don´t know what to get her," Iori interrupted again with a smirk on his face. He loved to twist Ken´s words, in was the whole reason they were friends. Strange, but true.

Ken fixated his death glare upon the Iori and stood silent. Him glaring, Iori smirking, yep...definite friends. Sora tried not to giggle, but instead got hold on Ken´s hand. "I can help you guys find something!"

Her smile shined upon the boys. Ken took his glare from Iori, to Sora´s hand which held his, and looked at the girl before him with a smile. "That is exactly what I had in mind."

The older teen girl squealed and linked her arms to Iori and Ken´s. "Great! I was hoping that you would say that!" She looked at Taichi who was standing on his feet and smiled. "You guys can go off now. Meet me back here in an hour." She started to walk off into her chosen store, but turned around. "Oh, and Taichi?"

The brown headed boy sighed and replied. "Hai?"

"Make sure Koushiro gets something *really* nice!" She winked and trudged her two new preys into the store of women´s material.

Koushiro blushed and groaned. "Sometimes, Sora scares me."

Taichi nodded. "You and me both. But, I guess she gets it from Mimi." The tall teen stuffed his hands into his pockets and began to roam the mall.

Koushiro obediently followed, it wasn´t as if Taichi would be as horrible to shop with as Sora. The red head sighed, "the scary thought is having Mimi, Miyako, Sora, and Hiakri all in the same room together."

Taichi bursted into laughter. "Yep! But, going to a sleepover with girls has caught my attention quite nicely. No matter how bad they may be together." He smiled and thought about it. Sora, Miyako, and Mimi in their pajama´s! It would be great!

Koushiro on the other hand wasn´t so boy minded. In fact, the tought of sleeping in the same room with girls had him all nervous. `What should I be nervous about? I mean, it isn´t like I haven´t slept all in the same area. We did it all the time in the Digital World,´ he sighed. `Get a hold of yourself Izumi. God...I hate my puberty mind.´ But, he did in fact have his mind on what to get Miyako. He smiled and moved some of his short hair from his eyes. `Maybe it won´t be so bad...´ Koushiro pondered some good thoughts that may come out of the whole party thing, and walked in silence as Taichi dragged him off to who knows where.