Okay, I'm sitting here trying to watch Naruto eps off Youtube, and let me tell you, the uploading is a bitch! I figured I may as well do something to pass the time. Ahem...so since I'm bored out of my mind, here is a random fic!

Pairings: Gaara?

Disclaimer: Don't I wish I owned psychotic little Gaara. Unfortunately, I don't. sigh

Blood poured from the teens' mouth, like a never ending crimson river filled with pain and suffering. He never even got the chance to scream, the first and final blow had been dealt to him so fast. He couldn't possibly comprehend what was happening, one minute he had been running across the lawn of the abandoned 'Subaku' house, and the next he was surrounded by pain, mouth hanging open in a silent scream. His eyes frantically scanned the area for his friends, whom had gotton him into this mess in the first place. He saw no one. As his eyes slowly dulled, the life draining out of them, he noticed a figure in the window of the old house. Everything suddenly went black.

"Noooooo! Summers over!" Naruto Uzumaki was on his knees screaming, shaking his blond head, clearly in denial by the fact that he would be returning to the place he hated most...

Konoha High.

"Fear not Naruto!" The boy with the bowl haircut struck a highly disturbing pose "High school is merely a part of the youthful experience! We must never waste our precious youth! Rejoice in the awesome happiness of this day! For this is what youth-" Rock Lee, one of the only people who was acutally looking forward to returning to school stopped talking when he realized Naruto was almost two blocks ahead of him.

'This has got to be the worst thing that could have happened to me...first my alarm clock goes off an hour late, then I realize I have no milk in the fridge...and on top of that I get stuck walking with fuzzy-brows! Life sucks!'

'What are you complaining about? You think I'm thrilled about being dragged to some lame mortal school year after year, because you're too stupid to pass?' snarled a voice in the back of his mind.

'Shut up Kyuubi! Its no picnic having someone like YOU stuck in my body you know! And for your information, I only failed 3 classes last year! And they were hard!'

'You think basic English, gym and history are hard! You SPEAK english! All you do in gym is run around a field all day. And how in the hell did you fail history when I'm a demon whose over 500 years old, in your head, giving you all the answers!'

Naruto decided to ignore Kyuubi for the rest of the walk to school. Not because he was annoying or anything, merely because Naruto knew Kyuubi was right. 'Damn that stupid fox...' Naruto thought to himself.

He would have continued his pathetic attempt at mentally lashing out at Kyuubi, but he was stopped when his body was hurled into the ground, a sobbing Rock Lee on top of him going on about something Naruto couldn't understand. "Fuzzy-brows! What the hell are you talking about! And get off me!"

"Oh Naruto! I ran into my beloved Sakura back there, and she told me some horrible news! You know that guy Chouji?" Lee said as he got up off of Naruto.

"Wasn't he in our English class? The guy that was constantly eating." An uninterested Naruto responded, clearly more interested in brushing the dust off his pants and getting on his feet.

"He's dead!" Lee continued sobbing, eventhough he knew nothing more than Chouji's name.

"What? Dead? When did this happen?" Naruto blinked, not really surprised that he had died. Hell, that guy ate so much he most likely exploded or something.

"No one knows! Him and his friends were playing Truth or Dare, and he was dared to run and touch the old Subaku house. He went in the yard, something shot out from under the porch and everyone scattered. So no one saw what happened to him! Later that night, they found out he was dead."

"Did anyone say how he died? Surely they would know the cause of death." Naruto questioned, surprised that Lee had left that detail out.

"Well..." he hesitated, eyes drifting to the ground, almost as if he was afraid to say something. After Naruto let out an impatient grunt, he continued. "No one knows the definite cause of death...except that he was brutally murdered. He was crushed from the neck down. The only thing they found was his head...the rest of him was mangled so badley..." Lee started sobbing loudler at the very thought. "He must have gone through so much pain!"

Naruto was in complete shock. He wasn't sure what to say. He had assumed that perhaps Chouji had died of a heart-attack, or got hit by a car. Murder hadn't been on his mind. "But...what could do something like that! Surely nothing human! I mean, the crush a persons body is beyond normal strength!" he shouted, clearly frustrated.

"I know...whatever killed him...couldn't have been human...but if it wasn't human, then what was it?" Lee closed his eyes and said "We should be careful Naruto. We don't know where the thing that attacked him is. It could still be in the area. Avoid the Subaku house at all costs." Lee suddenly turned on his heel, and ran towards the school "And by the way! We're going to be late!"

"DAMN IT WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT SOONER!" Naruto screamed, the fear of being late for school on the first day causing him to go into a panic. He ran after Lee, attempting to catch up.

He was running so fast, he didn't even notice the pair of cold green eyes watching him from the shadows.

Yep...this is just the intro I suppose. Since nothing interesting really happened. Mehnish. Review if you want.