Hi all
I decided to write a yakari. So yakari haters stay out! :)
I Know most people don't like this couple and I don't think it's ever gonna happen, but if there's fics out there about
Tai and TK gettin together, then I can do one about Matt and Kari.
Anywayz hope you like this, I'm taking a break from my sorato, but I'll post some more of it soon.
Matt is 16 in this fic and Kari is 13 (I think that's the right age gap)
Now on with the fic.
Disclaimer: I don't own digimon.

It was a dark rainy night as Hikari 'Kari' Kamiya walked down the streets of her home, Odaiba.
She had just finished developing the photos she had taken the other day in the digital-world and was walking back to her house.
Kari loved taking photos of people and her surroundings; they were like an everlasting memory. Something no one could
Davis had offered, many, many times to walk her home, but she had declined his offer. Walking home alone did not exactly
appeal to the young girl, but knowing Davis, he would probably have taken her saying yes as an indication that she
was interested in him and would probably had thought it to be some kind of date and Kari really didn't have the patience
for Davis tonight, or any other night for that matter. So on finally getting him to understand the meaning of the word no,
she had gathered her things and set off alone.
It was the middle of November and the nights had started getting darker earlier and earlier every day. She hated this.
Having the crest of light really suited her. The night scared the girl. Shadows creeping along the ground and up the walls.
Anything could hide out of sight in the darkness. Waiting for you to walk past unsuspecting and pounce on you. The thought
made her shudder. Some creepy monster watching her every move. Most people would have shrugged the idea of a monster
watching them out of their minds, but then they hadn't been into the digital world when they were 8 years old to fight
countless evil digimon and save both worlds from destruction. With this thought she picked up her pace.
Kari had decided to take the short cuts back to her house. Weaving in and out of the dusty ally ways
wasn't that safe, but it did get her home and out of the dark streets quicker than taking the safer option past all the houses.
She turned the corner into the last ally before she reached her street, picking up her pace again she headed down it. Trash
cans and dumpsters lay scattered about down the dirty back lane. She heard the old newspapers and rubbish bags rustling
in the wind. Kari turned her head down to face the ground. Hopefully she thought 'if I can't see them then they can't see me.'
Just as she reached the end of the alleyway, she bumped into someone. Letting out a small scream she stepped backwards,
only to have a strong arm wrap itself around her and another brought to her mouth. She started to panic. Trying her best
to shake the person off her until she heard a deep masculine voice whisper in her ear.
"Kari, calm down. It's me, Matt"
"Matt?" She asked and looked up into two blue orbs. "What on earth are you doing?" she shouted, "You scared me half to
"Sorry" he whispered again. 'That voice, it sends shivers down my spine. No get a grip Kari, this is Matt you're thinking
"Why are we whispering?" She asked in a mocking tone.
A look of panic crossed his delicate features.
"Jun" he said even more quietly than before. "She's been chasing me all the way home, I came down here to try and get
I laughed as he darted his head around to see if she was anywhere near.
"Come on Matt, she can't be that bad!"
"I know, that's what everyone keeps telling me, but you of all people should understand what I mean"
"Well you've got her brother chasing you around all day!"
"Yeah I guess you're right, it is pretty scary and hard to get them to take a hint, Davis must have asked me 5 times if he
could walk me home tonight"
I looked up at him again, noticing for the first time that his arms were still tightly wrapped around my waste. I blushed
and looked down.
"Kari?" I heard him ask.
I breathed out and looked up. Having Yamato Ishida this close to me did not happen everyday.
"Yeah?" I breathed.
He looked me straight in the eyes. His own looked to be full of concern.
"Look I know that Davis is a pain, but you really shouldn't have walked home alone in the dark, it's dangerous this time
of night."
"Matt, it's just gone six o'clock"
"I know, but it's still dark and a lot of sicko's hang out around here at this time of night."
"You should know," I said teasingly, trying my best to lighten the mood forming around us.
"Hey, what's that supposed to mean? Are you implying that I'm some kind of weirdo? Hmmm" He asked, a mischievous
grin crossing his handsome face. He started to tickle me with one hand, the other still firmly around my waste stopping
me from moving.
I squealed, but with laughter this time.
"Stop it, stop it!" I begged.
He grinned and brought his arm back to its original place, pulling me even closer to him.
"You know I can't stand being tickled!" I gasped, trying to fill my lungs with air again.
"I know. Why'd you think I did it?" he smirked. "Now tell me that you don't really think I'm some kind of weirdo before
I tickle you again"
His arms started to loosen their grip around my waste. I tried to back away, but it was useless. He was stronger than I'd
"I didn't mean you, honest" I pleaded with him.
"Oh really, then who exactly did you mean?"
"Just some of your new friends"
"So now you're insulting my mates?"
"No, no." I insisted. I looked up and gave him my best puppy dog eyes. "I'm not going to win this one am I?" I asked
sweetly, still trying to worm my way out of his grasp. Any other time I kept thinking, and I would've enjoyed him
holding me like this, but when I knew I was about to be tickled again at any minute, I had to try and get away.
"No you're not Kari, you insulted my friends so now I'm going to have to get you!"
"Yama please don't, I'm sorry. I take it back."
"Okay, I'll let you off this time." I sighed.

"I think you lost her"
"Huh" I looked up again, only to find him staring straight into my eyes. 'Oh no, not again. There was something about his
eyes, I just couldn't turn my head away. They were so blue and full of pain, that I just wanted to take away for him. I knew
he'd been through a lot in his life, the divorce, his mum taking TK away from him, his dad never being in when he was
young. I wanted to take the hurt away, make it all better for him. I didn't know why but it hurt me to see him sad.
"Jun" I said breaking away from his eyes and pretending to look around. "I think you got rid of her," I said again.
"What? Oh yeah right" he said. Shaking his head.
"What's wrong?" I asked him.
"Nothing, nothing's wrong. I was just thinking that was all." He caught me again. I got lost in his eyes for the third time
that night.
"What about" I tried desperately to look away from him but it was impossible. I'd had the biggest crush on Yamato since
my very first encounter with all things digital, and every time I was around him or I looked into those brilliant blue eyes of
his, I felt myself falling even harder for him.
"Just stuff" he replied quietly, still gazing at me intensely.
"Come on tell me, what stuff" I had to do something, say something, and since I couldn't or didn't want to move away from
him, I talked. I knew he probably wouldn't tell me, he had TK, Tai or Sora for that, but I was desperate to keep the
conversation going.
"I can't tell you, sorry"
'I gazed deeper into those chocolate brown eyes of hers. They were magical, so innocent, like TK's
but not. TK was my brother, not my crush'
'Yes i knew it was stupid, Tai's sister for crying out loud. If he ever found out about me holding her like this, my life
wouldn't be worth living. Then there was TK he had the biggest crush on Kari, and I think she felt the same way, either
that or she was just using him to get to Davis and somehow I didn't think Kari could be that cruel. Damn it I have to stop
thinking like this, but every time she looks into my eyes I can't help but fall in love with her.'
"Okay" I said quietly, still looking up at him, I wish I knew what he was thinking right now. I wish I knew what he
thought of me, but the only way I'd know that was if he told me. I sighed and shivered, even in Matt's grip I could still
feel the coldness around us.
"What's wrong Kari, are you cold? Here I'll fix that" He pulled me up to him, and ran circles round my back with his
hands. I shivered again in his arms, not because of the cold this time, but because of the amazing feeling he was
sending through my body.
"Kari?" he took one hand away from my waist and gently cupped my chin with it, pulling my head up gently to look
him straight in the eyes. I shivered again. "Are you alright? If you're cold we should get you home."
"No, I'm alright" I murmured, still feeling the sensation that he had created on my back, I shivered again.
"You keep shivering, are you sure you're not cold?"
"I'm fine really, but you're right I should probably get home before mum and dad start to worry"
"Okay" He started to take his hand away from my face when a shrill sound went up in the air.
"Yama-chan, Yama, where are you?"
Matt jumped and pulled me closer.
"Quick this way" he whispered pulling me along with him behind an old dumpster a bit further down the ally.
We crouched down behind it and waited for Jun to disappear.
"It's scary you know" I whispered to him.
"What is?" he asked shifting round to face me.
"How alike Jun and Davis really are"
He laughed quietly, God it was like music to my ears. "I know," he said.
We saw a shadow creeping along the wall. Then he pulled me further down into the corner out of sight.
"What would your friends think of you hiding down here like a little mouse, afraid of a girl?"
He put his hand to my mouth again and pulled me in closer to him, deeper into the never-ending shadows.
"They'd probably laugh at me if it were anyone else other than Jun," He said quietly into my ear.
I ducked my head down as the familiar blush crept up onto my cheeks.
A minute later I heard a voice saying "It's alright she's gone now, you can go home. I don't need protecting anymore"
I laughed at this comment and lifted myself up to stand next to him, bringing mine and Matt's heads dangerously close
I gulped as I saw Matt looking at me. We stood like that for what seemed like an eternity.
I felt his arms come around my waist again, him never taking him eyes off me as I lifted my head up to come closer to
him. I in turn hesitantly brought my arms up to his neck and looked up at him again.
His eyes wandered down my face to my lips, as he did this I could feel my heart beat quicken.
His head slowly lowered towards mine. I could feel his breath hitting my lips. As his head lowered even more.
His lips touched mine and I melted, bringing my arms tighter around his neck for support, he pushed harder on my lips
working his against mine slowly and gently. I felt like I was in heaven. Yamato Ishida was kissing me, Kari Kamiya.
A girl, over three years younger than him. It was almost to good to be true that he might actually feel the same way for me
as I felt for him.
I pushed myself up onto my tiptoes and kissed him back. Softly.

That was it, when she started to kiss me back I couldn't take it anymore. The years of torment were just too much.
Ever since I first met her I felt something for her. It was torture all those years of never being able to hold her in
my arms and kiss her.
I pulled her up to me and kissed her hard and passionately on the lips, tasting her, holding her like this was bliss.
I turned our bodies and pushed her up against the wall. I worked my mouth against hers like there was no tomorrow.
I pulled her up and held her against the wall, her feet just slightly above the ground, and her head almost level with mine.
I lost control of myself. I didn't know what it was, but something snapped inside of me. Maybe all those of years of trying
to push away my feelings for her, or just having her this close to me I wasn't sure.
I slid my tongue into her mouth and heard her moan into mine. Kissing her with all the passion that had built itself
up inside of me, those past three years I carried on kissing her until I couldn't breathe anymore. I slowly pulled away
took a breath and moved my lips down to her neck, kissing her creamy white skin. She tasted of strawberries. I felt her
lift her head and turn it to one side giving me full access to her neck. I couldn't stop myself; I pushed my lips onto her neck
kissing her all over.
Oh my gosh, I couldn't believe it when he started to kiss me like that, his lips tasted so good.
I could feel him opening my mouth with his lips and sliding his tongue in, I couldn't help it I moaned into his mouth. This
is what I had wanted for so long. I started to run out of air and I think he did too, as his lips left mine and traveled down to
my neck. I gasped and moaned again at the feeling. It was amazing enough when he had held me close, but
this was heaven. I moved my head to the side, at this moment in time I would have gladly let him go further, but I knew he
wouldn't, not just because Tai might find out and murder him, but I knew he cared about me, even if it wasn't the same
way I cared about him, which I very much doubted as his hands ran up and down the sides of my waist, I knew that he wouldn't
do anything to hurt me.
I started to work my way back up to her lips. I couldn't stop myself. My lips ran over her chin and to her mouth. I started to
kiss her with more passion than before. I didn't care anymore, let Tai find us, let TK know. I just wanted to be with her.
Once again I started to open her lips with mine and just as I slipped my tongue back into her mouth and started to run
it around hers I heard a crash, I jumped back startled. My senses came rushing back to me as I looked around trying
to find the cause of the noise. A cat, a damn cat had disturbed the happiest moment of my life. Stupid thing.
I heard a loud crash, the first thing that came into my mind was Tai. Matt jumped back in shock. I couldn't blame him
if it was Tai he would've needed a good head start.
I brought my hand to my lips and shuddered again, then I felt two arms wrap around my waste and a voice full of concern
"Are you all right? That was okay right? You don't hate me now? 'Cause I'm sorry if I messed everything up between us
it's just I've been waiting to do that to you for so long, and..."
I cut him off bringing my fingers to his lips.
"Yes Matt," I whispered leaning closer to him to support myself. "That was fine, better than fine in fact. It was amazing"
"Yeah" he breathed pulling me closer, wrapping his arms around me.
After about 5 minutes I started to pull away from him, which proved to be a very difficult task.
I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off.
"Yeah I know, you have to get home"
We turned headed out of the dark alley and followed the road down to my house.
Stopping at the gate he turned to face me.
"Kari, I want you to know that I meant that, what I just did. I know you're a lot younger than me at the moment but I
would really like to try and make this work." I paused for a second, "That is, if you want too?"
I smiled at him and lifted my self up to him to place a kiss on his lips.
"Yes Matt, I would love that"
I looked down into her eyes, so bright, so caring.
"Night Kari" I whispered in her ear. And then brought my lips round to hers again. I knew it was risky but I'd waited
so long for this moment that I just couldn't resist.
The second I touched her lips I wanted more. I brought my body up close to hers and kissed her harder than I'd ever kissed
anyone before. Our lips seemed to melt together in the moment. Once again I opened her mouth and she let my tongue
enter hers, tasting her like I'd always wanted too.
I reached my arms up to his neck again. His kisses were so powerful and full of emmotion I couldn't help but get swept
up in them, which is probably why neither of us noticed the lights flicker on in the porch and a very angry young boy step
Was all I heard before I was ripped away from Kari, punched in the cheek and thrown to the ground.
'Oh no, Tai' I stood up clutching my cheek were I had been hit.
"Tai, what are you doing? Stop it" Kari, yelled.
"Stay out of this Kari!" Tai warned, "It's got nothing to do with you!"
"It has got everything to do with me Taichi Kamiya, stop it right now Matt's your friend!"
Tai turned to me, lowering his voice he said
"Friends do not do that to their friends sister"
"And friends don't hit each other!" Kari exclaimed.
"It's okay Kari" I said and turned to her, I have to talk to Tai.
"There's nothing to talk about Yamato"
"There is everything to talk about Tai. Look I know you don't like the idea of me seeing Kari, but I can't help it Tai, I've
had feelings, stronger than friendship, for her ever since I first met her. I know she's quite a bit younger than me now..."
"Quite a bit younger than you Matt, she's 13 for crying out loud, if that isn't reason enough to stop seeing her I don't know
what is!"
"Look Tai I know that..."
"Well obviously you don't else I wouldn't have caught you two making out on our front porch!"
"Tai, if you just let me finish a..."
"No Matt, you can't just finish a sentence or try and explain, you have no right taking advantage of her like that!"
"He didn't take advantage of me Tai, I let him kiss me"
"I don't give a damn Kari, you are too young and Matt is too old, I won't let this happen and if you two even think about
carrying on with this you know when mum and dad find out they'll stop you from seeing each other."
"You wouldn't"
"Try me, look Kari I'm just trying to protect you, you don't know what was going through Matt's head when he was
kissing you"
"And neither do you Tai" Kari shouted.
"Tell her Matt, tell her what you were thinking about."
He stepped up to me and whispered quietly to me so Kari couldn't hear
"If you feel anything for her Matt you'll stop this right now, she's too young and you know it. Sure the age gap won't
be that bad when you're 25 and she's 22, but right now and for the next 9 or 10 years she is and you know it. It can't happen,
you've got a million and one fans out there that are going to make her jealous. TK likes her as well and you know it,
could you really do that to him?"
"I love her Tai," I said so quietly he could hardly hear me.
"TK" Was all he said.
I couldn't do it. I hurt Kari, the love of my life, the only person I'd ever wanted to be with, or TK, my brother the one person
I cared about more than life itself.
"Sex" I whispered, just loud enough for Kari to hear.
"What?" She asked.
I could see her pretty face go as white as a sheet.
"I was thinking about sex, Kari" I said, God this hurt so much. Why did I have to do this to her?
"You, you were thinking about having... sex... with me?"
"Yes" Oh Kari I'm so sorry, I hope you understand this one-day, it's for TK, I can't do that to TK he likes you so much.
She looked at Tai who had now walked up to the door and then to me. Slowly she walked up to me. I knew what was coming.
*SLAP* A sharp pain ran all the way across my left cheek. I instantly brought my hand up to it.
She had tears running down her beautiful face.
"I thought you cared" And with that she turned on her heel and ran into the house.
"Kari" I called out.
Looking at Tai, I said "I love her Tai, I really do"
Turning round and heading towards the gate I walked down the Kamiya's street and into the darkness.

I might do another chapter to this or a sequel. It depends what you all think.
Please don't flame me. I know not many people like this couple, so if you don't read the warning at the top
Yakari haters stay out.
Love y'all