A/N: So this is it. This is the end of the journey some of you have traveled with me since Four Minutes back in June. This is finale of the show I never thought would be read; the curtain to the song never meant to be written. And, well, I want to say thank you. To everyone. To those who've stuck with me since the first sentence in FM, and to those who've come along for part two of the ride in BB. It means a lot, because no writer is as such without those willing to read. And to those who loyally reviewed nearly ever chapter...You are incredible. You know who you are, and if you ever need a co-writer or a beta-reader, I officially volunteer myself. I hope that you have enjoyed reading this story as much as I have enjoyed writing it, which is one heck of a lot.



Disclaimer: I do not own The Suite Life of Zack and Cody.

Follow me
Everything is alright
I'll be the one to tuck you in at night
And if you want to leave
I can guarantee
You won't find nobody else like me

-Uncle Kracker; Follow Me



"You sure?"

"Yep. Lead the way."

"Because if you're n-,"

"-Cody! I'm ready, okay? Let's go."

Zack motioned outside of lobby as his hesitant twin brother sighed and pushed through the spinning doors and out onto the street. Zack shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans and smiled happily at the busy passer-bys. His wrist had healed, as had his abdomen, and though a faint scar still decorated a cheek he was as good as new.

Cody slowed his pace to match his brother's and side-glanced his way. Zack met his gaze, smirking slightly and blue eyes amused.

"What?" he asked, laughter in his voice.

Cody shrugged. "It's just--it's been awhile," he said.

Zack raised a brow. "Since what?"

Cody blew out his breath and watched it appear before his face in a cool mist. His winter jacket kept him warm, though the slight wind chilled his face. "Since you were…you…" he said rather lamely, laughing in embarrassment and looking down.

Zack seemed to get it, though, and he nodded. "Guess so," he said seriously, hand brushing away a stray blonde bang that fell in front of his eyes.

A faint layer of snow lay upon the sidewalks, and footprints dotted the path and as they walked it towards the high school. "Scared to go back?" Cody asked his brother, curious and concerned at the same time.

"Terrified," said Zack honestly, chuckling. "But hey, gotta go back eventually, right? Can't hide forever." He sighed and fixed the knitted cap on his head. "I miss dad, though." he said.

Cody nodded. "We'll see him this weekend, though," he said.

"Yeah," Zack agreed. "We will."

They walked in silence for a few minutes, past buildings and parked cars, heads down against the wind and gloved hands deep in the jackets of their coats. They walked past a parking meter long overdue, and a little boutique just opening up for the day, and then past a row of little houses, where all the twins could see were shoes and legs instead of faces.

"…let go of me, Lisa!" One of those lower halves exclaimed viciously. Cody looked up at the voice and, without realizing it, stopped as he recognized the face.

"…I'll be inside. Tell me when you're ready to start acting your age…"

Zack looked at Cody and frowned, unsure as to the reason for his brother's sudden halt, but at the scared look on his twin's face he turned slowly to follow his gaze, and as he did so he stiffened considerably.

The boy was their age and he looked furious. He was thin and pale, hands curled into unforgiving fists at his sides. As he took note of the twins his angry expression hardened into one of twisted pleasure. "Well, well, well," he taunted slowly. "Look who's back in town…"

Zack tensed, and Cody looked at him worriedly. "Come on," he whispered. "Let's just go. I shouldn't have stopped."

"No, hold on," Zack silenced him, motioning with a hand. He cleared his throat and nodded at his old pal. "Patrick," he said by means of a greeting.

"Zack, man!" Patrick responded, tone cold and cruel. "Long time no see." He stepped forward and Cody bit his lip, taking a half-step back instinctively. "Heard you ran away. Couldn't take the guilt?"

"I had nothing to feel guilty for." said Zack quietly, but his voice was clear and strong and he stood tall and fearless.

Patrick snorted a sardonic laugh. "What? Sam's death wasn't weighing on your conscious, Zacky-boy?"

Zack blinked slowly, steely expression not betraying the fear and hurt he felt inside. "I didn't kill him," he answered cooly. "He killed himself."

"Yeah," said Patrick, rolling his eyes. "I'm sure he did."

Zack made no reply. Patrick wasn't worth it.

As if noticing Cody for the first time, Patrick laughed once and sneered at him. "Big brother's gonna protect you now, widdle Cody? Huh?" Cody looked immediately down at the ground, hands wringing each other nervously. "But he can't. Not really. You're not safe anymore, loser, not after you ratted me out." His gaze turned angry again and he balled a fist.

Zack moved in front of Cody, getting right in Patrick's face. "Leave my brother alone," he said dangerously, hands forming their own fists.

Patrick glared back stubbornly, before shaking his head and laughing humorlessly. "You'll never amount to anything anyway, Zack-man. Too much pot—goes to your head," he made the cuckoo motion and Zack started forward.

Cody grabbed his brother's arm and pulled him back. "Don't," he hissed. "He's not worth it-,"

Patrick snickered. "Better listen to him, Martin. Wouldn't wanna get your ass kicked. Again."

Zack shook his head slowly, narrowing his eyes as he let Cody pull him away and back onto the sidewalk. "You just don't get it, do you, Patrick?" he called back as they began to walk again. Cody cringed slightly.

"Get what?" Patrick demanded.

Zack stopped walking for a second and looked back once more. "You think all that crap's fun. That it makes you something. But you're not doing drugs, man, they're doing you."

Patrick seemed not able to find words to respond, and he simply stared back stoically, though Zack could have sworn he saw a small flicker of regret in the teen's eye. Or maybe it was just a trick of the light.

And he walked the rest of the distance to school next to his brother. Neither of them saying a word, but both smiling.

When they reached the entrance to the high school Tapeworm and a girl several years older than him were sitting out on one of the benches. When they saw Zack and Cody approaching they rose and walked towards them.

"Hey, guys," Tapeworm grinned, pulling them each into an embrace separately.

"Hey," said Cody, beaming.

But Zack didn't answer; he was too busy looking at the girl next to Tapeworm. "Maddie," he said, a faint flush creeping up his neck. "What're you-,"

"-I had to say hello," she said, hugging him quickly. He returned the embrace and laughed nervously, twiddling his thumbs. "And I wanted to ask you three if you wanted to go out to eat tonight. London's in town. My treat?"

"Okay!" said Cody at the same time Tapeworm said "Sure!"

Zack nodded shyly. "Yeah," he said. "Yeah that'd be…sweet, Maddie."

"Great!" she said, looking at Zack. "I'll email you."

As she walked away Cody turned to his brother in amusement. "Oh my God," he said, pretending to be exasperated. "Get over her, man!"

Zack rolled his eyes and began to walk up the stairs towards the doors. "Dude," he said, as if explaining something to a very small child. "We're made for each other, man, made for each other."

He laughed with his friend and his brother and as they let themselves in he could have sworn he saw a familiar face wink at him from across the hall. A faint figure leaning against a locker; proud smile on his face and nodding slightly as he slowly faded from view. And Zack smiled, too, nodding at his old friend.

"Zack, you coming?" Cody called to him from up ahead.

"Yeah," said Zack, turning away as the image disappeared. "I'm coming."

The day was going good.

The sun was shining. The snow was melting.

He had a brother who looked out for him. Parents who loved him.

And when he got home, he had a guitar waiting to make the music he lived for.

And, Zack thought as he turned his attention back to the book Cody had let him borrow, that was more than enough.

The End