A/N: Also re-did this one slightly. I think I'm going to do that for some of my other stories. Enjoy the spelling error-free version! :)

Namine appeared, opening the door. Sora blinked twice, before following Kairi.

"Thank you, Namine." she said to the girl, and Namine smiled, holding out her hand. Kairi looked at it, and then reached out her own, lacing fingers with her. Both closed their eyes, and the light girl disappeared, back into Kairi.

"Look sharp, Sora!" a voice called in front of him. The brunette blinked once, focusing on the blonde-haired boy.

"Roxas...?" he questioned. Roxas smiled; one that was not unlike Sora's.

"Yeah, it's me! Nice to finally be able to meet you. Well..." He scratched at the back of his head, grinning sheepishly. "Kinda." He then mimicked Namine's movements, reaching his hand out to Sora. Sora looked at it, then to Roxas. Their eyes met, and Sora shook his head. Confused, Roxas tilted his head to one side, his hand still outstretched. Grinning, Sora reached out, grabbing his hand, and pulled the blonde into a fierce hug.

"Woah! Sora, what are you-?" He was cut short when Sora put a finger to his lips.

He then leaned in, whispering against his lips, "You'll always be with me...right? You'll never leave me, will you?" Roxas stared back at him, his cheeks flaming scarlet. Sora's matched his but he didn't pull away, waiting for his other half's answer. Roxas leaned in slightly, gently brushing his lips against Sora's. Simultaneously, they closed their eyes as they both leaned into the kiss. They pulled away, and grinned at each other, Roxas fading away back into Sora's heart.

"Of course I'll be with you. I'll always be right...here." he said, reaching a fading hand to the spot where Sora's heart was. At his touch, a rush of warmth enveloped his body, as he closed his eyes. Slowly, the heat pooled in his chest, and he opened his eyes; Roxas was gone.

" He'll never really be gone…" Sora let his eyes wander to his best friend as she smiled with understanding. "He'll always be right here…" the brunette said to himself, placing a gloved hand over his heart where he felt the warmth radiate.