A/N: I know it's been a year since I updated this and a lot of you probably had gotten tired of waiting. The truth is I'd like to finish this story and I have resisted putting this up for such a long time in the hope that I can still continue it. Unfortunately my life is just too full right now with other things that I simply don't have the time to write. I'm afraid I won't be able to finish this anymore until I'm old retired and have absolutely nothing to do. But as consolation, I actually have the entire plot line written down long ago. I am posting it now so you'd know how it will turn and end. As you can see from the complicated details I wrote this is really an epic that can rival Tolkien in length. So unless you can wait for more than a decade (that's how long it took for Tolkien to finish his Lord of the Rings), I don't think I'll be able to finish the actual story in the manner and quality it deserves. However if any of you get any ideas from this, feel free to use them, just tell me about it through review or PM. I'm really sorry about this, but I still want to share with you what I managed to think of.
Spouse of Orestes
Peter – recovers from his injuries and becomes an accepted member of the crew of the Suzannah. He takes the name Gale as his own. He maintains a rivalry with the Calormene slave that he met during captivity named Ardeeb. Both of them serve as cabin boys onboard the Suzannah although Peter becomes quite close to its Captain Odessus. He slowly rises among the ranks of the crew from cabin boy to first mate. When Odessus dies, Peter becomes the ship's captain. Ardeeb however, leaves the ship to go home to Calormen. Five years from the time he loses his memory, Peter meets the ambassador of the mer-people, Luciana and forms a friendship with her even if he is not aware that she is his sister. With Luciana's help, he liberates the Lone Islands from the Eastern Ocean pirates and is proclaimed Emperor. He becomes a vassal of Aslan.
Susan – remains a prisoner for several weeks in the tower and forms a friendship with King Colin. He gives her a history book to read and she becomes particularly fond of the story of previous duchess of Archenland-turned Narnian Queen Suzannah Swanwhite. She takes on the name Suzannah Swanwhite. Colin holds off a siege of Archenland, often asking Susan for advice. Archenland's minister however, continues to lust after Susan and advances on her. When she refuses him, he finds a way to accuse her as a witch and a spy. She is sent to the stake to be burned. Aslan however, saves her and she is released while Barin is banished from the kingdom. Susan becomes the rallying force of the people of Archenland to push back the Calormene army laying siege to their walls. For the next five years, Archenland suffers from continuous attacks from Calormen but King Colin and Susan as his adviser manages to thwart them from taking Archenland completely.
Edmund – is brought to Telmar against his will with the other captured Narnians. He forms a special friendship with tree nymph Semele on the way. He does not have a name although his captors call him the "fair prince of the East"—a name he despises. He becomes a warrior in Telmar and is made to fight like a gladiator at the bloody games of the Telmarines. He meets a middle aged faun named Orruns and another human warrior slave, a Calormene boy of Edmund's age named Emeth. Edmund forms a particularly close friendship with Emeth after he saves Emeth's life.
(Emeth is a Tarkhaan and younger brother to the crown prince of Calormen, Ardeeb. Ardeeb is the rightful ruler of Calormen. However, his uncle usurped the throne and had him sold to slavery with Emeth. They were separated and Emeth longs only to find his older brother, come home to Calormen and restore their birthright.)
After almost a year in captivity, Edmund plans his escape with Emeth, Semele and Orruns. Emeth however, is killed as they make their escape. He dies in Edmund's arms and gives Edmund his royal ring and makes him promise to find Ardeeb and tell him how he died. Edmund takes the ring and reaches Narnia with Semele and Orruns. Edmund takes in the name Emeth in honor of his friend's memory. Edmund works closely with Orruns and Semele for the next four years liberating the Western Woods from the Telmarine slavers. Edmund is later proclaimed Duke of Lantern Waste and becomes a vassal of Aslan. Orruns becomes Edmund's general and right hand man. Narnia remains kingless at this point.
Lucy – is at first mistrusted in the court of the mer-people but is gradually accepted as a friend through the efforts of the princess Marina who becomes her ally. Marina names her Luciana, after the ship where Marina found her (This is the same Narnian royal flagship that bore King Frank and his son when they dropped the seed). The mer-people are currently besieged by the kraken, a monster that was sent to lay-waste to the mer-people's kingdom. The mer-people has a long standing feud with the sea-people due to the "first merman."
Previously, the mer-people are a purely female race. In order to reproduce they invite the men of the sea-people over during the mating season. The sea-men return to their people after the season and they take all male offspring born between sea-men and mermaids to their kingdom and raise them as sea-men. The mer-queen, however, had a child, a son that surprisingly had a tail (all male offspring even those with mermaid mothers before had no tails). The mer-queen considered him to be the first merman and thus refused to give him up to the sea-people as was tradition. The sea-people in their fury sent the kraken to regularly siege the mer-people in an attempt to regain what they believe is their rightful subject.
Lucy makes the bold step to reconcile the two kingdoms and makes friends with a sea-girl, a lowly shepherdess (she later re-meets this shepherdess in the Voyage of the Dawn Treader though she no longer remembers her). Lucy remains in the court of the mer-people though she has to come up to land once a month. Five years later from the time she loses her memory, she comes up to land at one time and encounters Gale (Peter). They become friends and she helps him to liberate the Lone Islands. The Lone Islanders know her as the "Sea-Child."
At this point, their story merges. Swanwhite (Susan), the highest advisor in King Colin's court, remains problematic with the constant attacks from Calormen of Archenland. She seeks help and corresponds with Emeth (Edmund), the Duke of Lantern Waste. They become very good friends and form an alliance through letters. At the same time, Emeth corresponds regularly with Gale (Peter) as co-vassal under Aslan though they never meet. Gale, Emeth and Luciana (Lucy) all offer help to rid Archenland of the Calormen threat. Gale cuts off the Calormen supplies by sea by blockading the sea routes, Luciana users her mer-people influence to have all the fish re-routed so no catch can be made in Calormen shores. Emeth cuts off the illegal black market of supplies from his side of Telmar. Calormen is forced to withdraw as its supplies run low. At the same time it is also besieged by a rebellion led by Ardeeb, who is trying to restore himself as Tisroc.
With Archenland now at peace, King Colin offers a tournament to establish friendly relations. Emeth arrives first and meets Swanwhite for the first time. They feel something affectionate for each other instantaneously which makes Colin—who is by now in love with Swanwhite—jealous. Gale arrives two days later with Luciana. The Lone Islanders have urged Gale before to marry and they have set their sights on having him married to the Lady Swanwhite, whose beauty has now become famous throughout the Eastern Ocean. But when Gale sees Swanwhite for the first time he only feels the same affection for her as he does for Luciana. The four of them become close friends.
Also at the tournament is Ardeeb, still a rebellion leader attempting to regain his throne. He becomes another ardent suitor of Swanwhite though she does not return his affection. When Ardeeb hears that the Duke of Lantern Waste named Emeth is present, he rushes to his tent expecting to find his brother only to find Edmund. Edmund as Emeth tells Ardeeb of what happened to his brother and gives Ardeeb his fallen friend's ring. Ardeeb breaks down his superior mask for the first time and cries for his fallen brother and Gale realizes he is also human after all. Gale and Ardeeb still don't like each other but they maintain a respectful civil relationship due to Edmund's intervention (whom Ardeeb is grateful to since Edmund saved his brother's life before).
Before the final day of the tournament, Gale, Swanwhite, Emeth and Luciana share a picnic at the beach away from the Archenland court. It is here that they realize that they are brothers and sisters due to a common song they know and a memory that comes into Swanwhite's mind of the battle of Beruna where Edmund becomes injured. Colin witnesses Gale embracing Swanwhite on the beach and becomes convinced they are lovers.
On the final day of the tournament, Gale and Colin compete at the final duel with a broadsword. Inflamed by jealousy, Colin injures Gale though the latter still wins out of better skill. Gale is pronounced winner before he collapses, bringing Swanwhite to his side. Colin hopelessly walks out towards his tent to brood.
Several minutes later, when Swanwhite is assured of Gale's condition, she comes to check on Colin. He fires her from her position as advisor to the court of Archenland and tells her bitterly that she could easily get a job with the Emperor of Lone Islands—whether in his office or in his bed. Swanwhite feels insulted, slaps him then leaves. Luciana overhears them and rebukes Colin when they are suddenly attacked and abducted by armed men.
When Luciana and Colin come to they are being held in an unknown camp. Barin appears and angrily scolds his men for taking the wrong girl. (He is aiming to abduct Swanwhite and Colin but his men got Luciana instead). Luciana and Colin discover that the banished former minister has now joined forces with the unlawful Tisroc. Colin is meant to be held for ransom to furnish the diminishing coffers of the Calormen treasury while Swanwhite goes to Barin.
Meanwhile, back in Archenland, Emeth, Gale and Swanwhite discover Luciana and Colin missing. They join forces with Ardeeb to rescue their sister and the Archenland king in exchange for aid to the rightful Tarkhaan to regain his kingdom. The rescue is successful and Barin is killed. The Pevensie siblings are reunited.
As promised, the four Pevensies and Colin help Ardeeb in a battle to defeat his uncle. The battle is successful and Ardeeb ascends the throne of Calormen. Ardeeb proposes marriage to Swanwhite after he is proclaimed Tisroc but she turns him down. They however, remain good friends. As Tisroc, Ardeeb becomes a just ruler and maintains an alliance with Archenland, Lantern Waste, the Lone Islands and the mer-people (he is the same Ardeeb Tisroc who becomes Aravis' great-great-grandfather).
An apologetic Colin proposes to Swanwhite and marries her. Emeth later marries the nymph Semele. The four Pevensie siblings live and rule in their respective lands though they correspond and see each other regularly and maintain a good relationship with Ardeeb. Their reign becomes an age of peace and solidarity and is known as the Golden Ages for Calormen and Archenland.
Swanwhite and Colin have three children: two girls and a boy. (Their oldest girl, Helen becomes great-grandmother to the future King Lune) Emeth begets a son named Peridan with Semele in the 25th year of his reign. Luciana and Gale remain unmarried. On the thirty-fifth year since the Pevensies arrive in this time, Colin dies of natural causes. Ardeeb, who is now a widower with a grown-up son, proposes again to Swanwhite. She refuses him once more but they still remain as friends.
The bereaved Swanwhite is invited by Luciana with Gale and Emeth on a holiday at sea. They sail together on the Suzannah where their boat gets tossed by a storm. They reach an unknown island beyond the Lone Islands where they meet Aslan. Aslan reveals to them their former lives and tells them it is time to return to it. Emeth is reluctant to leave the life he has due to his wife and young son, but Aslan assures him he will meet them again. Aslan breathes on them and they are transported back to the moment where they first left on the 1002 Narnian year with no memories of the 35 years they lived. They do however, retain a hidden knowledge that they can draw from to help them in their reign as Kings and Queens of Narnia.
Back in the time they left, the subjects from Archenland, Lantern Waste, the Lone Islands, and the mer-kingdom proclaim the four leaders lost or dead at sea. Confusion sets in coupled with fear that the protection tree that had grown in abundance for almost a thousand years is quickly dying. Ardeeb is left to ponder in horror as he receives reports from his allied countries about the growing threat from the North. He alone makes the necessary preparations to protect his kingdom from whatever threat that would come.
Semele in Lantern Waste is left to grieve. She questions Aslan as to where her husband has gone. Aslan tells her that she will see her husband again but she has to give her son up to keep him safe from the White Witch that will come to lay siege to Narnia. Aslan however, entrusts to her the prophesy of the two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve that will liberate them from the Witch. Semele relays the prophesy to her nymph friends then tearfully sends her five-year-old son Peridan to Archenland (He becomes Lord Peridan's ancestor). She then locks herself in seclusion for 105 years, vowing to shun the company of anyone male.
The White Witch arrives from the north and invades Narnia. Orruns, Emeth's general leads the resistance from Lantern Waste but he is killed in the struggle, leaving behind his only son, Tumnus. After Orruns' death the White Witch conquers the rest of Narnia including the Lone Islands.
The sea-people, fearful of their lives, leave to find settlement away from Narnia and the danger posed by the White Witch. The mer-people opted to stay out of loyalty to the last remaining resistance in the shores of Archenland. Many of them are killed but a few are able to escape and go into hiding. Marina is among the few that survived and lived on in hiding near the Lone Islands. She, like Semele, questions Aslan about their fate. Aslan responds to her and tells her to remain faithful. He entrusts to her the prophesy of the sons of Adam and the daughters of Eve that will one day come to liberate them. She takes it to mean that Luciana, Gale, Emeth and Swanwhite—the four strong leaders of the golden age will return. So for the next 100 years she maintains a habit of surfacing once a month near the Lone Islands in the hope that Luciana will return as she did to the sea every new moon.
The Archenlanders led by their 18-year-old queen, Helen (Swanwhite's and Colin's eldest daughter) put up a resistance for months but are eventually forced to flee Archenland for the safety of Mt. Pire. Anvard is overrun by the White Witch's forces and is burned to the ground.
The White Witch's forces attempt to go further south towards Calormen but are repelled by Ardeeb. Ardeeb maintains his kingdom for several years more until his death. He makes a smooth transfer of power to his son Ilsombreh who succeeds him as Tisroc. On Ardeeb's deathbed, he entrusts Ilsombreh with two things: maintain the freedom and just governance of Calormen as Ardeeb did, and help recover the fallen kingdom of his beloved Swanwhite. Ilsombreh eagerly obeys his father's commands as he is in love with Swanwhite's daughter Helen. However, like her mother, Helen only feels a platonic affection for Ilsombreh. For several years, Ilsombreh maintains contact with Helen in an attempt to recover Archenland. As proof of his love and devotion, he launches a large battle to recover Archenland for her. He is however, killed by the White Witch. Back in Calormen, Ilsombreh's general takes over the throne unchallenged since Ilsombreh's son and heir Rishti is still a child. The Tisroc line continues through the usurper and from then on corruption and evil reigned in Calormen I figured here that the current Tisroc at the time of Aravis was actually not the rightful heir Aravis' line possibly has that rightful claim. She mentions that Ardeeb Tisroc "was descended in a right line from the god Tash." This indicates the affirmation that Aravis' family is the true royal line. In many cultures the claim of the true royal line is descended from the divine. I also noticed that only Ardeeb and Ilsombreh were Tisrocs. After them, Rishti, Aravis' grandfather was only called a Tarkhaan. I figured something happened in the political situation in Calormen at this point that prevented Rishti from inheriting the same title as his father and grandfather and continuing that line
In the last chapter, King Edmund, now returned to his proper time, is shown going on horseback, visiting the Lantern Waste with Lord Peridan's little son. It is Edmund's 16th birthday and he shares it with the boy. Edmund has grown fond of the boy since Lord Peridan brought him to Narnia. Edmund's gift to the boy is to take him to see Caldron Pool for the first time. They stop by a familiar withered apple tree. As the boy touches the dead trunk, Edmund notices a prick of green twig growing and realizes the tree isn't dead after all. But he gets distracted when a face appears behind the trunk. He stares at the beautiful face with green hair for a long moment, mesmerized. She stares back before uttering to him: "Come to the last night of the Bacchanalia when my vow will end." She disappears and Edmund is left to ponder what she means. Peridan's son asks him what a Bacchanalia is and Edmund answers that he doesn't know but he says Mr. Tumnus probably does and he should ask him sometime.
A/N Again: Well that's it. There are still a lot of details that needed to be worked out, but that's the basic plotline I thought of. The idea that ignited this fic really was that little scene between Lucy and the Sea-Girl in the Voyage of the Dawn Treader. It got me thinking what if they really had a history together. And then suddenly I kept getting more details on what to add as I recalled other characters when I re-read the books and checked the other canon material from the "Companion to Narnia." I even have an idea about the romance story between the first Emperor Gale (the one that tamed a dragon and became the first emperor of the Lone Islands) and Queen Swanwhite (the one whose beauty can be reflected in a pool she used as a mirror for a year and a day). It actually goes in sync with this plotline. Hey if anyone is interested in writing that story you can get ideas from me. I got loads of those. I just wish I had time to write them all. So for now, all I can do is throw them around for other people to pick up.