A/N: In the mood for something cute, so I just threw something together.

Disclaimer: If I owned it you'd see a lot more of Fuu and Olette.

Trying Something New

Seifer leaned his head back against the wall. "I don't really know what those guys see in this stuff," he said twisting the untouched ice-cream in his right hand.

"Well it's all, salty and sweet y'know," Rai guessed holding the sea salt ice-cream to his face to examine it closer.

"Idiot," Fuu said simply. She was sitting knees bent against the wall her arms crossed over them, melting ice-cream hanging from her left hand. Did anyone really expect her to eat it?

"Augh! This stuff is disgusting y'know."

"Don't eat," Fuu said directing her red eyes to Rai. Seifer laughed out loud for the first time that day.

"I think she has a point, I would rather just throw it away. Hey Rai would you take mine?" Seifer said pointing to a trash bin in the far corner of the sandlot. Rai swiped the ice-cream from his hand and walked towards the trash bin.

Fuu tapped her hand against her knee; she felt like pointing out that there was a trash bin almost right beside them but decided against it. She knew good and well Seifer knew that it was there.

"Incompetent," she mumbled shaking her head as the ice-cream continued to melt and savagely attack her left shoe.

"You do realize I did that to get rid of him?"

"No," Fuu replied glaring at the twilight landscape. She never had patients and hating hearing questions like that.

"Why don't you eat your ice-cream?" he asked drumming his fingers on the wall behind him.

"Nasty," she replied numbly tapping it again getting more of it on her shoe.

Seifer raised an eyebrow. "How would you know you didn't even try it?"

"Nor you," she said looking at him crossly. Well he didn't touch his ice-cream either; he just forgot to mention that.

"Okay I'll make you a deal, if I try it first than you have to try it."

"Fair enough," she said handing him her ice cream. He pulled a melting chunk off with his thumb and forefinger. After a few seconds of staring at it her randomly shook his head.

"This won't work, I don't think I can eat it like this," he said thoughtfully gaining no reaction from his albino companion. She didn't even bother asking why, his nature would force him to tell her eventually.

So after a few seconds he smeared it across her right cheek. Her red eyes widened at the cold sensation. She was about to lash out at him (which was VERY unlike her) when she felt his tongue sliding across her cheek. This only made her eyes wider and her hand clutch the stick of the ice-cream.

After a few more licks Seifer pulled away smirking smugly before he reached down and swiped the ice-cream from her hand. Waving it lightly he tempted her to eat it.

She grabbed it back before shaking her head. "Doesn't count!" she insisted.

"So you won't try it?"

She glared at him as he swiped it from her again and bit off one corner. Fuu looked at him emotionless until he pulled her head forward with his right hand. His left hand rested on the ground beside her.

He pushed the piece of ice-cream into her mouth and pulled away before she could push it back.

"I win," he insisted when he watched her swallow.

"Again," she said after having swallowed the ice-cream. He blinked at her twice before breaking into a smirk that made her usually emotionless expression turn to that of being deeply annoyed.

He leaned forward trapping her lips with his, barely hearing the shout of: "That's sick y'know!"


A/N: ... Um eheh, yeah… anyway, I realized these stories more often then not come out completely screwed when I write them. I was not aiming for that! Anyway there it is hope it didn't suck as bad as I thought it did.