WIRED the cybercafé
The Underground
Atlanta, Georgia
1:00 p.m.
I have just signed my death warrant. Ezra stared at the computer screen the last click of the keystroke had sent the codes on the way. How did I get into this mess. If I had simply turned a blind eye when Mikal came to me with his discovery. Mother will be so disappointed. At least the proper people will be informed of the situation if I meet an untimely demise. Poor Mikal I will always carry the burden of his death. I should have somehow protected him better.
Ezra raised his eyes to lock with those of his recent shadow. Will you be my executioner I wonder, or is that yet another dirty little department of our esteemed Agency.
FBI Regional Directors Office
Atlanta, Georgia
3:00 p.m.
Chris settled in the visitors chair in the office of Atlanta's FBI director.
"So what can the FBI do for you Senior Agent Larabee?" Bill Cundiff smiled meaninglessly.
"You have something I want," Chris' returning smile was defiantly predatory.
"I'm sure we can work out an arrangement," Cundiff growled back.
"Maybe," Chris said, "Probably not though."
"So if were not going to deal, why waste my time?" Cundiff demanded.
"Professional courtesy," Chris stood.
"What is it you want then?" Cundiff huffed.
"Standish, Ezra P.," Chris' grin was decidedly on the sharkish side.
"You have enough to take to court?" Cundiff asked hopefully.
"Only if Standish wants to bring charges against some of your agents," Chris hissed.
"What?" Cundiff gobbled.
"I'm here to offer the man a job," Chris stated.
Cudiff lost his composure. "I won't sign a transfer," he snarled.
"Fine, I'd rather not have you slime balls lurking around in the background," Larabee hissed.
Cundiff twitched and narrowed his eyes. I can't let Standish walk away he knows to damn much. "Give me the damn transfer. I want to be able to call him back if I ever get desperate," Cundiff grumbled.
"Nice doing business with you," Chris picked up his brief case and walked out.
Sub-basement Federal Building
Atlanta Georgia
3:25 p.m.
Damn all they have to do is lock the door on this crypt. Chris thought as he walked down the dim corridor. I didn't know basements had basements. Standish must have really pissed them off to end up down here. Larabee winced at how loud his footsteps rang in the silence. Nobody's going to sneak up on him anyway.
"Are you here to arrange my disappearance or are you misplaced?" A soft drawl carried from a doorway behind Larabee. All in black how appropriate for an executioner.
Chris spun around at the possible threat. Chameleon my ass, the man's a peacock. Was Chris' first thought as he looked at Ezra P. Standish in the flesh for the first time.
"Neither, Standish I'm here to offer you a job in Denver," Chris growled.
Does he intend to throw me off a mountain or feed me to a bear?"Colorado in the winter? Perhaps death isn't such a bad alternative," Standish mused.
Chris scowled to cover his amusement. "Standish I need an undercover specialist. I'm told you're the best," Larabee snapped.
"You are unaware that I am currently under investigation?" Standish blurted in surprise.
"I know about it. I don't believe it," Chris answered.
Ezra seemed at a loss for words. Is this for real? Perhaps God does answer prayers.
"If you would join me in my office to discuss this issue Agent Larabee."
Chris sat down and studied the other agent thoughtfully. The man was polished to a shine. From the top of his chestnut colored hair to the soles of his Italian loafers the man oozed style.
By the look of those green eyes he's exhausted. His color is bad. I don't care how fancy that suit is it can't hide lost weight. Rolaids laying out, I'll bet your working on an ulcer, Standish. Wish I could talk to Vin he'd know how to keep from spooking Standish.
Ezra shifted slightly before calmly studying Larabee back. "Your offering me a position?" Ezra drawled softly.
"ATF special operations unit 7," Chris laid a file on the pristine desk.
"Why would I be interested in this position?" Standish challenged.
"You need out and we need you," Chris growled.
"What possible benefit could there be?" Ezra sighed tiredly.
"Back up," Chris grunted. Ezra's head came up slowly.
"Back up?"
"Always," Chris promised. "You'll be able to do your job."
Standish stiffened "You may leave. Take the white horse you rode in on with you."
"I'm no knight in shining armor all set to rescue you," Chris snorted. "Black's more my color. I want your help to raze a few castles".
Ezra's eyes showed just how desperate he was for a flashing instant.
"Here's your ticket. I'll help you pack up what has to go tonight," Chris held out an envelope. Ezra stared dumbfounded at the boarding pass.
"You seem rather assured of my response, Agent Larabee. I'm currently considering numerous exciting openings, outside of law enforcement." Ezra drawled stiffly.
"With us you get to do the job. If you're the man I think you are you'll use that ticket," Chris responded flatly.
Chris' phone rang in the silence. Opening the cell Chris frowned at the caller ID. "Is there a problem Tanner?" He answered.
"Nah didn't have Ez's number put him on fer me," Tanner's raspy drawl filled the room.
Damn, Cowboy how in hell did you know I was with Standish right now. Wonder how damn far this mind tingle thing goes? "It's for you," Chris snorted holding out his phone.
"Standish" Ezra drawled with a look of apprehension on his face.
"Hey Ez, Yah need some place ta stay when yah git here?" Vin asked.
"My name is Ez-ra, not some mangled derivative there of. May I ask to whom I am conversing?"
"Ah hell fergot we hasn't been formal introduced like. Mah name's Tanner, Vin Tanner. I'se tha team high man. Git yer tight ass on tha plane tanight. Their lookin' ta bury yah. Got ever'thin' set up. They's gonna pull tha plug tanight," Vin warned.
Ezra took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "How do I know that your information is correct?"
"We are tha Lantern Bearers" Vin's drawl was very soft. " Things is bein' took care of for yah. Be best iffen yah was ta clear outta town though."
Ezra suddenly found it easier to breath. Denver? I'll be able to make a difference. Can I rely on this man. Ezra stared thoughtfully across his desk at Larabee, still holding the cell phone.
"Ez, yah there?" Tanner's voice called.
"I'm still on the line Agent Tanner," Ezra said distractedly placing the phone back to his ear.
"He's a pain in tha ass, probably shoot yah his ownself, but he won't never abandon yah," Vin promised.
"Oh joy!" Ezra snorted.
"He has this vein on his forehead that'll swell up and throb when yah git him goin' good," Vin chuckled. "Letcha go now".
Ezra returned the cell and studied Chris intently.
"Well?" Chris demanded feeling his irritation growing. The tale tell vein began to throb.
I'll be under the protection of the guardians. The FBI won't chance disturbing the watchers for such a minor situation. Ezra considered the offer seriously. That vein really does show up doesn't it. This could prove to be quite illuminating. "I'll accept that offer Agent Larabee." Ezra smiled impishly.