Chapter one of Reflection

Chapter one of Reflection

Rated R

By Miaka Hime

ACK! I can't believe I'm starting another one! But I had this idea stuck in my mind! *The Other Soldier readers glare at Miaka Hime* Oh stop it! I plan on finishing The Other Soldier this weekend sometime. So anywhoo, I decided to make Usagi her normal manga self in this, so she is neither weak nor very clumsy or a crybaby. Although I made Mamoru the little anime wussy he is ^.^ I love Usagi's personality in the manga but Mamoru, has to be his bastard anime self in this fic, otherwise it ruins my plot. *pouts* So anywhoo, just so you know, Usagi will not be a whinny crybaby in this fic cause I generally don't like her that way, but she'll still know how to have a little fun ^.~ Also, this fic's beginning is slightly dark, I don't think the whole fic will be like that though.

Disclaimer- I do not own Sailor Moon or Gundum Wing, and I'm not just saying this because the lawyers have been watching me. ^.^;; *mutters something about damn lawyers*

Japanese Translations



Daijoubu ka?- Are you alright?


Usagi stood in the room. She was staring intently at the mirror in front of her, tears leaked down her pale skin, her usual blond hair now held silver steaks, her eyes no longer the baby blue they had been but an icier blue with a few flecks of silver. She knew they eventually would change to silver.

This transformation was from the loss of a thing she wished she'd never given. Her hands unconsciously clenched at the thought of his hands over her. She had never thought he would do such a thing like he had done. Slipping a drug in her soda like he'd done and then taking away what she had been saving.

She had always known he would be the one to take her virginity, but not in that way. She had always envisioned white satin sheets covered with rose petals, and it being their wedding night. She had never imagined he would slip her the date rape drug on their date, and when she said she'd felt light headed, and took her to his apartment to supposedly rest. It never crossed her mind he'd abuse her in the way he had.

After he had finished with her he'd said she had been terrible and wished he hadn't paid the money for the drug and he rolled over and went to sleep.

Usagi had gotten up after that, sore, battered and bruised, with her skirt hiked up because he was to anxious to get on with his deed.

She had quickly pushed her skirt down, her underwear was in tatters on the ground, so she didn't bother to try to put them on. She quickly buttoned her blouse, and left before he'd woken up.

She had been groggy and had bumped into Haruka on the street. She hadn't realized who it was even, it had been Setsuna who had been with them that realized she was on some kind of drug. Haruka had grabbed her and tried to get her into her read convertible,

Usagi, her mind still fogged over from the drug didn't understand and had struggled, yelling out for Mamoru to leave her be.

That had probably been when they realized what had happened. They managed to get her in the back seat and taken her to Haruka and Michiru's mansion.

She'd woken up in a clean pair of blue pajama's a little large for her because they seemed to be Haruka's. Out first she thought it might have been a horrible, horrible dream but she knew it hadn't been, her body still sore from Mamoru. She then broke down into tears, or hurt and pain until she felt the small arms of Hotaru wrap around her shoulders. "Usagi-chan, it'll all be all right, Setsuna-mama said she'd fix it all." Usagi gave her a smile, more to reassure herself than Hotaru that she believed she was correct.

After Hotaru had left she'd discovered her hair and eye color. She now stood silently and emotionlessly staring at her reflection, everything that she stared at made her want to smash the mirror to pieces, and finally she gave up and did just that.

"Usagi-chan! Usagi-chan daijoubu ka?" Michiru said rushing into the room. Usagi stood staring at her bloody hand in amazement. "H-Hai I think so."


After the incident with Mamoru the inners seemed to shy away from Usagi and the outers became closer. The inners didn't do this unintentionally of course, they just didn't know how to handle the situation. After a week of this Usagi moved from the Tsukino residence to the mansion with the outers. Her parents hadn't been happy about it, but it was just better for Usagi to be around friends that would help her in her time of need.

Two more weeks went by, and they were torture, because Mamoru, somehow had found out that she had moved and had been calling at times he knew only Usagi was home. Usagi had finally had enough when Mamoru had threatened her life if she refused to speak to him.

She had been home all alone at the time and as soon as she'd hung up the phone she concentrated like Haruka had been teaching her and conjured a portal to Pluto's realm. She quickly stepped through before the portal had time to close, and looked through the familiar mist for any sign of Pluto.

When she caught sight of Pluto Usagi smiled. "Puu." She said softly to get her attention. Pluto whipped her head around to be face to face with Usagi. "I know, what you've come for, I've been expecting this visit for a few days now." She said with a flicker of a smile. "What do I do Puu? Things have gone so wrong." Pluto gave another flickering smile. "I can allow you to leave this time, you'll have to take the outer senshi with you." Usagi smiled her first smile in weeks. "What's the catch?" She asked. Pluto gazed sadly at her princess before answering. "Chibi-Usa may never be born unless you find the one you are truly destined to be with." Usagi's breath caught in her throat. "C-Chibi-Usa?" Pluto nodded.

Usagi quickly weighed the odds and realized in either time there was a chance Chibi-Usa may or may not be born considering Mamoru wasn't in the picture anymore. "I-I want do it, but please give me a day to speak with the others, so I know how they feel." Pluto nodded. "You may have a day, but why take a day when your outer senshi are already here?" She asked. "What? I don't understand." Usagi said confusion etched in her features. "Remember koneko, Setsuna's known of this for a few days." A deep female voice said. Usagi whirled around to see Haruka, Michiru and the frail Hotaru. "D-Does this mean we can leave now?" Usagi asked hopefully. Michiru nodded, "If you wish." Usagi nodded. "Hai, I don't want to be here anymore." Pluto raised her time staff and tapped the butt of the staff on the floor with a clank that seemed to echo all around them.

A large portal opened and all of the senshi, including Pluto stepped through and they were surrounded by a lovely apartment. "I got this all situated, you don't have to worry about rent, utility's or food money. I'll take care of it all. You must know that the time is AC 195 and is war ridden. I have some papers on the kitchen counter you may want look over to know the details about your new lives here." Pluto said. "What about clothes and things?" Usagi asked. "They're in your closets already, I took the liberty of getting a new wardrobe for all of you." Pluto said with a small smile. "I won't be here often, but when I am here I made sure I had my own room as well, in case you wondered why their were four bedrooms." Pluto said when she noticed Usagi looking at the doors down a hallway. (AN-Haruka and Michiru share a room, that is why there are four.) "I better be going though, I should tell the inners of Usagi's departure." Usagi and the others nodded before Pluto hit the butt of the time staff again and departed into another portal.

"Let's go see our new rooms shall we?" Michiru said with a smile. They all nodded and went to check out the rooms. The first room was Hotaru's and the master bedroom was Haruka and Michiru's because there were two in a room, but the third was Usagi's.

She went into her room alone since the others were checking out their own rooms and she shut the door. Her walls were painted a light lavender and she had a regular oak dresser, she had a nice queen sized bed decorated with a white feather comforter and white sheets and pillow cases along with a few bunny stuffed animals. She had a desk in the corner with a lamp, phone and a lap top. In her dresser and closet she found a whole new wardrobe, with an occasional outfit she would have missed had she left it in her time. Usagi then came across a full length mirror in the corner, the kind that you could swivel on it's hinges to get the right angle. Usagi stepped up to it and touched her hand to her reflection. "I hope we are happy starting anew in this new time and place." She whispered to herself.


Ok, please don't flame me for what happened to Usagi, but it gets better, I swear! The gundum boys come in the next chapter so stay tuned! Also I want to say before I get people asking, This is either going to be a Usa/Hiiro or a Usa/Trowa I'm kind of leaning toward Usa/Hiiro cause they're my favorite ^.^ So please review and tell me what you want otherwise I'll just do what I want ^.^