Disclaimer: Bones and any of it's affiliated characters and locations do not belong to me.
Summary: One shot began the spiral. One word broke it. One moment began it all over again. Sequel to The Missing Piece.
Author's Notes: Highly advisable to read Flick of the Switch and The Missing Piece before this.
Chapter 1: Two Guys and a Girl
Booth flexed his fingers; the leather of the steering wheel was warm and soft and a minute did not pass when his eyes darted from the beginnings of early morning traffic to the women asleep in the passenger seat.
Temperance was sat wrapped in the standard-issue-hospital-blanket and sound asleep. The steady sounds of her breathing beginning to lull Booth into a dangerous almost slumber.
Adrenaline rushes have advantages and disadvantages. Whilst you have them you don't feel tired, you can move faster, you're more agile.
But they also make you fearless, you don't feel pain, you're driven to a perfect focus, which although good at times is bad at others; you finish the fight and you can't focus on anything.
Your blood roars in your ears, you're heart pounds, vertigo sets in and the worst of all? Complete and utter exhaustion.
Grateful that he had managed to stay awake this long because although he had slept it was disrupted, uneasy, painful. It wasn't at all resting. In fact he had woken up feeling worse than he had when falling asleep if he admitted it to himself.
He pulled up and looked at Temperance. Certain that now he was past ready to just collapse where he was and sleep there was no way he would be able to carry her from the car he realised that he would have to wake her.
"Bones," he whispered lightly "Bones, wake up," when she did not respond he touched her arm and reeled back, clutching his nose to stem the flow of blood that streamed forth in reaction to the blow he had just received.
"Booth!" she exclaimed, pulling her arms free of the blanket "I didn't… are you okay?"
"'m fine' he replied, his voice sounded nasal "it s'okay,"
Temperance frowned and took his hand away from his nose, hissing in sympathy "I really didn't… come o,"' she reached over and took his keys from the ignition, getting out of the car and not looking to see if she was being followed.
Parker was staying with Angela's next door neighbour and had been since he had been woken in the early hours by his original carer – the artist – and was not to be attending school that day.
Angela would be bringing him over in a few hours, once they had all manage to get at least some sleep.
Yes they had work but it all depended on how long Booth could keep Temperance in bed as to whether or not they went in at all. That was not meant in any way in which there would be any underlying meaning. He was far to tired to even contemplate it.
He smiled as he was forced to take a seat on the edge of the bathtub before she took a few Kleenex from the box on top of the toilet tank and removed his hand.
"Shh…" she admonished, taking the hand not originally used to stem the flow of blood and adjusting it until it was pinching the tissues over his still bleeding nose.
"It's not broken," she said, wiping at his upper lip and free hand with a damp tissue, dropping them, once used, into the trashcan next to her "I'll just get some ice," she turned to leave and stopped when his hand came to rest on her stomach.
He looked at her quietly as she stared down at his hand on her abdomen, this was the only way he could think of to get her attention and it seemed it had worked.
"Booth…" she began. Her hands were held almost in a surrendering fashion, well away from her stomach, almost as if it were her will that he do as he wished.
She vaguely noticed that his hand was no longer pinching his nose and it was now resting in his lap. His hand that is. Not his nose.
Silence was between them. He did not answer and she did not continue. An entire conversation held between two sets of very tired, very passionate eyes.
I trust you.
I know.
I'm sorry.
Don't be.
Moving slowly and without taking her eyes from him she brought her hands down to the hem of her filthy shirt, lifting it a little. Barely suppressing a gasp as his hand came into contact with her skin. It felt hot, and tendrils of that heat ran through her, calming her, soothing her.
Trust me?
Said I did didn't I?
Love me?
He got to his feet, removing his hand slowly as she lowered her shirt once more. He leant over and smiled at her intake of breath as his lips slid over hers gently.
Lips of velvet. Eyes of fire. Touch of an angel.
A sinner. A saint. A goddess. A devil.
His hands caressed her arms and wrapped around her hands, bringing them up to his chest, releasing them as they began a journey round his neck, meeting as ten slim fingers tangled in thick hair.
In desperate need of touch, or love. This kiss was not about lust or need or sex. It was about reassurance. A reality check. A wonderful, attention grasping, emotional roller coaster ride of a reality check.
"Angela," Parker asked, kicking his legs and bouncing slightly in his seat.
"Yeah," Angela took a left.
"Is mo–Bones okay?"
Angela smiled at the slip-up "she's fine sweetie. Your daddy and her… they needed to rest a little,"
"Did the bad man hurt her?" he seemed genuinely concerned. Blue eyes framed by dirty blonde hair, his hands clasped in his lap even as he continued to kick slightly "did he hurt her? Is she hurt like daddy was?"
"Oh … no sweetie. She's fine. Just very tired I think. Being kidnapped… it's not a nice thing but she's all right now,"
"Daddy's looking after her?" he enquired, well he had to make sure someone was taking care of Bones. She looked after him and it had to be somebody's job to make sure she was looked after.
"Your daddy's looking after her," Angela confirmed.
"Good," he nodded his head resolutely "that's v'ry good. Daddy's good at lookin' after people,"
He was silent the rest of the trip to his home. Perfectly content now that the safety of 'his Bones' was no longer at risk.
Meeting Jack and Zack on the doorstep had not been a part of the plan and they seemed to be strangely shocked to see Angela there until she rolled her eyes and pointed to the small boy clambering the steps to the door like a man on a mission.
"Mr Addy… Doctor Hodgins… Miss Montenegro… what're you doing here?" Goodman asked, getting out of his car and surveying the squint squad through confused eyes.
"Dropping Parker off," was Angela's reply "what're you doing here?"
She could not help but laugh at the unified "checking up on them," that followed.
Goodman cleared his throat. Jack adjusted his jacket in a manner that suggested that he was a little embarrassed by this fact and Zack just shifted from foot to foot.
They waited a moment, avoiding eye contact before Parker, stood with his hands on his hips glaring at them all, asked; "so we goin' in or not?"
Jack's hand slapped over Angela's mouth, muffling a shriek of "aww!" at the sight that met them upon entry to the lounge.
Booth was lying flat on his back on the couch, Temperance lying for the most part of top of him, her head pillowed neatly on his chest. Hands clutching the shirt her auburn hair was spilling over in a slackened grip.
One of his arms lay casually round her waist whilst his other hand rested atop her head, entangled in her hair as if he fell asleep petting it.
"That is the cutest thing I have ever seen!" Angela hissed upon her release from the shorter man "camera? Does anyone have a camera?"
"No," Jack replied simply.
Zack just stood staring at them as if it were something he couldn't quite get his head round, when his jaw began to drop however Dr. Goodman closed it firmly with a roll of his eyes and a shake of his head.
Parker assessed the situation. Angela wanted a camera. He knew where the camera was. Daddy and Bones were asleep but they were in the middle of the lounge and he couldn't find any pictures of mommy and daddy together like that…
"Top shelf of daddy's closet," he rocked back on his heels, looking almost smug.
Angela grinned at him and dashed off to retrieve the desired item. No one could tell whether she was smiling because she could take her picture or whether she wanted to go into a certain FBI Agent's bedroom.
Doctor Goodman was giving Parker an odd look. Parker stared him down, giving Angela an innocent smile as she returned, camera in hand.
The flash of the camera was what woke them up, sleepy eyed and mussed up hair as they both blinked at the 'intruders' confused in a rather sweet way. The flash went again as Angela took another.
"Wha's goin' on?" Booth looked over his shoulder, resting on his elbows.
Temperance blinked at them, the beginnings of an annoyed expression toying with the corners of her conscious self.
"Hullo daddy," Parker leaned over the arm of the couch, allowing it to support his entire weight as he lifted his feet from the floor.
Booth lay back "hey there sport," he smiled at his son who smiled just as widely back.
Realising who was with her and where she was lying Temperance shot to her feet, patting nervously at her hair and straightening her shirt and pants.
"Relax sweetie," Angela chuckled as Booth sat up, swinging Parker into his lap and allowing him to settle there.
"I'm gonna… take a shower," she said, she still sounded half asleep and Booth had the idea she was probably still exhausted but there was no way she was going to go to sleep again.
Not until nightfall any way.
"So about you and Brennan…" Jack began, grinning mischievously.
Doctor Goodman treated him with a disapproving glare "congratulations," he nodded "to you both."
"Daddy what's Dr. Goo'man talkin' 'bout?" Parker looked up, avoiding settling completely against Booth.
Booth opened his mouth and closed it again, brushing a stray strand of his son's hair from his eyes "Bones is… she's gonna have a baby."
Parker's eyes widened "wow," he breathed "that's so cool!"
Even Jack couldn't help but laugh at that statement.
She could hear them all talking in the lounge and was not at all bothered by Booth telling Parker about the… pregnancy at all. After all, it was as much Parker's right to know as anyone else and Parker was Booth's son.
The water from the shower head hammered down and tattooed the walls, roaring slightly upon impact but the louder it was the better it felt. Same as the water was a little hotter than she would normally have it.
Filth and grime slid down the drain in a murky whirl of a mess; bit like her head had felt before she had gotten and as the water that slid from her body became clear as it drained her mind did also.
The clouds of fog that had cloaked it for hours, the fear that had embedded itself so deeply into herself that she had lashed out and nearly broken the nose of the man she loved.
And the general discomfort was washed away and as she left for the bedroom wrapped in a bathrobe with her damp hair hanging limply about her shoulders she felt much better. Clean.
Both of dirt and of the memories of the night before that now seemed a lifetime away.
"Hey," Booth said as she rummaged through the wardrobe for a pair of jeans to go with the white shirt she had picked out.
"Hey," she replied, smiling a little in a way that was discreet but made her look that much prettier. Her sapphire eyes lighting up.
"Goodman's taken Zack back to the lab. Says he's gonna try and get him to work on his dissertation until we get there,"
"We?" she asked, eyebrow cocked.
He shook his head sarcastically "yeah we. I learnt first hand that trying to keep you home is a bad idea,"
She froze in the process of buttoning her shirt "I'm sorry… I-"
"Quit apologising Bones." he cut her off "I kicked you out and I didn't notice something was wrong–well more so than the stomach bug it appeared you had, speaking of which; morning sickness?"
She frowned at him. She'd been perfectly free of the nausea this morning–
He couldn't help but laugh as she bolted into the bathroom, the sounds of semi-dry heaving caused him to hurry after her though.
Holding her head as she vomited he whispered to her gently "maybe you ought to eat," he got to his feet as she pulled back and filled a glass from by the sink with water.
Temperance shook her head, taking the glass of water passed to her and slumping against the toilet bowl tiredly.
"Angela's making breakfast. It might make you feel better," he held out his hand for her to take so he could pull her to her feet.
She didn't take it.
"I don't know what I'm doing," she breathed "Booth I have no idea… this wasn't part of… I never-"
He crouched in front of her, taking the glass and setting it on the floor before he took her hands "hey," he answered just as quietly "we can do this together okay?"
"That little devil has already torn us apart once and I have no intention of ever letting you out of my sight again," he tugged slightly and she fell easily against his chest, her arms wrapping round him a second after his enveloped her tightly.
"Never?" she asked, her voice muffled against his chest.
"Never," he repeated, sighing contentedly.
They stayed in each other's arms for a moment before Temperance pulled back "you smell," she said simply.
Booth looked playfully indignant "thanks," as she pulled him to his feet he didn't notice her making him back towards the shower and fell backwards into it.
Temperance could not help but laugh at the sight of Booth sprawled on the floor of the shower fully clothed and now drenched with cold water as she turned the tap.
"Bones," he growled the chattering teeth as the icy water cascaded over his head but she was already gone.
Author's Notes: Parker! Woo! Sorry, he's just so cute! Oh yeah he reacted the way he did to 'the revelation' because I seriously cannot see him feeling at all threatened by a new baby. He just doesn't seem the type. Okay that was fluffy but seriously I did say I wasn't gonna update 'til I got back from my holiday but I couldn't wait so if ya'll like the series as much as ya seem to you were probably desperate! Lol.
Please review but the usual don't flame