Hehe. I know what you're all thinking! "OMFG! SHE'S FINALLY UPDATED! SOMEONE CALL THE PRESS!" lol! Yeah, I'm sort of suprised, too. I sort of caught a case of writers block. . . .but I told myself that I would finish some stories once and for all!

And by the way, this probably isn't the last chapter. I'll have one more, maybe a few years after they graudate or something.



The rest of the school year went by somewhat quietly. Nothing especially bad happened, Draco and Hermione did hear from Lucius or any other death eater, they weren't sure if that was good or bad. And Harry didn't hear anything from Vodemort - he was being unnaturally quiet in his killings. When ever Draco, Harry, Hermione or Ron asked Dumbledore if they had found a way around the umbreakble vow he would sight and tell them no, but they were trying.

It was a week and a half before school was over, and as usally Hermione and Draco were in the libraray reading about unbreakable vows. They weren't able to be reading about them with all the exams, but now that they were done they were spending almost all their time there.

"Finding anything, Hermione?" asked Draco looking over the edge to his book.

Hermione nodded but her face remanded somewhat confused and troubled. "Maybe, but I'm not sure." she paused for a few moments. "Draco, do you remember if there was a date to the umbreakable vow? If Snape had to do so before a certain time?"

Draco put his head in his hands for a moment to think, then he looked back up. "Yes, the way she worded it. My mother said that if I was unable to fufill the plan then he would promise to do it for me, and Voldemort and my father wanted me to kill him by the end of the school year. Why?"

Hermione sighed. "Well, it says here that if there is a deadline to the vow then a week before that date the vower begins to show signs of death." she explained. "Looking pale and sickly, feeling faint and weak, achs all over you body then finally death."

"This is just great," sighed Draco. "Snape is going to start showing those signs soon, and it will be all my fault."

"Draco," Hermione put her book down and walked over to him, then slid into his lap placing her arms over his neck. "Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault. Snape chose to do this so he wouldn't be suspected and to protect you, he knew what would happen." she kissed in for a moment. "Draco, can you promise me something?" he nodded. "If your father or any othe other death eaters every do anything to me, even kill me, promise me that you won't kill them or use any of the unforgiveables. Please, I don't want you to be like them."

Draco paused for a moment the nodded. "I promise, I won't use them."

Hermione smiled and kiss him again. "Good, now let's keep reading."

Then, a few days later, all chaos broke out. Death eaters attacked the school at exactly nine o'clock at night.

McGonagall came to all Gryffindor common room to ask that all fifth, sixth and seventh years that want to fight can follow her, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Draco (who was in the common room reading up about unbreakable vows) were the first ones out of their chairs.

Once they all arrived down stairs with all the other houses (minus Slytherin) they jumped in with all the other teachers and order members. Harry went looking for Voldemort. . . and found him in the great hall. They began to fight.

Back in the hallway, which was in front of the great hall, the death eaters and everyone else continued to fight. Some how, Hermione was forced back down another hall and she was fighting a masked death eater, after she stunned him she was about to run back to the battle when someone from behind her shouted, "Expelliarmus!" and her wand flew our of her hand and land on the ground.

She turned around to see who disarmed her and gasped, it was Lucius Malfoy bearing a smirk. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" he drawled walking around her in a circle, Hermione never turned her back on him. "Looks like Draco isn't here to protect you, and it appears as if you have lost your wand. Too bad. Crucio!"

Hermione feel to the floor in pain, it felt as if she was being stabbed repeatly with knives - dipped in acid. Lucius lifted the curse leaving Hermione breathing heavly, she was numb all over yet she could feel her whole body stinging.

"That was for turning my son against me," Lucius spat with malice. "And this, is for being a Mudblood. Crucio!" Hermione withered in the pain flowing through her body, she couldn't stand this much longer. It was getting harder and harder to concentrate. . .

"Stupefy!" shouted another voice, she couldn't tell from where - her brain was so fuzzy - then something, a body by the sound of it, fell to the ground near her. Then finally the curse was lifted, again, and she just felt the numbness and stinging like before. "Hermione!" She felt someone sit down next to her, she opened her eyes and saw a blery image of someone. She blinked a few times and finally the person came into view.

"Draco!" she exclaimed, relief filled her shaking voice.

Draco leaned down and hugged her quickly. "Thank Merlin I came over here, I saw a Death Eater walk over here and saw it was my father tourtoring you." he sighed. "Are you okay?" he asked brushing a hair out of her face.

Hermione nodded. "Yes, let's go back to the fight, we have to help." she insisted. Draco looked as if he was going to disagree, but nodded and helped her up. She whinced at the pain, but shrugged it off.

After tying up Lucius and taking his wand they walked back to the battle, it seemed as if the Light side had taken over. Many Death Eaters were littered on the ground, stunned, and only few were left fighting. Another ten minutes later, or an eternity in everyone's opinion, all the death eaters had fallen and were tyed up and put against the wall.

Dumbledore looked around the room. "Where is Harry? And Voldemort?" he asked. Everyone stayed quiet, and they then heard, without all the other fighting, noise coming from inside the Great Hall. A moment later they doors burst open as Harry ran out of them, then he turned back to the opening. Voldemort walked out with a smirk planted on his face.

"What is this, Potter? Running so soon?" he asked. "And here I thought Gryffindors were brave. . ."

Harry smiled. "Well, Tom, I'm not the one who should be talking. Look around, all your followers have fallen, at hands of many teenagers." he pointed his wand at Voldemort. "If I were you, not only would I be ugly, but I'd be scared. Nobody is going to help you, certainly not them," he motioned to the death eaters.

Voldemort laughed, and raised an eyebrow. "It does not matter, after I kill you I will bring back my death eaters, but they will be punished for falling so quickly at the hands of the fool Dumbledore and his students." explained Voldemort, acting like Harry and he were the only ones there. "And besides, you don't have the guts to use the killing curse, too Gryffindor for you. Face the facts, you are done, once and for all. You have been a irratation to me for too long, it is time for you to die."

"Your wrong, I do have the guts," explained Harry. "You have hurt and killed too many people, your not human any longer, and there for I don't feel any guilt for doing this." Harry took a deep breath. "Avada Kedavra!"

Voldemort's red eyes widdened in shock and disbelief as the light green light come cascading toward him, he raised his wand in hope to sheild himself from the spell, but failed. The killing curse hit him square in the chest, he fell back and hit the ground with a thud, his wand flying out of his hand. His eyes, now longer red, but clouded with a grey haze, were wide and fixed upward at the ceiling.

Harry, with his wand still pointed at where Voldemort was standing not a second ago, was breathing heavily. He waited for Voldemort to stand, to kill him, but he didn't move. He had killed him. A million emotions flew through his mind. Happiness, finally, after Voldemort had killed his parents he was finally gone. After all the hurt he had caused. Doubt was he really dead? Would he stand within the next second and kill him. Then, finally and the most active emotion, guilt. He had killed someone, with the unforgivable killing curse. It didn't matter that Voldemort was less than human and that he was responsible for hundreds of deaths. He, Harry, had still taken a life.

Harry dropped his wand then fell to his knees, his eyes fixed on the ground, tears welding up in his eyes. Then he felt a pair of protective arms wrap around him, he didn't know who the belonged to, but he clung to who ever it was like his life depened on it.

"It's okay, Harry," the person whispered in his ear. It sounded familar, but he couldn't place it. "Everything is fine. . . it's over." Then he reconizged the person, it was Ginny. Sure enough, his face was buried in her long red mane. It didn't cross his mind that this was Ron's little sister, at this moment she was someone to lean on.

"No, I killed someone, Ginny. I'm a. . .murderer. I'm like him, no better." he whispered quietly in her ear, voicing his fears.

"No Harry, you are not like him. You saved us, you stopped all the killing that he has caused." she told him firmly. He didn't say anything else, he felt so. . . at peace in her arms. He didn't want to ruin that.

Dumbledore watched this scene in shock and. . .intrest. Voldemort, Tom Riddle, was dead. After so many years of waiting, of planing, and his demise was at the hand of a teenager. He sighed and looked over to that teen, he was curently in the arms of Ginny Weasley and she was whispering something to him. It was time to take control.

"All students, go back to your common rooms, we have all had a long day." he announced, everyone turned to Dumbledore then back to the body of Voldemort. They quietly walked out of the hallway, the only students that staied were Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley, and of course Ginny Weasley holding Harry Potter. Dumbledore sighed. "I never thought I would see the day. . ." He turned to Professor McGonagall. "Please go and contact the Ministry, tell them what has just traspired here." She nodded and walked briskly out of the room and to her office.

"As happy as I am, and no doubt all of you are, for the down fall of Voldemort," he started again. "I can't help but see that you are troubled, Harry. Why?" he asked.

Ginny pulled away from Harry, then took hold of his hand. As Harry answered he just stared at both of their hands, too afraid to look at anyone. "Professor. . . I killed someone. . .used an unforgivable. I'm no better than him. . ."

"This is not true Harry," inturrupted Dumbledore. "Voldemort and you are not alike, yes you both hold the same wand and are both very powerful, but you have always been different. You have been able to love, Voldemort has not. You killing him does not make you him, it makes you a hero, although you may not like that term. But that is what you are, you have ended the suffering of many. . .Voldemort wouldn't do that either.

"I know this doesn't make you feel better, but you should know that your friends will always love you, and in their eyes you are no different." Everyone nodded silently at this.

Harry didn't answer, he knew Dumbledore was right, but it still hurt. Dumbledore sighed. "I think it's best for you to go to bed as well, perhaps you should go to the room of requirrement though, I can only imagen how many questions you will be hit with when you enter the Gryffindor common room." Everyone nodded, Ginny helped Harry off his feet and they walked to the room of requirrement, still hand and hand.

When they arrived Ron walked by the wall three times as everyone watched, then the a door appeared and they walked int. Inside were five beds up against two walls, and a fire was lit. The five teens soundlessly walked over to their own beds and slipped their shoes off, not bothering to do anything else.

After about half an hour the fire was completely gone and the snore's from Ron's bed could be heard, yet the other four teens were still awake.

Hermione sighed, there was no way she was getting any sleep tonight. . .at least not alone. She needed Draco's arms around her, he could always make her feel better when she was depressed, and now she needed that more than anything. So Hermione quietly slipped out of the bed and walked over to Draco's, then she pulled the covers over the both of them. When she turned to Draco she could tell he was still awake. He smiled and kissed her softly, then he put his arms around her waist. Hermione laid her head on his chest, and a few moments later they were both asleep.

Ginny smiled as she watched Hermione get up and walk over to Draco in the dark, it must be nice to be in. . . love. She sighed and turned to look at Harry's bed, he wasn't asleep, that was for certain.

'He needs someone to lean on right now,' she thought, then she threw off her covers. 'And it's going to be me.'

Ginny walked over to Harry's bed, lifted the covers on one side and moved in. She turned to face Harry as he turned over on his side so he was facing her. "Ginny?" he asked in a hushed whisper. "What are you doing."

Ginny smiled weakly. "You need a shoulder to lean on right now, and I'm here for you."

"Thank you Ginny, for now and back there in the hall, thank you." Harry whispered, then he put an arm around her, Ginny rested her forehead on his own. "Thank you." he murmured before drifting of to sleep, the last thing he remembered being the smell of Ginny's hair. Ginny drifted off to sleep moments later.


The next morning each couples awoke to a loud scream, they all sat up and looked around in alarm. Finally the saw the source of the scream. Ron was standing in between the two beds, his face was red in the face.

"Oi! What's going on!" he exclaimed. "Ginny! What are you doing in Harry's bed! Hermione! What are you doing in Malfoy's!"

"That's none of your-" started Hermione but Draco cut her off.

"Oh come on Weasley, we didn't do anything. Why would we when there was three other people in the room?" he asked rolling his eyes. "Really, I wonder about you. I can't really answer for Potter and Wesleyette, but I'm sure they will say the same thing."

"Yes Ron," said Ginny crossing her arms over he chest. "What they both said, it's not your life so butt out."

"Excuse me?" asked Ron, he seemed to be very upset now. "But when my little sister is in bed with a guy then it is my life! You two aren't even together!"

"How do you know?!?" exclaimed both Harry and Ginny together. They paused and turned to each other slowly.

"What?" asked Ron again.

Before either Harry or Ginny could answer the door to the room opened and Dumbledore walked in, his eyes twinkling. Both Draco and Harry jumped out of their own beds leaving the girls sitting there alone. Dumbledore looked to the three boys standing, all of the red in the face - two from embarrasment and one from anger.

Dumbledore pieced a few things togther then smiled, his eyes grew brigter. "I didn't mean to inturrupt anything, but I think you should all come down to the great hall. We having a special breakfast feast, the newest Minister is even coming." Everyone raised an eyebrow at 'newest' Minister. "Yes, well Minister Scrimgeour resigned just last night, right when we annouced that Hogwarts was being attacked. I'm sure he is kicking himslef right now, now that Voldemort is gone his job would have gotten easier, but atlas, he did resign." Hermione noticed that there was even more sparkle in Dumbledore's eyes than usual. Wonder why that was?

Everyone nodded, then they slipped on their shoes and walked out after Dumbledore.

On the way to the Great Hall, Hermione and Draco started to tell Dumbledore about the unbreakable vow problem. "I think we've found a loop hole," said Hermione smiling. "Narcissa's exact words were, 'Will you, Severus, watch over my son, Draco, as he attempts to fufill the Dark Lord's wishes?' well there is no Dark Lord anymore, no wishes to fufill. I think that the vow was broken the moment that Voldemort died."

Dumbledore nodded and smiled, "Yes, Severus has been showing the signs of death the last few days, but this morning was well again. I believe you are right," Suddenly a weight was lifted from Draco and Hermione.

They arrived in the Great Hall, it was filled with loud chatter everywhere and surprisingly there were only a handful of reporters, Dumbledore must have only let a few come to this. When Harry and the others stepped in the hall went silent, then broke into applause. Harry blushed lightly and kept his eyes downward, Ginny was cluching his hand.

Dumbledore lead them to a stage at the front of the Great Hall, there were a seat for all of them. After they were seated and the crowd was quiet, Dumbledore stepped up to a podium and cleared his throat.

"Today the new Minister of Magic is going to address the intire Wizarding World about some wonderful news," boomed Dumbledore. "And I would like to introduce to you the new Minister of Magic." Everyone waited, holding their breath. Still after a few moments no one moved and Dumbledore was smiling bigger than ever. "That would be me," said Dumbledore.

The crowd was shocked for a few moments, then everyone burst into cheers. Everyone knew Albus Dumbledore could handle being Minister and should have been made on years ago.

After the hall was silence again, and the cameras had stopped flashing Minister Dumbledore continued. "Last night there was a Death Eater attack on Hogwarts, many people were wounded on both sides but there was only two deaths, both death eaters. And finally, after so many years of terror, Lord Voldemort has been killed, this time for good. He will never threaten us again."

Cameras flashed and people cried. A sigh of relief was breathed in the Wizarding world. They no longer had to live in fear of that monster.


I'm not done yet. I'll have a epilogue! Please review!