Hello! This is my first posting a story here on the HP site of FF! I'm usally over at the Danny Phantom part, I have writen a HP/DP xover though. Two really. So if there are any DP fans please go check that out!

I hope you all like this, it is also my first DracoxHermione pairing, so sorry if the writing seems awkward (or awkweird).

Enough of my talking, just read the story!


Hermione Granger walked into the bookstore of Diagon Alley and looked around; there were only a few other wizard and witches in the shop. She pulled out her Hogwarts list and walked to the desk, the man quickly found all her books and rang them up.

"Before you go miss," he said, "Would you be interested in joining a 'Quill Pal' organization? You will be matched up with someone else and you can both exchange letters. You don't even have to use your real name if you don't want to, that way it can be totally secret."

Hermione thought about it and nodded. "That sounds wonderful, where can I sign up?" The man pulled out a paper and quill, Hermione wrote down her address and that she was a girl - the man said that her and the person she was writing to could exchange names later. "Thanks!" she said walking out the door.

A few minutes later Draco Malfoy walked into the very same store and did basically the same things. When asked if he wanted to join and become a 'Quill Pal' he was going to refuse, then thought it over and signed up. After that he walked out and finished buying his things for Hogwarts, which would be starting in two weeks.


Only two days later Draco got the address to his 'Quill Pal', to which he wrote a letter quickly.

Dear ,

I think I'm going to use a fake name, that way we can say anything to each other and not be afraid of who we are telling it to. I'll be . . . Misunderstood Guy. It's self-explanatory. No one really knows the real me, I act how I'm expected to act, how my family has always acted. Some times, more in the past year, I've been thinking of not doing what my father tells me to and breaking out to be myself. I don't think I would ever be that brave though. (Wow, the first letter and I'm already spilling out my deepest secret!)

On a lighter note here is some basic information about me. I'm 16, just had my birthday last week, and I'm attending my 6th year at Hogwarts in about two weeks. What about you? And if you couldn't tell by my name, yes I am I guy!

I guess this about wraps it up for this letter, please write back soon!

- MG

Draco reread the letter then placed it in an envelope and gave it to his owl that flew off to deliver said letter.


Hermione was about to start writing a letter to her 'Quill Pal' when an owl flew in her open window and dropped a letter on her desk. On the front was her address and labeled 'Quill Pal.' She quickly opened and read it then wrote a reply.

Dear Misunderstood Guy,

I think you have a point with the name thing, so I'll be . . . Invisible Rose. Why? Well some times I feel invisible and some times not. As for the 'Rose' part, my middle name is Rose; I'm not using it because I think I'm beautiful like a rose - no way! Although a lot of boys in Hogwarts, yes I go there, have been noticing that I'm not the same as I was in first year. I don't even want to think of that! I want to burn all my photos from every time before third or fourth year!

Anyway, like I said I'm in Hogwarts as well and go figure! I'm starting my 6th year, too! I'm not 16 yet; my birthday is on September 26.

And now as to what you said in the first letter, I think you should stand up to your father. And show everyone who you really are, everyone should be true to who they really are.

Now another question! What house are you in? What is your best class? I'm good at almost all of them; I'm one of the best students of our year. (That is if you ask anyone but me! I always think I can do better!)

- IR

Hermione quickly gave the letter to the owl that was waiting and getting fussy, watching as it flew away.


When Draco's owl returned he ripped the letter open and read the letter quickly. Then he wrote a reply.

Dear Invisible Rose,

If I had to bet, you are probably beautiful. You just have to believe it yourself, and who knows! Maybe I was one of the boys now seeing you as a beautiful young witch!

And I'm not telling you my house until you tell me yours! My best class is potions and D.A.D.A. (The teach last year was horrible! But my father said to get on her good side.)

As for your advice with my father, I'm not sure I can do that. I'll be standing up to a lot more than my father, believe me. (I might tell you about this later.) But I'll try some day.



After Hermione read the next letter she wrote another back.

Dear MG,

You are just saying that! I'm nowhere near as beautiful as most of the girls in our school! But I'll try to believe in myself more. That is one of my flaws.

And I'm not telling you my house until you tell me yours! (So I guess we are stuck until either on of us caves.) And yes, Umbridge was horrible but one of my friends hated her more than anyone on this earth!

I hope you do stand up to your father, I'm sure you can. (I won't say a word about why you will be standing up to more than just your father; I'll wait until you want to tell me.)



This was how the next two weeks went; by the end of them they both knew more about each other than almost anyone else. Draco, or MG to Hermione, had never told anyone his feelings about his family and Hermione, or IR to Draco, had never told anyone about her invisible feeling to everyone else but the teachers. (Not even Harry and Ron.)

Finally September 1st arrived and Hermione was dropped off at the train station by her parents, as was Draco.

Hermione walked to platform nine and three-quarters with her head in the clouds, she couldn't help but think about MG. This was exactly how Draco was feeling so neither of them were watching were they were going. They didn't see each other in time to stop from having a collision.

They both fell back and onto their butts, Hermione quickly started saying she was sorry - that is until she saw whom she ran into. "Malfoy, watch where you're going!" she snapped.

Draco was about to reply with a nasty comment but then thought of IR, she had said that he should start being nicer to people after he told her he was nasty to a lot of people who his family considered 'unworthy'. He stood up and cleared his throat. "Sorry," he muttered before walking away.

Hermione was very confused. She had never heard Malfoy say he was sorry and sound like he meant it. She didn't have time to think this over because Ron and Harry spotted her and she walked over to them.



And there we are! The first chapter is done! I have chapters 2 and 3 already done and beta-ed so they are ready for posting! The more reviews the faster I update! Keep that in mind!

Everyone let the force be with you, peace out, ta ta for now(TTFN) and good-bye!

(This has been a Paid advertisement by Phantom of a Rose.)