OK…. This picks up where "Licking His Lips" ends off, so if you haven't read that I suggest you read it first! This was originally going to be a one-shot, but I got so many reviews for "Licking his Lips" that I made a sequel, which was also going to be a one-shot, but its kind of long, so I decided I'll just make it a few chapters….I hope you like it! PLEASE review after…if you review I'll thank u in a later chapter…promise, like I'm thanking my reviewers from "Licking His Lips"!

OH…I also have this other story…its called "More than Friends?"….it's good if you want a laugh! Its staring Fred and George…and me and my friend…tee hee…its funny! Anyways… ENJOY!

Thanks a lot to my reviewers from "Licking His Lips" (Your name could be here if you review :P ) - Insignificant-Raindrop , ChipEnchanted , jayne-ron-leo , snapehermionelover , ErikandChristine ….. This is for you guys… u all reviewed and wanted to know what happened to Charlie! THANKS! 3

Disclaimer…I own nothing but plot! Although I do wish I owned CHARLIE… I mean come on…older quiditch player…sigh

Mrs. Charlie Weasley. That's me!

Hermione woke first and looked gloomily at Charlie smiling in his sleep. As soon as he felt her stir his eyes popped open.

"You ok love?" She nodded, and then smiled as she realized what he had said.

"You called me love."

"Of course I did, I love you Mione."

"I love you too Char. (A/N I love him too!) Or at least I love the way you lick your lips! So does this mean…?"

"We're boyfriend and girlfriend? Yea!"

"Great, I just hope my parents and brothers love you as much as I do!"

"Brothers?" he asked nervously.

"Yea, I have two, one's your age and the others 31. If you think you were protective with Ginny last night, just wait till you meet my brothers. One went to boot camp for 3 years." Hermione smiled as she finished.

Charlie licked his lips.

Hermione pulled on some jeans as Charlie made the bed. He dressed and then popped into the hall as she changed her top, much to her regret, she loved that top! They headed down to breakfast and sat side-by-side; most of the Weasley clan was watching them intently. They muttered a few good mornings and Charlie then turned to his older brother and father to see how work had been.

This seemed to snap everyone out of their trances and they continued breakfast with smiles. It was quite obvious that they were a couple to Mrs. Weasley, Fleur, Ginny, Luna, Katie, Angelina, and Penelope, all of whom were sitting beside their loves, but were able to keep a decent conversation between them. Katie, Angelina, and Penelope all seemed to get over the proposal thing quicker then their spouse, or soon to be spouse. Ginny, who was sitting between Harry and Hermione turned her attention to Hermione, bored out of her mind with listening to Molly explain how to properly prune rose buses.

"So! How was your night? Did you have a good sleep?" She caught Charlie glance at her sideways but he continued his conversation, and let the girls finish theirs.

"It was alright. Comfy sleep." Ginny could have sworn she saw Charlie smile at this.

"Well, what did you do?" She was now whispering so that only Hermione could hear her.


"Before that."


After that!"


"Hermione!" Ginny lowered her voice as she had gotten a few questioning glances from those sitting near. "What happened between you and Charlie?"

"Nothing! We slept…I changed-"

"In front of him?"

"NO!" Charlie nudged Hermione in the ribs and she smiled sweetly at the rest of the Weasley family before shoving a piece of bacon in her mouth. When they were all busy again she turned back to Ginny and continued whispering.

"No! He went to change in the washroom and I pulled his T-shirt o-"

"You pulled off his shirt?"

"No!" Hermione hissed. She caught Fred and George eyeing her every now and then. As she continued she searched the floor. "I put on one of his T-shirts because I didn't have anything to sleep in!" She found what she was looking for.

"You know you could've slept nude…Charlie wouldn't have minded."

Ginny and Charlie chuckled quietly. Hermione looked at him. Apparently he was listening. An idea popped into her head and she smiled innocently. He loved that smile, a Cheshire smile, and how her eyes always lit up when she smiled it.

"Oh my gosh Gin." He heard her whisper. "It was amazing! Ok…maybe not. He's not that great but oh well. You know he's so small! I'm sure he brags all the time but he's actually quite small. I'm sure he hasn't even been with a girl before!" She glanced sideways at a beat red Charlie who was licking his lips. Mrs. Weasley saw the color change…

"Charlie dear…are you okay?"

"He's perfectly fine mom," the twins piped in. They were smiling like lunatics. " He's just a little-"

With one sweep Hermione snatched up both ears off the floor near her seat and yanked. The twins let out a yelp as the extensions were pulled out of their ears, but when Katie and Angelina question what happened they caught one look from Hermione and Charlie, and told a quick lie that Ron had kicked them.

The whole table was now in an uproar. When the twins had yelped they had scared Fleur who had shrieked and put her hand on the plate of eggs in front of her, splattering it all down her and Bills fronts. Bill was trying to lecture Ron about kicking the twins but he wasn't really listening because he was trying to explain to his mother that he hadn't kicked anyone. Ginny was giggling hysterically with Luna, and Mr. Weasley was trying to calm down Fred, George and Percy who were now having a row about how the twins had intentionally ruined the butt of the joke that Percy had been telling his father. The twins took that time to remind Percy that he didn't know what a joke was and they had just saved his listeners from dying of boredom. The girls were trying to take their husband and fiancées away from the breakfast table, and Harry was trying to catch a wobbling pitcher of juice.

Charlie took this moment to look at Hermione who had the same expression on her face as before… he'd have to watch out for that expression…he sensed it meant trouble.

"What the hell did you tell Ginny that for? We didn't even do anything last night!"

"I know that…but I saw the twins…and you…listening so I thought they deserved a good show!" She smiled at him again and he couldn't help but smile. He pecked her on the lips unnoticed by the rest of the family, and then went to try and get Ron off of the twins, so that they could get the twins off Percy. Hermione went to calm down a flustered Mrs. Weasley.

When the fighting was finished, the men and some of the girls went into the living room, or in Percy and Penelope's case, the bedroom. Penelope apologized a hundred times to Mrs. Weasley before Percy dragged her off. Hermione had a feeling he wasn't going to get what he wanted tonight.

Hermione, Fleur, Ginny and Luna helped clear out the kitchen and dining room, and Hermione and Ginny finished their conversation.

"So Gin, what did you and Harry do last night?"

"Nothing," a suddenly gloomy Ginny replied. "He came to my room, but I think Charlie really scared him, he wouldn't even touch me at first."

Hermione giggled.

"So what REALLY happened between you and Charlie last night?"

"Nothing Gin, we read for a bit then went to bed. I got cold so I climbed into his bed at night he said it was ok."

Ginny smiled, "I'm happy for you Hermione," she picked up a pile of dishes using her wand, "You and Charlie look good together."

"How would you know?"

"Harry, Ron, Luna, and I checked on you this morning…you looked cute all cuddled up together."

"Ginny!" Hermione hissed as she cast a spell to wash the dishes. When they were all done they headed into the living room after the rest of the family. Ginny plopped down beside Harry, and put his arm around her shoulders. He looked nervously at Charlie who only smiled, and Harry pulled her closer. Hermione went over to the over-large armchair that Charlie was sitting in and cuddled up on his lap again. Everyone stared.

"Is something wrong?" Hermione asked sweetly. Everyone shook their heads or mumble "no not at all." And then started a conversation with each other, glancing sideways at the couple every now and then. Fred and George were first to strike up the courage…all though they were still mad.

"So!" They grumbled louder then usually, and almost aggressively. "When did you two hook up?"

Hermione blinked, but Charlie cut in, he knew blunt honesty was the best way to deal with his family. "Last night."

Everyone's eyebrows shot up and Ron, Luna, Ginny, and Harry tried to hold in their laughter.

"On our walk here," Hermione stated matter-of-factly, "We had a nice talk and, voila!"

Mrs. Weasley was smiling from ear to ear. But the twins cut in smiling evilly, rotating who was talking.

"So Charlie – "

"Hermione – "

"Why was Hermione – "

"In Charlie's room – "

"In Charlie's bed – "

"This morning?" They finished together.

Everyone now had their eyes on the flustered couple. Mrs. Weasleys smile faded. Hermiones cheeks flushed red and Charlie licked his lips. Mr. Weasley had his eyebrows raised at his son, but he was having a hard time hiding his smile. Ginny was looking at Harry who looked at Ron and Luna who looked like they were about to faint. Harry suddenly felt sick…the whole Weasley clan would know he stayed in Ginny's room. He was a walking dead man.

"Uh… well…" Charlie was stuttering, why did things to do with Hermione always make him stutter? He glanced sideways and couldn't help smiling. She had on that Cheshire grin, and her eyes were twinkling again…uh-oh.

"See, we got home kind of late, everyone was asleep," Hermione looked carefully at Ginny as if to tell her not to butt in, Ginny already knew. "Charlie's bus had been delayed, it broke down on the way here, so by the time he got to town it was already quite late. He was delayed for two hours." Hermione knew that the Weasley wouldn't know that when a muggle bus was delayed another was sent to pick up the passengers, so she felt safe lying about it. "By the time he finally got here I was worried sick that something had happened…"

"Awwwwwwwwww," the twins said simultaneously. Hermione rolled her eyes before continuing.

"Anyways…we were both either too tired or worried to apparate…so we stopped at a diner and grabbed a bite to eat. Then we walked the whole way…when we got back everyone was in bed sleeping."

"So then what happened to the bread and stuff that was in the fridge?" George asked smiling. "If you already ate, why eat again?"

Ginny cut in this time. "That was Luna and I, we were hungry when we were going to bed," Luna blushed at this point, but no one noticed. "So we made ourselves some sandwiches before going up."

"That still doesn't explain why you to were in bed together," Mrs Weasley said sternly, focusing completely on her son, she really saw Hermione more then him now a days anyways, and Hermione was like her second daughter.

"Mom, chill…nothing happened! I fixed up a cot for Hermione in my room because she didn't want to wake anyone up, only thing is she only had one blanket and she got cold. She asked if I had an extra blanket but I was half asleep and I didn't want to give up my blanket, so I told her to just stay in my bed."

Mrs. Weasley looked carefully at her son. She always knew when he was lying…he seemed to be telling the truth. Not the whole truth Charlie thought to himself.

"Very well," she said, "but from now on don't worry about waking others up Hermione, we won't mind."

Hermione and Charlie nodded and Hermione caught Ginny's eye. She smiled. At the same time both girls mouthed 'thank-you' and then cuddled up with their boyfriends.

Hope you all enjoyed chapter one! I did! Lol…anyway…you know the drill…PLEASE REVIEW!