What going mad feels like.

Simon stared up at the man and blinked.

"Say that again?" He wasn't sure if he heard right. Wasn't even sure if he wanted to hear right.

Jayne hemmed and hawed and took the bobble hat off his head, turning it over in his hands.

"Listen to me, you gorram—"

He stopped short as a fierce hand poked his ribs and he scowled at the girl by his side who gave him a get-on-with-it look.

Jayne bit his tongue. "I wanna ask your sister out ta dinner, dong ma?"

River smiled proudly and ignored the rest of the crew who were as shell-shocked as Simon.

"Ok." She grabbed Jayne's hand and pulled him away not waiting for Simon's answer, figuring that asking was enough.

Simon stared after them.

"NO. This must be what going mad feels like."