Discalimer: For the whateverith time, I don't own kingdom hearts.
Chapter 1: Snacks and Movies
"8 Pm, it's Showtime." Demyx said and as if right on cue a knock came at his door. He answered it, "Axel, Roxas, come on in."
"Nice place you've got here Demyx" Axel said as he looked around at the various fish tanks.
"I got the thing you asked for Demyx," Roxas said with a smirk.
"You know Saix is gonna kill you."
"Not if he doesn't find out."
"How'd you get it?" Axel asked.
"Well early in the morning, I 'bumped into him' and then around noon I 'bumped into him' again."
"So in the morning you took his wallet, and later you put it back after getting his credit card. That's ingenious." Axel said.
"Well what are we waiting for, let's order some Chinese!" Demyx said.
"I'll call them" Axel said as he picked up the phone.
Hello China House how I help you today sir?
"Yeah I'd like to place an order for delivery."
What you like?
"Let's see I'd like an order of steamed dumplings, crab goon wonton, 7 orders of gold fingers, 12 orders of teriyaki beef, some fried rice, 3 orders of sweet and sour shrimp, an order of Chinese vegetables, and.," He put his hand over the receiver, "What else?"
Roxas took the phone, "And also one of every Cantonese and Szechuan specialties."
Axel took the phone back, gave the man the credit card number and address, "that's the address, got it memorized?" and hung up.
"Are we really going to eat that much?" Demyx asked.
"No but who cares, we're not paying for it." Roxas smirked.
"Let's watch a movie while we wait." Demyx said.
"Which one?" Roxas asked.
"How about the 40-year-old-virgin." Axel suggested.
"Sounds good to me." Said Demyx.
This was going to be one crazy night…
Ha ha Saix got his card stolen, if this chapter seemed a little slow, sorry about that. The next one's going to be much better (can you say crank calls?) Swirly out -