To all Ais Kacang lovers out there:This fic is not meant to demean Ais Kacang>. Ais Kacang will always rule as the no.1 ice dessert in Malaysia and thewhole SEA! I miss my ais kacang...
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own anything from Gundam SEED Destiny, aside from a bowl of Ais kacang.They all belong to their respective author(s) and company.
"What's this again?"
The green -coat prodded the bowl of multi-colored ice dessert, raised an eyebrow.
"Ais Kacang!"
His red-coat colleague sighed, having repeated the same thing for the umpteenth time.
Mia giggled in amusement, as the red-coat proceeded to lecture his disinterested colleague about this popular dessert from Southeast Asia, with full enthusiasm.
Scooping a spoonful, Mia took a close look at the contents. There were beans, sweet corn, jelly drops of different colors and textures and occasionally, peanuts, with a dash of milk and brown syrup. For an ice dessert, it was pretty colorful and appetizing. Something that would lit up your life on a gloomy day, lift your spirits when you were down, and of course, cool you down on a hot summer.
"…the black jelly thingies are 'cincau', while the green strands are 'cendol', that's the palm seed kernel and colorful chewy starch droplets…basically it's grated ice with brown palm syrup and coconut milk plus toppings of various beans and stuff…Heck, you can even add in you favorite toppings for more fun! It's really the epitome of paradise, isn't it, Lacus-sama?"
Mia only chuckled and nodded.
"And by the way, I've replaced yours with low-fat evaporated milk. Hope you're OK with that."
"Oh, Its alright." Again, she flashed a cheerful smile, keeping her composure.
"So, this bowl of mess is only some cheap imitation of ice-cream, eh?"
The green-coat stuck a spoonful into his mouth, obviously not happy with his dessert. His utter disrespect for the said dessert earned him an icy glare and a kick in his shin from his colleague.
"Once again, 'ais kacang' IS different from ice-cream! As different as a ZAKU and a GOUF!"
It did not take long for a debate on 'ais kacang' and ice-cream to ensure. For the moment, Mia was glad that they took no notice of her. Somehow, the words from that green-coat hit a sore spot. Despite all her efforts, she just could not hide that sour feel down her throat, which turned into tears in her eyes. It was for her nation's own good, she was told. Yet it was also her wildest fantasy, an unattainable dream to be different, special, just like her idol. But, she knew it too, all along. No matter how hard she tries 'ais kacang' will never be ice-cream.