
Summary : Lucrecia thinking about her unborn child, sitting on a chair in a room, at the Inn of Nibelheim.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything about FF7…

Note: I'm normally speaking French, so don't flame me too much if my English isn't perfect.


Alone in a little room, a woman with long, brown hair and sweet brown eyes was cradling her swollen belly with one hand, thinking about her unborn baby who, right about now, kicked through her stomach.

Often, she had visions of her child being fully grown, handsome and powerful. Oh, how she'd like to see him…Her dark angel, her flesh and blood…but…her visions were far from happy. Since some time now, she had a lot of trouble finding sleep, afraid that she'd dream of him…Her precious Sephiroth.

Right now, it was past midnight and Lucrecia was fully awake after an horrible nightmare. It was that witch, that…ugly, unnatural virus…Jenova, who showed her those horrible premonitions. Already, Lucrecia regretted having cursed her own child with that abomination.

"She showed him to me, standing in the middle of a sea of flames, his beautiful, long, silky silver hair hiding part of his celestial, demon-like, handsome face. His lips were pressed together in pain and rage while his glowing green eyes burned with suffering and blind fury. Standing like an angel of death, he held his demonically long sword, ready to make a whole village pay for my mistakes…"

Lucrecia closed her eyes tightly, unable to bear the guilt that swallowed her whole being. She knew now that her son would suffer and destroy to avenge himself…avenge his poor being, cursed by the very same woman who would give him birth…By now, Lucrecia had decided that she didn't deserve to live anymore. Even for a truly brilliant scientist like her, science has its limits…she learned it the hard way.

"If I could, I'd throw you away…" she told her child, caressing her belly tenderly, as if she just said something comforting…

"Yes, I'd destroy you, my lovely son…annihilate you so your sword would never pierce the flesh of that tender, strikingly beautiful young woman with bright green eyes…She would be able to live her life and give descendants to the Cetra race…Never would her blood stain the pure white marble of a holy altar while her precious materia fell into the icy waters of the ancient lake…She'd live and smile".

The more her pregnancy advanced, the more Jenova showed her parts of her son's future, hoping that Lucrecia would give him up.

"I'll never see him. I'll never hold him. One day, my son will take Jenova as his mother, never having the slightest idea that he has a real mother waiting for him, for his love…Yes, she'll take him away from me…".

Lucrecia then remembered the day Vincent had yelled after her, telling her not to make experiments on her baby…Oh, how she wished now, that she would have listened to him.

Swearing that she wasn't going to cry, Lucrecia thought about how her son would use the Black Materia to call upon Meteor and try to destroy the planet…maybe even succeed…How he would free Jenova from her prison and call her "mother", with his lovingly sweet and deep voice…

"You know, Sephiroth, my dear…dear child…I can destroy you now, and prevent all of this. I can crush my belly with my own bare hands or kill myself, taking you with me…No matter how powerful you're supposed to become…you're under my mercy now…" she said to her baby, secretly hoping that he couldn't hear…

"Yes, Sephiroth…I could throw you away and save them all. My life isn't worth living anymore, anyway…what could one more sin do to me? Nothing. And it would be for humanity's sake. But…sleeping in my belly, you can be at peace, because never in your life will you be more safe. Do you know why? Because I love you. Your sinner, pathetic excuse for a mother loves you, truly. So, even if you're a devil…I won't throw you away." …

"Even if that love is…Onesided."


A/N : Read an review!