Demon/School Time

Demon/School Time

Chapter Five

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the X-Men Evolution Characters. But Demon and any other characters are mine.

AN: Thanks for being patient with this chapter I'm moving slowly I know, but it is worth it. So keep reading and tell me what you think.

After they finished dinner everyone left to their rooms to sleep. Demon sat by a window to look at the sky admiring the stars.

"Demon what are you doing?" Xavier asked.

"Just looking at the starts. This is the first time I have seen the stars in a long time," Demon answered.

"Well it is getting late let me show you to your room," Xavier said.

Demon nodded and hopped of the window ledge and followed Xavier to her new room.

"I also made something for you. I heard you can transform, but it took energy to do so. So I made you this," Xavier said.

Handing a watch similar to Kurt's she put it on and she look normal, but she knew something was wrong.

"Why are my wings and tail still visible?" Demon asked turning it off.

"Well I made it so you don't have to use lost of energy to hide from them sorry if it bothers you," Xavier said.

"No no. Thank you I really appreciate it at least I don't have to remember a form," Demon said.

"Your welcome you'll be going to school tomorrow and so people won't be afraid of you. Your name there will be Damon. Kurt will show you around," Xavier said.

AN: The name is spelled Damon. It goes like this… Day-Mon. I just remove the y okay. Back to the story.

"Thank you. Good night," Demon said.

"Your welcome now get some sleep you have a busy day tomorrow," Xavier said.

"I think I want to stare at the stars some more, but I'll go to bed in a while promise," Demon said

"Alright Good night," Xavier said exiting the room.

Demon stared at the stars her eyes falling and soon she fell asleep at the window.

~ In The Morning ~

"Hey vere's Demon?" Kurt asked.

"I don't know why don't you check to see if she's okay," Scott said,

"Right," Kurt said and BAMF to her door, "Knock, Knock."

No answer so he walked in to see if she was awake. He smiled when he saw her asleep at the window. He walked up to her and tapped her shoulder.

"Vake up sleepy head," Kurt said.

Demon yawns and opens her eyes and looked at Kurt.

"Morning," Demon said.

"Ve're having breakfast now so hurry up," Kurt said and BAMF back to the kitchen.

Demon got up and got dressed. Walked down to the kitchen.

"Hey Demon ho are you?" Evan asked.

"I guess I'm fine," Demon answered.

The all ate breakfast, but Demon ate the most of them all. Xavier explains what was going on. They got their stuff together and walked out.

"So how do we get to school?" Demon asked.

"We're driving don't worry it won't be as fast as the black bird," Scott said.

"Alright, but if I don't like it I'm running," Demon said.

"Fine," Scott said.

So they drove to the school Kurt jumped out of the car and walk Demon to her first class.

"Thanks Kurt," Demon said.

"Velcome. I'll come back after class is over," Kurt said and walked to his class.

"Kurt you're almost late," Ms. Colomba said.

"Sorry Ms. Colomba I had to help Damon to her class," Kurt said sitting down.

The bell rang and the class went silent. A kid came in. The eyes were waving water while the light shined on them. The hair drips of the Black Sea.

"Class I would like you to meet Angelus," Ms. Colomba said.

AN: It sounds like An-Gel-Us yes I got it from the t.v show Angel. I liked the name.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all," Angelus said.

He walked up to the desk and sat down. Kurt took a look. He thought he knew that guy form someplace, but he couldn't remember.

"Hi I'm Kurt," Kurt greeted.

Angelus just looked at him gave him a slight smile.

"Nice to meet you," He said.

After class was done Kurt came back to help Demon only to find Angelus following him with that same smile. After more classes it was time for lunch.

"Hey Damon," Scott said.

He ran up to catch up to Demon.

"Hi Scott," Demon said.

"WE all have lunch together so follow me okay," Scott said.

"Okay," Demon said.

Kurt was walking towards the cafeteria when he ran into Angelus.

"Hey, Angelus vere are jou going?" Kurt asked.

"Lunch I see you're going too," Angelus said.

"Alright, follow me jou can meet everyone else," Kurt said.

"Fine by me," Angelus said.

~ In The Cafeteria ~

"Hey Kurt who's the cutie?" Kitty asked.

"Oh zis is Angelus he's new," Kurt said.

"It's nice to meet you," Angelus said.

"Hey sit down," Kitty said.

Kitty grabbed Angelus' arm and placed him next to her.

Just then Scott and Demon came by and sat down. Angelus looked at Demon as she sat down by Scott.

"And who might you be?" Angelus asked giving her a slight smile.

Demon looked at him a slight fear came up her, but she quickly shocked it off.

"I'm Damon," Demon said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Damon," Angelus said as he walked up to her. Took her hand. He kneeled down and brought her hand to his lips as he kissed her hand.

"I think were going to get along just fine," Angelus said talking his seat by Kitty.

"So where ya from?" Rouge asked.

"I lived in England for a while and moved here. I'm glad I did cause America has the most beautiful girls I have ever seen," Angelus said.

The girls except Demon giggled of what he said.

"So Damon tell me. I'm curious did you live where the Demon lived?" Angelus asked.

AN: Hey That was Chapter Five.. Who is this Angelus guy? Why is he here? And what is so familiar about him that Kurt thinks he knows him? Find out on the next chapter of Demon/ The Truth Of Angelus better get ready.