
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the X-Men Evolution characters although Demon and any other characters are mine.

AN: Any thing that is Italic or in a different font then it is ether a story being told or it's Xavier talking with his mind to someone.


Chapter One- The Awakening

In the Dark I must stay never to see the light again. I'm called Demon for that is what I am. I lock myself here hoping to never awaken.

"Hey vat's up?" Kurt asked as he teleported into the kitchen.

"I heard we're going to meet a bone digger today from England," Evan responded

"Really cool," Kitty said.

"Actually some of you are going to England," Xavier said wheeling in.

"Why?" Scott asked.

"Cerebro detected a new mutant somewhere in England and it goes by Demon," Xavier said.

"Then why is that bone digger coming?" Evan asked

"Simple some of you needs the credit," Xavier said.

"So who's going," Scott asked.

"You, Kitty, Kurt, and Logan," Xavier said.

"Cool were going to England," Kitty said.

"When do we leave?" Scott asked.

"Now," Xavier said.

"Yeah so lets move it," Logan said getting up to get going.

"All right England here ve come," Kurt said.

"Be careful," Xavier said.

~ In England ~

"Wow this place looks beautiful," Kitty said.

"Remember we're not here to check out the scenery," Logan said.

"Yea we're here to find Demon," Scott said.

"So were do we start looking?" Kitty said.

"Simple we ask someone," Logan said.

Scott ran into an old lady. 'She might know were Demon is,' Scott thought.

"Um would you know by any chance know someone that goes my Demon?" Scott asked. The crowed stop what there were they doing looked at Scott and Panic.

"Vat is vrong vith zem?" Kurt asked checking to see if his holo-watch was working.

"Demon! Why would you want to see it?" The old lady asked and ran.

"Well that's not going to work," Kitty said.

"So you're looking for Demon," A man said, "Am I right?"

"Ja. Vould you know vhere ve could find it?" Kurt asked.

"Yes I would. You can find Demon in the forbidden forest. You go down town and then take a left at the food market. There you go right when you reach the end of the lake. You're then at the forbidden forest. There you go straight till you reach the heads of the dead. Theirs a cave there you can't miss. That is were the Demon lives," The man said.

"Thanks," Scott said.

"I must warn you that the Demon layer is guarded so that no one can enter. I would leave at night so not to be seen. Manly around three o'clock in the morning. The lazy guards are on watch then you can easily get through with out being seen," The man said.

"Vell keep that in mind zanks..," Kurt said noticing that the man was gone.

"So what are we going to do till then?" Scott asked.

"We could go check out the town and find a place to stay," Kitty said.

"Ja and ve can go find a place to eat I'm staving," Kurt said.

"Okay Logan are you up to checking out the town?" Scott asked.

"No I'll go find us a place to stay and contact the Xavier. He'll tell you were I am," Logan said.

"Okay see you later," Scott said.

"Right don't get into any trouble," Logan said as they separate.

"So where do we go first?" Scott asked.

"Fine somezing to eat," Kurt said.

"Alright then we go sight seeing," Kitty said.

"Okay, okay now lets go," Scott said.

They went to a restaurant were Kurt ate over fifty dollars worth of food. Kitty took a brochure out and told them there was a great park they could go to. Kurt found another fast food place. Which Scott had to drag him out. Then Kitty bought a camera and they took a picture of the park and a zoo.

"Scott, Kitty, Kurt. I just got informed by Logan of what is going on and to tell you that he is near right now if you just turn to your left the hotel is right there. Logan is waiting for you there," Xavier said.

"Alright let's hit the sack early so we can get up early so we can find Demon," Scott said.

"Okay and just when I was having fun," Kitty pouted.

"Don't worry we will have more fun another day," Scott said as they walk in.

"Hey it's about time you showed up," Logan said.

"Sorry we were a little busy at the zoo," Scott said.

"Ja I almost blew my cover zeir," Kurt said.

They fell asleep so they can wake up early to find Demon. Kurt was wondering about that guy and how he wasn't afraid of Demon as everyone else was. He was also thinking that Demon might be like him and so he won't be the only one that has something to hide.

A beep went on and Kurt fell down. Everyone else was wake and ready to go.

"Kurt what took you so long?" Kitty said.

"Sorry I just voke up vith a zump," Kurt said.

"We wasted enough time lets go," Logan said.

~ In the forbidden forest ~

"Man this place gives me the creeps," Kitty said.

They walked passed a place where skulls were laid across. A sea of the dead it looked like. Then they reached a huge rock.

"Well this looks like the place. Wow what a rock," Scott said.

"I'll go see if it's safe," Kitty said and fazed through the rock and then came back, "It's okay blast the rock."

"Right," Scott said blasting the rock into pebbles then they walked in.

"Vow this place looks more like a tomb zen a forest," Kurt said as he walked in.

The floor was uneven and felt like gravel. As they walked further the floor was even and smooth with squares and in the crack water flowed through. Then they reached a dead end.

"Hey a dead end," Logan said smacking a rock splitting it in half.

The ground started to shake Kurt was through off balance. Scott fell down as well as Logan. Kitty fazed through the ground as a rock fell were she went. They all black out.

"Oww my head," Kitty said coming back. The rest woke up.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" Kurt yelled, "Vat is zat."

He looked down a hole where at the bottom a glow shined brightly a shadowy figure was seen. Then the water started to fall in the hole then flew upwards. The water vanished and the figure's eyes glowed and let out a scream that was heard in the cave. Then it lights up the cave.

"What's going on," Scott said.

Then with out warning his glasses started to dissolve. Kurt notices something was wrong as well.

"Oh no my vatch," Kurt said as he return to his normal self as then ran into a dark spot.

The light faded away and someone stepped out of the hole.

"Who's the one that disturbed thy slumber," The Person said.

The person looked around to find Scott with his hands covering his eyes.

"What is wrong with the," The person said lifting Scott's head.

"My glasses they're gone," Scott said.

"Is that thy desire," The person said putting its forehead on Scott's.

"Yes," Scott said.

The person picked up a rock and made glasses and put it on Scott's head. He opens his eyes only to find another set of eyes.

"Kurt?" Scott said.

The person walked away to the hole.

"Hey come back here," Logan said running up, but then the walls close.

"Why must thy hide from the," The person said.

"Me?" Kurt said.

"What is thy desire?" The person asked.

"Vhy do you ask me zat?" Kurt asked.

"So you will leave the in peace," The person said.

"Vell vho are you?" Kurt asked.

"Well the peasants call the Demon," Demon said.

"So your Demon," Kurt said.

"Yes," Demon said.

"Vell ve came here to find you," Kurt said.

"You don't look like a peasant so how can you know about the," Demon said walking closer to Kurt.

"No I'm Kurt," Kurt said.

"Kurt. What's a Kurt?" Demon asked.

"No. Zat's my name," Kurt said.

"Well thy look like the, but with out wings," Demon said circling Kurt.

"I'm a mutant," Kurt said.

"I'm a Demon," Demon said imitating what Kurt did.

"Vell vhy not come vith me," Kurt offered.

Demon look at Kurt with shock sighed and shook her head.

"Vhy not?" Kurt asked.

AN: Hey hello that's my first chapter of Demon. So how was it? I'm not so sure about Kurt's accent or about the way Demon talk. Thanks for reading and if I get lots of review I'll put up the Second chapter Return to Light. See you later.