I do not own any of the characters made up by Mr. Kosuke Fujishima. So... now that is settled, onto the story.

Chapter One.

The Earth shined brightly with the fresh morning dew. The birds chirped and the children down below played brightly with their toys. That was something commonly heared around the place in the mornings, when the temperature wasn't too hot nor too cold.

Hild sighed. looking out through the branches of the tree that she was sittin in. The tree happened to be overhead the playground in which the children were playing. Something about watching the children made her yern for a child of her own. But what would the demons say when they find out that their Queen was pregnant? It would be laughable, if they had the guts to laugh at her motives. Though, the thought of tearing a demon apart, peice by peice made her chuckle.

A small smile appeared across her lips as she sat there, hidden perfectly by the trees, watching the children. Demon or not, almost every woman has the urge to become a mother. Why should this urge exclude her?

Silently, she got up from the branch and jumped to the ground, making sure she ould not be spotted. She wouldn't want some random human to spot her then demand a wish of her. Even if they had to sell their soul for the certain wish.

Taking one last longing glance at the children, she made her way down the street, pausing to turn into an allyway, where her clothes seemed to melt off her body only to be replaced by a tight fitting pair of jeans and a short sleeved shirt. With the change of her cloths, the six pointed star on her forehead and her cheeks also dissapeared. Can't cause notice to herself, could she?

Once blended with the humans around her, she turned left to exit the allyway in which she went into in the first place. As she made her way to the downtown part of the city, she could feel the lustful stares of the men around her. 'Pathetic' she huffed, turning away from them to let them know that she had rejected their silent offer.

The time seemed to have gone by faster and most of the birds joined in with each other's song, which could be heared even over the loud hussle of people shopping and yelling at each other.

She stopped in her tracks to glance around her. Couples walking past, hand holding the other's hand, smiling and gazing into each other's eyes as if nothing on Earth was going to tear them apart. 'Ignorance.' Hild thought, scowling as she saw more and more couples pass. But why was she getting a sudden feeling of they would have something that she couldn't have. It was silly! The Ceo of the demon world could have anything in her grasp! She was the most powerful demon in the world! the only one who can remotely put up a challenge with her was the Almighty one himself. But how should she know, she has never met the guy before, nor did she ever want to do so in the first place.

Still scowling, Hild made her way down the street where all the finest restraunts were held, she randomly choosing one that seemed to have suited her interest and time. Once she entered, she sat at a long table which the humans called a 'Bar.' Her eyes settled on a human working on cleaning the dishes.

"You. I would like a glass of your finest Sake!" she ordered.

The man glanced to her, his soul almost able to tell that she was someone not to be recond with, and he hurried to poar some sake into a small pitcher-like container with a small shot glass bowl. "There you are ma'am." He said and nodded, going back to cleaning the dirty glasses that seemed to pile up every minute.

She shrugged and poared herself some sake. Perhaps she would take the day off to just relax. It had been quite sometime since she was able to think clearly without the annoying babble of the lower class demons begging to have a minute of her time. Let some of the higher level demons deal with them. She didn't care.

"Is anyone sitting here?" A voice asked.

Hild glanced over, her violet eyes scanning a man who seemed to appear to be in his early thirties, his blue eyes shone brightly with some unknown grace that she couldn't quite place her finger on. Something about him made he shiver. His flowing black hair seemed to be like silk and she longed to run her fingers through it, but no. She must have some self controle!

"No one."

"Then may I occupy this seat?" The man replied, looking ernestly at the woman who had caught his attention.

"Don't see why you need my permission to do so." Hild stated. She seemed quite pleased. At least there was one man who did not seem to undress her with their eyes. Perhaps he could be an interesting little test subject to her.

Once Hild looked away, she heard some shuffling surpassed by a gentle sigh. "I have walked a long way and it is very nice to sit down next to a charming young lady."

"Is there a reason you are speaking to me, sir?" Hild asked.

"No reason. Thought you might like to accompany me on a little date, if you will. You have seemed to have gotten my attention and it is simply driving me insain."

Hild blinked. She had not seen this comming. "Why not." She sighed. Afterall... she had a strange feeling things were simply not going to be like any other day. This day seemed different. Something was surely up...

And it might be for the better... Or worse in some other person's opinion.

Alright, well, here is my first Ah! My Goddess fic. I hope that you will like it. And to those who do not know who Hild is, she is the Queen of the Demons. She first appeared in Volume 22 of the Ah! My Goddess manga. Anyway, Please review. Untill next time, Lovies!