A/N: You're all going to hate me for this.
"Yomi! Yomi…! I-I can't find her anywhere!"
"Chihiro? What are you talking about?"
"She's missing, Y-Yomi!"
"Calm down. Tell me what's wrong."
"It's Kaorin! She's missing!"
"I-I just called her house. H-Her father a-answered and said th-that she was not a-at home, and that sh-she would no longer be welcome there."
"What? Do you know why?!"
"I-I think I might… but I can't tell anyone. Not y-yet. Please, Y-Yomi help me find her!"
"Alright. No problem. I-I'll see what I can find out."
"Th-Thank you s-so much."
"No problem."
"Have you seen Kaorin anywhere?"
"Kaorin? No, why?"
"Chihiro just called me. She's missing. It seems that her parents kicked her out of the house for some reason."
"What?! Do you know why?"
"No, Chihiro said she might know, but she wouldn't tell me. If you see her, please call, alright?"
"Yeah, sure thing."
"Kagura! Have you seen Kaorin?"
"Tomo? No, I haven't. Why?"
"Yomi says that her parents kicked her out for some reason. I think that I know why."
"Really? Her parents are supposed to be really rigid, right? I'd never imagine that this would happen, though."
"Yeah, this is pretty bad. I'm really worried. If you see her, call alright?"
"Yeah, but… is this about… Sakaki?"
"It might be. That's what I think, at least."
"Whoa… this is pretty heavy. Girls get crushes like that all the time, right? Why would they be so harsh on it?"
"I dunno. I'm gonna call everyone else, though."
"Yeah, I'll try to see what I can find out, too."
"Alright, talk to you later."
"Hello, Mihama Residence."
"Chiyo-chan, have you seen Kaorin?"
"No, not since we left my summer home."
"She's missing. Her parents kicked her out for some reason."
"No one can find her. Have you heard anything?"
"No, not at all!"
"Damn… well, make sure you keep an eye out, okay?"
"I'll be sure to, but do you know why she was kicked out?"
"It's because of Sa—er, because she likes someone."
"She told me that she likes Kazuki-san. Do her parents not like older men?"
"Listen, Chiyo-chan, I don't know. I'm gonna start looking some more, alright? I'll talk to you later."
"A-Alright. I'll look, too!"
"Okay, see you later, then."
"Have you seen Kaorin?"
"She's missing."
"Her parents kicked her out. Chihiro is completely distraught. No one I've talked to has seen her."
"Oh, no…"
"Let someone know if you see her, alright."
"I'll ask around a bit more. Bye."
"May I please speak to Chihiro?"
"Yes. What do you know about Kaorin?"
"H-Her… She… I called a-and… her father answered…"
"…he—he said that… she wa-wasn't welcome at their home anymore…"
"Did he say why?"
"H-He… said th-that… he didn't want t-to h-have anything to do with a-a daughter l-like that… and h-hung up on me."
"Do you have any idea what he meant?"
"I-I think I know… but I-I can't tell a-anyone. E-Especially you, S-Sakaki-san. P-Please forgive me."
"No, I'm sure you have your reasons. But, don't worry. We'll find her."
"T-Thank you. It means a-a lot coming from y-you."
"Could you tell me how I can contact her family…?"
"Osaka-san, Kaorin is missing! Have you seen her?"
"…what? No, I haven't. Didn't Nyamo-chan take her home?"
"I think so. I think so, but, Kagura-san just called and said that her family kicked her out?"
"Really? That's no good. It's storming outside, too. Has anyone seen her?"
"No, but if you do, please call!"
"Sure thing, Chiyo-chan."
"Thank you! Goodbye!"
"Kurosawa Residence."
"Sensei! Kaorin's missing!"
"What? What do you mean, she's missing?"
"Tomo called me… she was kicked out of her house!"
"What? Why? Do you know?"
"No, I-I don't, sorry."
"Damn…! I'll go out looking for her."
"But, sensei, it's storming really hard outside!"
"That's why I have to go look! We can't leave her out in this weather! Listen, you stay at home, and I'll call you back when I get back, alright?"
"O-Okay, sure thing, sensei."
"I'm serious, Kagura! Don't you move! Goodbye."
"Yukari! Wake up!"
"Nyamo… whaizzit?"
"Kaorin is missing."
"…whaa? Weren't you s'posed to take her home?"
"I did. She was kicked out of her house. No one has seen her, and everyone is very worried."
"What? Were you told why?"
"No. I have an idea, though, and I'm sure you do, as well. Though, how her parents found out… I don't know."
"Right. What are you doing?"
"I'm going out to look. I wanted to make sure you knew first, though."
"Yeah. I'll look, too."
"Drive safe, Yukari."
"You too, Nyamo."
"Is this Aida-san?"
"May I ask where your daughter is?"
"I don't have a daughter."
"Where is Kaorin?"
"That goddamned lesbian… she has no place here."
"What are you talking about?!"
"Those crushes schoolgirls get. I figured that I'd let it go for a while, but it went too far! Pah, she has no place in this family."
"Why… why…?"
the Aida family, are very well respected in this city, and I will NOT
allow some idiotic little girl ruin it all for me!"
"You… you'd throw away your own daughter…?"
"Of course! Who wouldn't?"
"What? Are you going to yell at me? Oh, don't tell me that you were actually friends with her!"
"You… you…"
"Me, me what? Listen, girlie, don't you ever call here again. And, don't you ever, ever mention that name to me again, y'hear?"
"Yomi, has anyone found her?"
"I was just about to call and ask you."
"Damn it! Sensei told me not to leave the house and look, but…"
"Kagura, just calm down. If we're all in a panic, it'll only cause more trouble for Kaorin."
"I know… I know, but…"
"All right… all right… I'm okay. Sensei told me that she was going to look herself."
"She probably called Yukari, too."
"I hope so. We need all the help we can get."
"I'm gonna call a few more people, alright? I'll talk to you later."
"I'll do the same. Bye."
"I need your help."
"What? Yukari-chan, is that you? You haven't called me in weeks!"
"Now isn't the time. There's a girl missing. A former student of mine, actually…"
"Something about her parents. Anyway, I want you to help look for her."
"What's she look like?"
"Uh… she has short, dark brown hair, around… shoulder length, about average height… uh… brown eyes…"
"You never were too good with description, y'know?"
"Well, how about this? She'll probably be alone, desperate and in tears, alright? Besides, how many people are going to be out in a storm like this?!"
"Good point. What's her name?"
"Kaori Aida."
"Really? Hey, I met her a few days ago, I think. Right, I'll make my rounds, then. Call me if someone finds her, alright?"
"Yeah. Thanks."
"Tomo-chan… have you heard anything about Kaorin? Chiyo-chan called me…"
"No, nothing. Yomi called a while ago, and I called Kagura, but that's it."
"I'm really worried, Tomo."
"I know, I know. I am, too."
"It's storming really hard out."
"What if she gets hit by lightning? Or, gets really sick? Well, then I guess she'd be in the hospital, and we could go and see her, but, what if they didn't find her either?"
"I… don't know. I don't want to think about it."
"What should we do?"
"I want to go out and look, but…"
"Tomo-chan… what if that guy finds her again?"
"No… I really don't want to think about that."
"I hope she's alright."
"I do, too, I really do."
"Have you heard anything, yet?"
"Sakaki, what's wrong?"
"I have to go look for her."
"Sakaki, don't, it's horrible outside."
"I can't let her suffer like this."
"If you go out there, you'll only cause her more grief!"
"I have to look."
"I'm leaving, now. Bye, Yomi."
"Sakaki, don't! Sakaki? Sakaki?! Damn it…!"
"Can you help explain to me what's going on?"
"Kaorin's missing… and now Sakaki is after her… she just hung up on me and left."
"In this storm? Oh, no!"
"I tried my best, but…"
"I'll go look for her!"
"No! Chiyo-chan, don't! You'll get sick."
"…y-you're right. But, I'm so worried for them."
"I am, too, Chiyo-chan. We all are. Kagura told me that Nyamo and maybe Yukari are on lookout. Probably in their cars."
"That's good to hear."
"Yeah… we can only hope for the best, I guess."
"…I'm going to call Tomo."
"Alright. I'll see if I can get my parents to help look."
"Okay. See you."
"Tomo, have you heard anything?"
"No, nothing at all."
"Kagura told me that Yukari and Nyamo should be looking."
"That's good."
"Yeah… Chiyo-chan said that her parents are going to be looking, too."
"Yomi… I-I'm scared."
"Wh-What if that guy finds her again? O-Or what if she c-collapsed out there?"
"I-I always p-picked o-on her… I-I don't think that sh-she liked me very much."
"Tomo, just calm down, alright?"
"I-I just thought it was c-cute… h-how much she crushed on S-Sakaki, y-y'know? I a-always picked on h-her for it…"
"Tomo, stop crying."
"I-I th-think that… that… i-it's more th-that just a c-crush, now, Y-Yomi. A-And h-her parents f-found out. Th-They wouldn't w-want s-s-someone like that i-in their family, w-would they?"
"Tomo, what are you talking about?"
"K-Kaorin… sh-she's in love with S-Sakaki, Yomi! C-Can't y-you tell?!"
"W-We all knew about the crush… b-but me an' K-Kagura were talking… d-didn't you see how she was at Ch-Chiyo-chan's p-place? S-Something was d-different."
"Well… Tomo, I—"
"Y-You didn't see it, d-did you? I-I did… I did… and K-Kaorin must h-have, too. Sh-She must kn-know a-about it, too."
"Tomo, you're not making any sense…"
"Y-Yomi… Y-Yomi… sh-she's in love with S-Sakaki…"
"Wh-What if S-Sakaki finds out?"
"I… I… Y-Yomi…"
"Tomo, please calm down."
"I-I'm sorry. I-I lost it."
"It's all right."
"B-But, it's true. Me an' Kagura f-figured it o-out."
"That could be it, then. I never figured her parents would be that stuck up, though…"
"Y-Yeah, b-but…"
"Tomo, just calm down. Everything will be all right."
"Y-Yeah, thanks, Yomi."
"It's nothing."