Title: 20 Facts About Silver
Pairing: ShishiTori
For: LJ 20 facts meme/20balls challenge
Rating: R
Disclaimer: not mine, cool? cool.

1. Shishido and Ohtori weren't supposed to like each other. In fact, when Ohtori first became a Regular on the team, Shishido took delight in swearing as often as possible, just to watch him squirm. Shishido was certain that fate played a hand in bringing that particular incident about - the one which showed each completely different sides of the other.

2. It took Ohtori two weeks to get the courage to ask Shishido out (with Mukahi, of all people, coaching him). Mukahi made him practice on Oshitari, which to Ohtori was pure torture. To Oshitari, of course, it was pure, unadulterated entertainment.

3. It took Shishido two minutes to get over the shock. He actually hadn't considered it a possibly at the time, and didn't know how to respond - so he didn't. Oshitari had cornered him on his way home that day and threatened to beat him to a bloody pulp if he didn't give Ohtori a proper response.

4. Shishido fell asleep on their first date. It wasn't his fault! He'd been so nervous the night before that he hadn't slept well at all. Besides, if even being on a date with Ohtori couldn't keep him awake, no one could have stayed awake during that awful opera.

5. Except for Ohtori, that is. Not that he knew what went on in the opera any better than Shishido, though - he was too busy paying attention to the boy slouched in the seat next to him with his head resting on a hand and mouth hanging just slightly open.

6. Shishido had felt so guilty about falling asleep that he rented a copy of the opera to watch at home. He forced himself to sit, awake this time, through the whole thing, just so he could talk with Ohtori about it.

7. After the life-altering incident in junior high, Shishido did an extra hundred sprints after practice every day, where he ran from one sideline to the other and back. Ohtori watched and kept time. The first time Shishido shaved off an entire minute, Ohtori took him out for dinner.

8. Shishido and Ohtori would often do homework together, even though they were doing different material. Shishido was actually one of Hyoutei's top students during high school. He'd learned the hard way that hard work was the only thing one could count on in life, and Ohtori admired that.

9. Ohtori tried breaking up with Shishido once, and only once. He didn't want to tie Shishido down when he was leaving for college, since they were a year apart and they didn't know how things would turn out. The next day, Shishido stood in front of Ohtori's house for four hours while Ohtori was out with his sister, refusing to leave until Ohtori was in his arms again.

10. When Ohtori showed up at Shishido's dorm room with the words "I was accepted" on his lips, Shishido knew they'd be together forever. He'd never admit anything that sappy, though. Unless Ohtori tickled it out of him - but what Ohtori didn't know, Ohtori couldn't tickle out of him.

11. Shishido had never been more at peace than the first night he and Ohtori spent in their new apartment, even though their beds hadn't arrived yet and they were in sleeping bags on the living room floor.

12. Every morning, Shishido takes the front page of the newspaper, while Ohtori goes straight for the comics and sports sections. They always have a silent breakfast as each reads his own section. Shishido once asked if Ohtori would ever stop reading comics, to which Ohtori just happily replied, "Nope!" without ever looking up.

13. Every evening, after they've said their good nights and retire to their individual bedrooms, Ohtori practices his violin for an hour while Shishido writes in his journal. Shishido never goes to sleep before the music stops, even if he's exhausted and can't keep his eyes open.

14. Shishido is obsessive-compulsive about his bookshelves. There is a particular order for his books (genre, author, series, title) as well as his CDs (genre, artist, release date). Once, Ohtori accidentally placed Utada Hikaru's third album after her fourth, and Shishido nearly had a fit. They spent two hours going over the precise order of everything until Ohtori knew the system as well as Shishido.

15. Ohtori spends an hour in the bathroom every morning. To this day, Shishido still doesn't know what he does during that time. Sure, long, hot showers were good at the end of the day, but the beginning? He'd rather sleep an extra hour - which he does.

16. Ohtori refuses to call Shishido "Ryou" in public. Shishido prefers it this way - he likes knowing that there are parts of Ohtori that are completely, undeniably his - like the way Ohtori sounds gasping his given name when Shishido bites that particular spot on his neck.

17. Even though they both stopped playing tennis competitively in college, they still play club sports for fun, occasionally teaming up to let other people see the power of what was once Hyoutei's legendary doubles team.

18. Shishido had actually planned their first time far in advance. It would happen on Valentine's Day, Ohtori's twenty-first birthday. It was a Friday, so they needn't worry about homework or anything of the sort. He'd get home first since Ohtori had a late afternoon class on Fridays, and he'd have dinner and roses, music and candles, everything.

19. It actually happened a lot earlier than Shishido's plan. It was on his own twenty-first birthday, when Ohtori was still nineteen. He was sure they were breaking a hundred and one laws, but it didn't matter, not when Ohtori was underneath him, hot and moaning like that.

20. Ohtori felt more nervous about asking Shishido if they could share a room than he did when he first asked Shishido out. The difference was, this time around, Shishido could tell what Ohtori wanted to ask and asked for him instead. "Choutarou, I think it's time we actually move in together, don't you think?"
