Sora's pov

'Ok, seven times d squared plus eight times three squared. Why the hell are we doing this again' I thought as I tapped my pencil on my desk. Suddenly the intercom came on.

"Mr. Shelby?" The office person asked for our teacher.


"Sora Kawamoto to the office please!" He sounded like he was in a hurry.

"Alright, alright, Sora, get your tail up there." I grabbed my things and run as fast as I could to the front office. The office dude, Mr. Jones, looked up at me with his icy stare. I hate that look.

"Wow that was fast. Kairi's in the hospital."

"WHAT!" I yelled before sprinting outside. I literally jumped over a car that came in my way. "C'mon you stupid legs! Why the hell did I have to park so far away!" I said as I finally reached the car. "You mother f- you better turn the fuck on you piece of crap!" I screamed, trying to turn on the Mustang. Once it got on, I drove off to the hospital as fast as I could. I coming Kairi…

Kairi's pov

'Oh my god, oh my god, I AM NEVER DOING THIS AGAIN!' I thought, 'Where the hell is Sora! It's been forty five minutes since the doctor called the school!' I hate being at the hospital, I always hear doctors screaming at each other and I smell that…hospital smell. God where the hell is Sora!

"Kairi, your brother is here." My brother! Oh my god, I haven't seen him since mom and dad pasted away! "Sora just came threw the door!" At that point I didn't care, the babies were coming, I felt like I was going to pop any minute now! Sora ran threw the door.

"Kairi! I told you I shouldn't have gone to school today!" Wow, what a way to say, Kairi! We're gonna have our first kids together! "You ok?"

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M OK!" I yelled feeling more pain as the babies moved threw my body. Sora took my hand.

"Kairi, calm down, it'll be done with and we'll be parents!" Sora said giving my hand a slight squeeze. The doctors rushed inside.

"Excuse me, you're the father correct?" Sora nodded. "Great, Kairi is doing fine, but sense she's a small girl, she might feel a lot more pain than the others. Plus the fact that she's younger too." Well I feel better! Thanks a lot Mr. Jackass! (Wow, Kairi not in good mood. Lol)

Sora's pov

"Is there anything she could take that would make it less painful?" I said, worried that something bad will happen to Kairi. If anything happens to her, I'll never forgive myself.

"Sorry, we're all out of the pain reliever." The doctor said staring at his clipboard. I look at Kairi. I could tell she was scared. She squeezed my hand.

"It's ok Kairi, you'll be fine. I promise." I said to her with the most caring voice I could say. Kairi looked at me with pain in her eyes. She smiled.

"We're gonna be parents Sora." She said softly. "Miley, Mariah and Michael. We'll get to see them in a few hours. I can't believe of how fast things have gone." The doctor tapped my shoulder.

"Hey, put this on." It was a hospital outfit or whatever there called. "You're the one who has to catch the babies." I felt my eyes grow wide and my face flush.

"Are you serious?" He nodded. "Whoa…" I stumbled into the bathroom, on the verge of passing out. Once I got the damn thing on, I heard Kairi scream! I ran out of the bathroom and saw Kairi getting ready to give birth. Rushing to her side, the doctor told me come over in front of Kairi to grab the babies. I did so.

"Here comes one!" The doctor said, telling Kairi things like 'Push' and 'your doing a great job!' The baby came out! I caught it. The baby was a girl. The nurse who just came in took the baby and I focused on the next one, this was truly tearing up my nerves.

After the other two babies were birthed, Kairi pasted out. Which is worrying me to death! She's been asleep for the past hour. I put my hand on her heart. It's still beating. I tried to calm down but I couldn't!

"Sora?" Kairi said, obviously waking up.


"How are the kids?"

"There so cute Kairi! The two girls were born first and Michael was born last."

"Aww, I can't wait to see them."

"Yeah…" Just on cue, two nurses walked in caring the babies. "Just in time." The nurses handed Kairi both of the girls and handed me the boy. I took one look at my son and instantly loved him. "Hey there…" I said softly tickling his stomach. He opened his mouth and yawned. I looked over at Kairi. I could tell she was happy. She held them protectively. I looked back at little Michael.

"Hey there little guy, why don't you opened your eyes?" Michael yawned again. "C'mon, you can do it…" I tickled his stomach softly. It didn't work, but I'm not surprised. He's only a couple hours old. I took three bottles and helped Kairi feed them. Of course I fed Michael.

"Ok guys, time to fill out the birth certificates!" The nurse said. "Let's start with this little guy!" She said referring to my son. "What's his name?" Kairi looked at me, telling me to answer.

"Michael Ace Kawamoto." I said proudly.

"Ok, we already weighed them and stuff so just tell me your names." She said while writing down Michael's name.

"My name is Sora Jay Kawamoto."

"And my name is Kairi Lynn Hayashi." The nurse wrote that down as fast as she could.

"Ok, what are the little girl's names?" Kairi smiled widely.

"This one here name is Mariah Skye Kawamoto." Kairi told her referring to our oldest daughter. "And this little one over here name is Miley Dawn Kawamoto." Kairi kissed Miley on the head.

"Aww, cute names!" The nurse complemented. "And they were born on September 10 2006." After she left, the visitors were aloud to come in.

"Kairi!" Selphie hugged Kairi. "You ok?"

"I'm fine, I heard my brother was here. Where is he?"

"He went to the store with Tidus."

"I didn't know you had brother!" I said suddenly, scaring Michael. Causing him to cry. "Aww, I'm sorry!" I apologized putting a bottle in his mouth.

"Now look what you did, you meany!" Namine said as she walked in the room with Roxas. Namine was now three months pregnant; it's just now starting to show. "How was it Kairi?"

"Painful!" Kairi replied. "But it was worth it. Look." Kairi handed Namine Miley and Mariah to Selphie.

"Aww! Their so cute!" Selphie said tickling Mariah. "Hi there little Mariah!"

"Oh my gosh!" Namine and Selphie made little baby noises; it was starting to drive me crazy!

"So Sora, what was your job?" Roxas asked sitting next to me.

"I had to catch them." I said as if it were nothing.

"Are you serious?" Roxas eyes grew five times bigger than what they were before.

"Yeah, it wasn't that hard."

"Damn, I have to do that too don't I?"


"Well, can I hold him?" I nodded and placed Michael in Roxas's arms.

"Hey there little guy!" Michael spit up on him. Roxas laughed nervously. "Here, you can have him back. We all laughed as Roxas ran in the bathroom saying 'ew' the whole way. I looked at my son. He had his eyes open.

"Kairi look!" I stood up so she could see him.

"He has your eyes Sora." She said bushing her hand ageist Michael's cheek.

"Here, you haven't held him yet." I handed her our son. Michael made one of those little baby giggles when he looked at his mother. Kairi rubbed her nose ageist his, making him laugh more.

"Aww, he's so cute!" Kairi said cradling him in her arms. "Aren't you?" Michael yawned. "Haha, he's tired."

"Here Sora." Namine and Selphie handed me both of my girls. They were both asleep. Miley buried her head in my chest. I smiled as Mariah did the same as her sister.

"Well, I'm gonna take a nap…" Kairi said placing Michael beside her with her arm around him so he won't fall.

"Sure, fall asleep soon as I come in…" A male voice said. Kairi's eyes shot open!


"That's KC to you little sis!" Kable said sitting on the other side Kairi so that he was across for me. He had spiky red hair, kind of like mine, except mine is spikier. His also had the same eyes as his sister. "And you must be the dude who knocked up my sister!" He said in an I'm-her-big-brother-back-off kind of voice.

"Hehe, umm…that's me…" I said nervously.

"Haha, chill dude, I'm not gonna hurt you!" He said happily. I'm sighed in relieve.

"Hey Sora." Kairi whispered to me. "You wanna see something funny?" I nodded. "Hey big bro! Drink this soda. I hate Dr.Pepper!" Kairi handed him the drink.

"Sure thing!" As soon as he took a drink, Kairi said, "Toilet." Suddenly the Dr.Pepper came spraying out of his nose and he started laughing like crazy! "God Kairi! You know… I can't stand… it when you…do…that!" He said between laughs. We all busted out laughing! All the noise woke up our kids, so they did the first thing they learned to do. Cry.

"Aww, it's ok." I said in a caring voice. Miley and Mariah calmed down a bit once I gave them each a bottle. Michael just fell asleep again after his sisters quieted down.

"Hey, can hold my nephew?" KC asked looking at Michael. Kairi nodded and handed her son to him. Michael opened his eyes. "Hey there little guy!" Michael laughed at him as he made funny faces.

After a few hours, visiting hours were up and everybody went home. KC went to Tidus's house because Tidus happened to be one of his best buds. The kids didn't cry that much after they left, giving Kairi and I plenty of time to talk. We talked about stuff like what were going to do when they get older. Kairi said that she wanted me to go to college then get a good job. I better get a good job. I have a family now. I have a great girlfriend, who is going to become my wife once legal. Plus I have three kids. All of which are beautiful accidents.

Well guys, that was the end. Sorry if you didn't like the ending!I promise I might make a squeal to this story! Please review!