
Chichi crossed her arms and looked at the three boys sitting at the table. Their story thus far was not really anything she wanted to hear, she wasn't even sure if Goten was telling the truth.

"Videl kissed you," Goten yelled, "Why wasn't I there? Was it cause of my picking up women techniques."

"No," Gohan rolled his eyes.

"I bet it was."

"It wasn't"

"How Do you know!"

"Cause your techniques are stupid!"

Goten glared at Gohan, "Take that back."

"No! It's true."

"I'll kill you," Goten tried to reach for Gohan over Goku but Goku grabbed his arm.

Chichi sighed and tried to yell over them, "That's a great story you guys, but that still doesn't explain why you were fighting."

"Doesn't it mom, doesn't it," Goten relaxed back in his seat.

"No Goten it doesn't"

"Well if you hadn't interrupted the story we would have gotten there. Okay. Oh dad I think it's your turn to tell part of it."

"Oh no, I'm good," Goku laughed.

"You haven't talked in a while dad and people really like to hear what you have to say, especially mom."

Goku laughed, "Well if Chichi wants to hear it."

"She does," Goten reached around Goku's chair and pulled Gohan's hair, "Girly hair!"

"What! Ow! You're the one with the long hair," Gohan sighed.

"Yeah but mine's stylish."

Goku took a deep breath and continued, ignoring the children fighting behind him.

Goku's POV

So the next day we decided to pick up where we left off, since we were unaware of the kiss that supposedly took place. Still, Goten figured it was a good sign that Videl came over and actually went in Gohan's room alone, although he did have theories about Gohan getting scared and wetting his pants.

Anyway we decided to head to the flower shop, where ever that was. I guess it was in the city somewhere.

"Do you think we will run into Vegeta," Goten asked.

"Why would we?"

"Well I don't know. Maybe Vegeta's buying flowers for…you."


"Yeah, dad. I've seen the way he looks at you."

This part really disturbs me so I'm going to skip it. So anyway, we went to the flower shop that Goten apparently knew of and walked in. There was this little chubby lady who helped us out and Goten had to say something totally embarrassing when we walked in the door, "Hey, do you got any flowers that will get someone laid? We have a desperate friend."

So I had to pull him aside and explain to him he couldn't say that to people but he insisted, "Dad these are professionals, they'll know." He pulls away and goes about asking weird questions till he finally gets the flowers. They offered him roses but he insisted this girl was too plain for roses. So we settled on less attractive flowers that were mostly leaves.

"Are you sure she will like those? I would have gotten something, I don't know, prettier."

"Dad this is from Gohan TO Videl. Gohan's stupid and Videl is frumpy, it's fine."


"Let's just go. I got a card that we can attach. I think it was free, if not I just took it."

"What do we write on it?"

"I don't something nice. Maybe we should try to trick Gohan into telling us what he would write?"

It didn't seem like a good idea, but if I argued with Goten he would just end up making a big deal out of it. We headed back to the house, but Gohan wasn't there when we got there. Goten was pretty mad but I calmed him down and we went out to play for while we waited for him to get back.

A while later Gohan finally came back, the bad thing was Videl was with him. It wasn't like really bad but it interfered with our plans. We followed them inside the house.

"Hi Gohan, and sir, I don't think I know your name," Goten smiled at Videl, but she ignored him.

"Not now Goten," Gohan mumbled.

Neither one of them said anything to use after that, they didn't even acknowledge us really. I figured something must be wrong so I decided to distract Goten from the mission for a few days and we took that time off and went to train.