Oblivion High

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom hearts -mutters- I wish TT… but the fan fiction must go on!

Everything was dark. Roxas was calling for someone from a far distance. They didn't hear him until he tripped on his own two feet. They turned around and just stood there looking at the poor dirty blond on all fours. Roxas called for the figure in the darkness several more times, until the figure walked slowly towards him. Roxas sat up still on the dark ground looking up at the older boy with tears running down his face.

"Axel, -sniffle- I…" before he could speak another word, the red head began to fade into the dark abyss. There was one last cry for the fading character, then there was an annoying sound of an alarm clock rattling in Roxas' ear.

"NO!" Roxas sat up in his bed breaking out in a cold sweat. Looking around from his bed, he noticed nothing different. He looked over at the other bed from across the room. It was occupied by his roommate, Axel. Who happened to be sitting up in his bed giving Roxas a confused look.

"um, what was that all about?" Roxas blinked absent minded for a moment and then spoke up,

"uh, I had a dream the kool-aid guy from those commercials came busting into my room saying OH YEAH, OH YEAH!" Roxas said imitating the kool-aid man. Axel immediately fell off his bed laughing and shouting through laughs saying,

"YEAH! I REMEMBER THAT VIDEO! DANE COOK IS ONE SILLY BITCH!" Roxas walked over to Axels bed leaning over to the side where Axel fell off.

"oh remember this? I want a bunch of kids, the first one I have, I don't care boy or girl I'm naming it Rlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlr." Axel started bagging up laughing once again unable to breath with tears of joy flying every which way. Roxas finally went around the bed and helped Axel up. Axel on the other hand was at least trying to calm down from the famous stand up comedy of Dane Cook.

As soon as they were finished their little one on one laughs they got ready and set off for school at Oblivion high school in the semi- big, Twilight Town. The school seemed like a giant Catholic church with stain glass windows of a different color. Some of the stain glasses had Key blade masters supposedly fighting heartless'. others where of the famous King Mickey Mouse sitting upon his throne. Mean while the student's were walking into the elegant building of learning.

Roxas and Axel were rushing into the school last as usual because of waking up at such a ridiculous time. Inside the marvelous building some of Roxas' friends were waiting for him at home room. A blonde boy by the name of Hayner kept calling him to hurry up while the others just stood there smiling. Roxas, at the last second stepped on his own shoe laces ending up falling on Hayner.

"Oops, sorry Hayner." Roxas said with uneasiness. Hayner looked at Roxas for a moment then got up quickly brushing off some dust from the floor.

"It's all good Rox." They all entered the classroom as the bell finally rang. In the class room, everyone was sitting on top of their desks or just standing up, talking to each other. The room was a disarray of crumbled up paper balls, and book bags. This particular class room barely had a teacher around to keep the students in order, so the adolescence ran ramped when they got the chance. Roxas and his friends knew that there wouldn't be a teacher for the rest of the class period so they decided to goof off in the class room by writing silly comments on the chalk board. Just as Roxas was about to doodle something on the board, he heard a voice calling his name from outside the classroom. He walked to the open door and peered outside to take a look. Then with no warning someone yanked him outside the classroom. Roxas wanted to make a fuss by kicking who ever was yanking him out so fast.

"Hey! Let me go you… huh? Axel!" Roxas exclaimed. Axel gave him a goofy smile saying,

"So this is how you greet your room mate?" Roxas sighed with relief knowing it wasn't some total stranger.

"What are you doing here?" Roxas asked confused in a way.

"I'm about to skip school for the day, I wanted to come by to see if you wanted to come along with me." Roxas was unsure looking at the classroom door then back at Axel.

"What if we get caught?" Roxas said in an anxious voice. Axel chuckled slightly responding,

"Don't worry Roxas, this school's security system is so low tech, they won't even know were gone. Besides there's not even a teacher in our classes right?" Roxas thought for a moment then responded back,

"That's true… ok then! Lets get a move on." Roxas went back inside the classroom to grab his bag and came out looking a little cheerful. Axel grabbed a hold of Roxas' arm and started running towards the entrance of the school. Then at that very moment, Axel stopped to look at a heartless asleep at the entrance. He chuckled about how stupid the Heartless was and sneaked passed the creature with Roxas. As soon as they went through the iron gates of the school they headed for home.

Roxas knew it was a bad idea to go ditching school, but he couldn't help himself knowing he was ditching school with someone he liked. Shoot! He couldn't help but want to be close to Axel. He also enjoyed the fact that Axel and him lived in the same apartment. It was bliss to know he was near Axel all the time from home to school. He wanted more than anything to get closer to the guy of his dreams.

Soon the two boys were crossing a tiny bridge to get to the apartment buildings sighing in relief. Suddenly Roxas stopped right in the middle and peered out at the open waters leading to the ocean. He couldn't help but want to stare at the water for a while longer. Axel turned around noticing Roxas had stopped. He turned back walking up to Roxas from behind grasping Roxas' shoulder.

"Hey were almost home Rox. Are you coming or what?" Axel said higher than a whisper. Roxas froze from a moment noticing Axel had his hand touching his shoulder. The warmth of his hand felt sensational on Roxas' skin.

"Yeah. I just had to stop and look at this view." Roxas replied finally. Axel smiled and continued walking towards the apartment building complex with Roxas who finally followed.

Inside, they entered an elevator with iron gates on it as well, that was manually opened and closed. Axel closed the gate, and turned to push the button for their floor level. Roxas just leaned against the wall looking down at his feet. Suddenly he felt a presence standing very close to him. He looked up at the red head standing with his hand over Roxas' head. Roxas blushed almost as red as the color of Axels hair.

"eh? Axel?" Axel just stared at him for a moment that seemed to last forever. Finally, Axel smiled and turned back to the gate to open the elevator doors. Roxas was dead frozen to the wall he was leaning on. Axel turned back giving a seductive smile.

"Come on were on our floor." Axel said holding out his hand. Roxas finally unfroze from his spot and started walking past Axel. Axel grabbed Roxas' hand lacing his fingers around Roxas'. Roxas turned his head quickly finding himself being pulled close to Axel. He looked up at him with surprised eyes. Axel traced diamonds on Roxas cheeks chuckling. Finally they broke apart. Roxas was so shaken up he ran to their apartment leaving the door wide open. Axel followed closing the door shut and locking it.

"Roxas? Are you ok?" Axel asked in concern. Roxas had run into their room and hid under his bed. Axel knew that was a place he would go to so he walked into their room and towards the bed lying down on the floor, stomach down looking at the blue eyed boy curled up under his bed.

"Roxas? You wanna talk about it?" Axel asked once again. Roxas hid his face for a moment then looked up to stare at the red head. He couldn't seem to take his eyes off of Axels emerald eyes. They were so amazing like the color of absinthe (liquor that is common in Europe but illegal in America). Axel reached his hand out to Roxas.

"Come on out Roxas… we can talk about it." Roxas scooted away from Axels hand and replied in a nervous voice.
"No, you come in…" Axel smiled and nodded in agreement.

"ok you win… I'll come in." Axel responded while taking off his jet black cloak. He crawled under the bed surprised it was very roomy. Roxas laid curled up covering his mouth with a fist. He looked nervous in the dimly lit area. Axel laid on his side looking at Roxas with concern in his eyes.

"Now, what's going on Rox?" Axel repeated. "I know your not having any problems going on at school and were doing just fine so… spill." Roxas looked at Axel with a dazed look on his face with a reply,

"Axel… if I tell you something… will you still be my friend?" Axel smiled with reassuringly.

"Of course Roxas, now what's up?" Roxas bit his lip for a moment then finally said,

"Axel… I …." Roxas couldn't seem to say the words he'd wanted to say to Axel since the day they met. "I can't say it!" Roxas squeezed through the gap between his bed and the wall near the window. Then he crawled off his bed and started running to the front door. Axel crawled out from under the bed and ran after Roxas to the front door as well, who was struggling to open the door, not even noticing the door was locked. Axel put his hand on Roxas' that was holding on to the door knob. Roxas froze again in place stopping what he was attempting to do.

"Roxas… it's ok… you can tell me anything… I would never get upset at what you wanted to say. If you want to tell me something tell me now before it's too late." Axel turned Roxas around from the door to face him. Roxas couldn't say anything, so instead of just telling him, he reached up wrapping his arms around Axels neck pressing his lips onto Axels. Axel was extremely calm about what was just happening, so he wrapped his arms around Roxas' waist or slightly lower than that.

"Moan…" Axel grunted while Roxas was deepening the kiss faster, slipping his tongue between Axels lips. Axel finally picked Roxas up bridal style and took him to the bedroom, throwing him on his own king sized bed. Roxas was surprised to see this coming after just one kiss. Axel crawled on top of Roxas, removing both his and Roxas' clothes. Roxas laid back to relax on the fluffy Egyptian cotton pillow. Axel started kissing him again but also softly dragging his fingers down to Roxas' inner thigh.

"Moan… Axel! Don't tease me!" Axel smiled contently and started to kiss lower, then going back up, dragging his tongue across his body. Roxas was erected and moaning louder without a care in the world. He pulled Axel closer to him moaning and whining over the teasing Axel was doing.

"What do you want me to do Rox?" Axel whispered in Roxas' ear. Roxas whined in Axel ear,

"anything… touch me, kiss me, make love to me… ANYTHING!" Axel chuckled as he started deviously moving his hand to Roxas' excited member, moving his hand up and down slowly yet very gently. Roxas started panting heavily, trembling from head to toe. Suddenly Axel stopped before Roxas could climax, but was still close to doing it.

"why are you leaving me hanging Axel?" Axel spread Roxas' legs and went inside him. Roxas screamed with pleasure. Sweat rolled down both of their bodies making wet spots on the sheets. Axel started thrusting inside Roxas slowly then going faster as the blonde had ordered several times. Then without warning Roxas yelled out,

"OH GOD! I'M GONNA CLIMAX!" Axel kept going and said between heavy pants,

"go ahead, climax Roxy." Finally, there was a erotic scream of pleasure from Roxas. Then everything went quiet. Axel exited Roxas and went to get a towel to clean him up. Roxas was laid out on the bed still trembling but relax at the same time. Axel came back and cleaned Roxas up with the towel. The red head climbed back into bed with the blonde, cuddling up with him, stroking his soft skin. He kissed the younger boys forehead, holding him protectively in his arms.

Roxas could hardly believe the guy he loved so much was in such a position with him. For once, Roxas didn't feel he was alone.

Ok next chapter is coming soon so stick tuned for more chapters to come I promise